From Twitter 01-04-2011

  • 00:03:45: Check out a chart of this year’s movie earnings via @io9
  • 00:20:39: “My Year Without Star Wars” by @OKBJGM is superb. Some great points to chew over…
  • 00:50:00: Hooked up the new Blu-Ray player. Christened it with Scott Pilgrim. Thank you, @EdgarWright, for a truly religious experience.
  • 01:01:19: RT @mental_floss: According to Nielsen, Americans watched more TV than ever in 2010—an average of 34 hours per week. //How is this possible?
  • 01:07:22: RT @AdviceToWriters: Map of America’s dialects (via @GuyKawasaki)
  • 01:11:02: @seananmcguire Alice and I have that in common. The first half, at least.
  • 09:26:12: RT @neilhimself: LOOK! NEW BLOG ENTRY Yes: posted by Neil

    At the end of the wedding ceremony last night, our… WA …

  • 09:30:11: Yesterday, I remarked to myself how easy it was to return to work after 10 days off. Today, every fiber of my being screams DO NOT WANT.
  • 09:30:59: RT @edgarwright: People of NYC, Scott Pilgrim Vs The World shows at the great Landmark Sunshine Theatre this Fri & Sat at midnight http: …
  • 09:32:36: But I am incredibly fortunate to have a job, particularly one I enjoy, with great coworkers and an awesome boss. Onwards!
  • 10:53:28: “Males are harder to figure out, but females are harder to groom.” –one of my (male) coworkers, taken very much out of context
  • 11:00:00: While waiting for the bus, I had a Eureka moment! Possibly relevant to my not wanting to go to work today: I worked for 13 hours yesterday.
  • 11:20:30: 3 of 5 stars to Holidays on Ice by David Sedaris
  • 11:29:06: Your Morning Adorable: Baby Hates Everything
  • 12:40:49: Why do Audible’s sales end at such odd times, rather than midnight? Don’t know how many bks I haven’t bought b/c I didn’t check out in time.
  • 15:22:03: Are the New York Jets’ name a West Side Story reference?
  • 13:21:12: RT @KevinConn: @priscellie No, but the New York Sharks are. Also the New York Bernstein’s are vicious! #IHonestlyDontKnowSorry
  • 13:23:57: RT @jbkuma @priscellie They used to play at Shea Stadium, which is next to Laguardia. // They had to be aware of the coincidence, though?
  • 13:59:56: Time-lapse video condenses the East Coast’s recent blizzard into 40 seconds via @io9
  • 14:31:09: Realized that two packages shipped to my apartment over break are missing. Don’t know if they were RTS, stolen, or what. Feeling quite glum.
  • 14:35:50: @CUnderkoffler *rejoices*
  • 17:05:37: Coworker brought his infant son, Loki, to work. OMGSOCUTE. Whosawiddletrickstergod?
  • 18:39:08: David Tennant is engaged to Georgia Moffett. The family tree will be a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff.
  • 19:35:18: RT @GreenieXIII: Just put my Alera map made and signed by @priscellie into it’s frame.
  • 21:05:36: Okay, this is weird. One of my neighbors is missing a package, too. I am suddenly very glad I had the Blu-Ray delivered to the office.
  • 21:19:34: John Groban Sings Kanye West’s Tweets
  • 21:43:58: Censored Huck Finn also removes “injun.” Does this mean The Dresden Files can no longer be taught in schools? #LTWFTW

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