From Twitter 12-20-2010

  • 00:51:22: @blazeorama You look fabulous! I bet you had the best costumes at the party!
  • 01:00:39: @fredhicks I like that they distinguish between Women’s and Men’s hoods.
  • 01:15:41: RT @NYTimeskrugman: When Zombies Win
  • 01:17:42: I just planted 25 trees via #ChromeForACause. Browse with @GoogleChrome to support a good cause:
  • 01:26:26: @Esperacchius @Uilos @myyrdneopia @SheckyX @sue_sue4 Doo dooooo da doo doo!
  • 15:10:35: From the brilliant brain of @seananmcguire, a holiday poem with zombies: ‘Twas the Night Before the Uprising…
  • 16:04:02: A fitting decoration for this holiday season, given Saturday’s vote:
  • 18:15:36: Coworker: *disdainfully* Have you seen Odin’s costume? He has an eyepatch! Me: *stares* He’s /Odin/…
  • 18:27:50: @sinspired You mean knowledge of the ancient Norse pantheon isn’t geeky? :D
  • 19:10:16: “No one believes me when I say that Bob Dylan sings like Captain Kirk.” –Coworker Pete
  • 23:09:56: My favorite two groups are third and fourth place? This is my angry face, America. #SingOff
  • 23:17:36: @RobJDurand It only comes out rarely. And if it sees its shadow, it goes back underground, and we have six more weeks of pleasantness.
  • 23:18:32: RT @Dark_Puck: RT @strikesoftly: Yes RT @hipsterchrist: i would pay to see an “it gets better” video from albus dumbledore. #stillwaitin …
  • 23:22:10: “Terriers” was by TIM MINEAR? God, no wonder it was cursed! And now I doubly need to watch it, because I adore everything he’s done.
  • 23:29:54: RT @ConanOBrien: Ricky Gervais has asked me to tweet this essay on his Atheism. I pray to almighty Zeus nobody reads this trash: http:// …
  • 23:33:00: RT @laughingsquid: Christmas vs. Xmas
  • 23:36:36: @Esperacchius But vampires look most tragic and emo and sexy against full moons! Lunar eclipses spoil the vibe!
  • 23:38:21: @myyrdneopia @NikNoey @stellamortis @RobJDurand @Esperacchius *perks up* Did someone say show tunes?
  • 23:41:40: @ksmccarthy24 Timelines are neat! *hugs one*
  • 23:49:43: RT @cleolinda: RT @ropeofsilicon: ‘Black Swan’ and ‘True Grit’ Scores Ineligible for Oscar, Is ‘Inception’ Next?:
  • 23:52:10: RT @jeffeastin: Rumors are true, Forging Bonds (Jan 25) is #WhiteCollar flashback ep: How Neal met Kate, Mozzie & Peter! http://liten.b
  • 23:54:21: RT @OriginalSnuggie: Snuggie® will donate a new Snuggie® blanket (up to 200K) to charities nationwide every time this is re-tweeted this …

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