- 00:00:50: @jimsissy Yikes! Glad you’re safe!
- 00:02:04: @MickeydotFinn You have no choice. It is mandated by fate.
- 10:08:55: Hee! @kryptoknight01 drew me a Bob for my birthday! http://kryptoknight01.deviantart.com/#/d33hh09 Thank you!
- 10:16:55: @boymonster Um. “Map”?
- 17:44:09: RT @batdrance: The Patriot Act defines domestic terrorism as actions “intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population.”
Example: …
- 17:48:17: RT @richl1: If Amazon get 50,000 people to like them on FB by tomorrow”Mad Men” s1-3 will be $7.99 DVD, $9.99 Blu-ray. http://on.fb.me/f …
- 17:49:12: RT @TSAgov: TSA Advisory: Children who “opt-out” of scans will be told Santa is dead. #tsa #tsagov
- 18:17:12: RT @seananmcguire: Psst. AMAZING NEWS is up on my blog RIGHT NOW: http://bit.ly/hAJZUp // And I’m thrilled to be on the beta squad!
- 19:08:23: @kierabot GAH! Do you have insurance?
- 19:12:54: RT @AnnLarimer: Photo: emehly014: http://tumblr.com/xvwrmgttc
- 19:13:55: @kierabot *laughs* That’s good news, at least!
- 19:18:09: RT @RyanNewYork: Sarah Palin unsure if we’re allies with North or South Korea. http://bit.ly/eQH63q #p2 #tcot #Korea
- 19:21:08: @Esperacchius @GillyPerkyGoth Be sure to check out the AMAZING spice market in the Union Square holiday bazaar. A feast for the nose!
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