From Twitter 02-27-2011

  • 01:03:27: @stellamortis One can never buy too many boo… Holy shamoley! That’s almost as many books as I have in my apartment!
  • 01:11:51: @ingridmusic You’re in NY, right? Try Ming Qi Acupuncture. They’re fabulous–they give you a massage first. I’ve fallen asleep on the table.
  • 01:15:10: @gypsyjr Ha! At the White Collar Paley thing, when the less discreet cut of the pool scene came up, I jokingly asked if would be on the DVD.
  • 01:16:17: @gypsyjr Tim Dekay smirked at me. :D
  • 01:21:56: @rekjackson GOSH HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND STUFF. *flings balloons*
  • 11:31:47: 4 of 5 stars to Dead To Me by Anton Strout
  • 14:51:09: On the phone with Time Warner Cable tech support. Shibboleet! Shibboleet!
  • 14:54:25: @antonstrout @RobJDurand Yup. I’m still a newb in the Simonverse!
  • 14:57:51: RT @scalzi: It is now 2011. People whose web sites still play music without your consent should be tried for their crimes. And BEATEN. R …
  • 14:59:38: @maureenjohnson @TeriDoe Will you take us out of the jars before you clean them? Because the humidity will do frightening things to my hair.
  • 15:54:40: INTERNETS: I HAS THEM.
  • 19:23:57: An art installation, via F* Yeah Neil F*ing Gaiman: The Other Mother in the Real World:
  • 19:30:16: I had lentil soup for dinner. My roommate is making bacon. She is a lot smarter than me.
  • 19:52:22: Roommate hideously burned her bacon, setting off the smoke detector! …I win?
  • 19:56:16: Attention Dude on the Street Who Keeps Honking His Horn: There is no man, woman, or beast upon this earth who loves you. Signed, Priscilla
  • 20:01:41: Me: *shouting* FIX YOUR VEHICLE! Roommate: YOU UNCOUTH LOUT! Don’t make me come down there and hit you with my poppysock! Me: Poppysock?
  • 20:04:55: @SunshineDuk I read your response to my roommate. Her: “Finally someone understands me!”
  • 20:14:54: @jbkuma Hugh Laurie said the hardest word for him to say in an American accent is “murder.” *eyes you*
  • 20:16:29: @NikNoey Your family is awesome.
  • 20:17:23: @seananmcguire That feature is currently in beta. You should be able to activate it through Gmail Labs.
  • 20:19:06: @Uilos It worked for Lorne on “Angel”!
  • 20:24:28: RT @cleolinda: RT @TheOnion: #oscars #GiftBags: Cartier diamond-encrusted backstabbing dagger
  • 20:26:54: RT @nkjemisin: ::points, laughs:: Proof that racebending/whitewashing doesn’t pay!
  • 20:27:15: Okay, DOWN SCOPE once more!
  • 21:25:05: Working on the storyboard for my animation class. I am heartily sick of drawing. Where’s the “Make Art” button in Photoshop?
  • 21:27:25: RT @feliciaday: The whole “supreme the orange” part is a pain, but this cake turned out SO YUMMY! Blood orange olive oil cake http://bit
  • 21:28:45: RT @csts: We loved this so much we had to share – How Firefly Should Have Ended (According to Kaylee)
  • 21:34:52: via @jennyowenyoungs, What Is Your Batman Name?
  • 21:37:41: @jbkuma It’s over a hundred drawings. Still interested?

Tweets copied by

From Twitter 02-26-2011

  • 00:54:24: Hey, @longshotauthor fans! The first 3 of 5 GHOST STORY sample chapters will be posted this Tuesday!
  • 00:56:02: @sinspired Unless his character comes back, he was killed in one of the first four episodes…
  • 01:42:11: @myyrdneopia As I said on the thing, it’ll go up Tuesday. Silly goose. :D
  • 01:47:55: Eeee, that girl who draws really lickab–er, well-rendered Dresden art added more! Molly and Morgan and Thomas, oh my!
  • 13:00:56: Y helo thar, 10 hours of sleep! You are looking stupendous this morning. Is that new perfume?
  • 13:40:34: Hilarious poem about the siege of normality by the freaks of the world: Read it!
  • 15:28:04: I feel like a total luddite, but I can’t for the life of me figure out how to comment on tumblr posts. Google provides no enlightenment.
  • 15:43:40: @scalzi Regrettably? Wouldn’t Pigs in a Slanket include two extra “arms” of sausage, wrapped in pancake? I call this a win.
  • 15:49:41: RT @qikipedia: Can anyone explain this very clever illusion for @choobii ?
  • 15:51:10: @Esperacchius @gillyperkygoth I own that one. It’s my favourite shirt ever at the moment. :D
  • 16:40:07: via @gillyperkygoth, a truly nifty video of what happens when Japanese engineers reinvent the waterfall:
  • 16:45:39: @Esperacchius The internet demands pictures!
  • 16:47:29: Mmm, GHOST STORY desktop looking pretty. I love Chris McGrath. #tuesday
  • 16:49:24: RT @laughingsquid: BREAKING: Al Qaeda Attacks Internet Using Photo of Cute Piglet Wearing Boots
  • 16:51:04: RT @byharryconnolly: If you guys make me an international bestseller, I’ll Rothfuss some other defunct property, promise. #maybeSpaceGia …
  • 16:52:23: RT @laughingsquid: Chrome Extension Fixes Twitter’s Grammar, Tells Us “Whom” We Should Follow via @alexia
  • 17:03:35: @byharryconnolly I’m so tempted to set up a “Rothfuss arranges his garden statues” photo tableau at the Park Slope signing.
  • 19:41:24: How is it that despite Harry and Murphy not being in a good place friendship-wise in FM, the comic art makes me ship them even more?
  • 19:47:20: RT @RobJDurand: @priscellie because your shipping of them knows no bounds? // That’s true. Linoleum makes me ship Harry/Murphy.
  • 19:54:55: *schnoogleglomps all the baby Alphas* #foolmooncomicfillsmyheartwithjoy
  • 20:46:01: @Esperacchius Hurrah! Welcome back, subconscious Harry!
  • 21:09:43: Geekosystem’s new site geared to female geeks is called “The Mary Sue”? Who thought that was a good idea?
  • 22:25:33: RT @DoctorLongscarf: Good News! We won’t have to wait a week to see the conclusion of the Series 6 opener. Both will air over the Easter …
  • 22:25:50: RT @holajupiter: Magneto and Mystique are my favorite Mean Girls. On Wednesdays they wear mutant supremacy. Also capes.
  • 22:36:51: @holajupiter “One time Magneto ripped all the iron from my face. It was AWESOME.”
  • 22:41:53: @holajupiter One time he met John Stamos on a plane, and he told him “OH MY GOD PLEASE DON’T KILL ME.”
  • 23:02:47: @TeknoKai @longshotauthor @fredhicks @Esperacchius Ha, Matt’s not a beta. I mentioned to him that Murphy wa… (cont)
  • 23:29:46: @TeknoKai @longshotauthor @fredhicks @Esperacchius Oh, hey! I forgot that Chase put said art on his blog! Check it out:
  • 23:40:41: @Esperacchius @teknokai @fredhicks @longshotauthor Oh, yeah! Chase has some great Fool Moon sneak peeks on dA:

Tweets copied by

From Twitter 02-25-2011

  • 00:24:46: RT @mishacollins: Gadgafi said Bin Ladin put pills in ordinary Libyans’ nescafe, which incited them to revolt. Anyone know where I can b …
  • 00:53:59: I have a fasting blood test at noon tomorrow. I expect I’ll be ready to gnaw my own arm off by then.
  • 01:36:41: Dear Priscilla, Less internet, more beta! Love, me
  • 09:19:23: @SheckyX Their earliest opening was 10am. Tough to leave work at that time.
  • 09:22:34: RT @NathanFillion: It’s beautiful to dream of more Firefly, but PLEASE DON’T SEND ANY MONEY. Just keep being great Browncoats, which you …
  • 09:24:00: @antonstrout @feliciaday @amber_benson I’m already bringing cupcakes from Sugar Sweet Sunshine, remember? Even better than Magnolia! :D
  • 09:24:33: RT @mental_floss: According to a Columbia University study, 83% of NY prostitutes have a Facebook page. (via @Wired + @TheWeek)
  • 09:28:30: @smuu Maybe execs think 1 1/2 hours is not enough time to develop the male character AND his friends AND blow enough stuff up (con’t)
  • 09:28:44: @smuu (cont’d) AND pass the Bechdel test? But a full season… I guess we can acknowledge women are people!
  • 09:34:31: @gypsyjr WHITE COLLAR has snark and prettiness and awesome women and slashy subtext writ large in flashing neon letters that are on fire.
  • 09:36:07: RT @Pres_Bartlet: At a GOP town hall meeting in Georgia, a man asked a Congressman “when is someone going to shoot Obama?” The crowd lau …
  • 09:38:27: RT @Pres_Bartlet: @SaintRPh He doesn’t condemn the remarks. He doesn’t suggest that it’s not a laughing matter. He doesn’t even say “we …
  • 09:38:32: RT @Pres_Bartlet: @SaintRPh “…where violence does not need to enter the political arena and we solve our problems without weapons or r …
  • 09:40:41: @smuu You lie! Is it about shoes and finding personal validation through the perfect boyfriend and fretting over the size of one’s boobs?
  • 10:37:08: @gillyperkygoth Abridged audiobooks are an affront to god and man. Which book?
  • 10:38:44: I just read the word “oenology” as “onanology.” Didn’t realize Groupon offered specials on onanism.
  • 10:44:27: @gillyperkygoth Checked Audible. The unabridged version should be just over 5 hours. How does yours compare?
  • 10:53:53: The roof of my coworker’s mouth is bleeding because of the sharp edges of Captain Crunch. He does not find this as horrifying as I do.
  • 11:12:04: RT @xenijardin: The women behind this project are hecka cool. -> RT @BoingBoing: StyleKouncil: new “closet curation” consultancy in S …
  • 12:07:09: These are GLORIOUS: Actors in Character! Laurence Fishburne as an 11-year-old gamer is PERFECTION.
  • 12:10:24: Oh, woah, that site blatantly stole “Actors in Character” from Vanity Fair. Instead, visit:
  • 13:15:24: Huzzah! I survived fasting exsanguination without fainting!
  • 13:35:56: @Esperacchius I have homework. Sorry.
  • 14:41:40: RT @smuu: Superhero Girl is updated! The Kevin Saga begins: Please RT if you like it. :)
  • 14:59:14: RT @dinosaurcomics: It’s kinda the greatest unsolved problem in computer science!
  • 15:10:24: RT @Lifehacker: Google takes dead aim at content farms and “low-quality” sites, changes 12% of results:
  • 15:13:55: Heeeeeey, Amazon. I know you want to send me my copy of WISE MAN’S FEAR nowish so it arrives on release day. Yeah, that’s right, you do.
  • 16:37:50: RT @factlets: Specialisterne hires autistic workers as software testers for their heightened ability to concentrate on details. http://f …
  • 18:10:13: Coworkers and I were talking about family members who died in freak accidents, and our window suddenly blew open. Yeah, that’s unsettling.
  • 18:21:17: I have something really exciting brewing for @longshotauthor fans! I should be able to announce something later today. #shamelesstease
  • 18:31:09: @camsmith25 Funny you should ask…
  • 19:12:15: Your Daily Skeeve: HarperCollins Puts 26-Loan Cap on Library Ebook Circulations
  • 19:55:38: Puppy O’Clock at work! Georgie’s hair is particularly moldable today.
  • 22:07:52: @gypsyjr …I want to watch that episode again with that in mind. #theThomasRaithAndMalcolmDresdenShow
  • 22:31:22: RT @mental_floss: Wil Wheaton (@wilw) has been immortalized—as a unit of measurement. 1 Wheaton = 500,000 followers on Twitter.
  • 22:32:32: .@mental_floss’s tweet about “the Wheaton” unit of measurement is up there with Rothfuss’ Gaiman-Day unit of coolness
  • 22:34:41: @byharryconnolly Does RULE 34 follow Rule 34?
  • 22:38:17: RT @neilhimself: Seriously fascinating set of statistics from WIRED on the New York sex business.
  • 22:53:07: Amused to see that my neighborhood is an oasis of a low-density of prostitution. I’m sure my parents are thrilled!
  • 23:02:05: Hey, lip, you can stop bleeding any time now.
  • 23:16:26: @mkcho73 Yes, they float! Like witches, wood, very small rocks, and a duck.
  • 23:21:57: @Esperacchius After seeing him play Lucifer in THE PROPHECY? Heck yeah!
  • 23:53:31: This riotously funny @WhiteCollarUSA review was machine-translated to Japanese and back to English.

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From Twitter 02-24-2011

  • 01:28:35: Heading home! It was my turn to do overtime.
  • 01:55:42: Just passed a car with the license plate “HIB.” Apparently, the Vord Queen drives a Honda.
  • 08:54:00: RT @boymonster: Kiwi designers (including me!) feature in the PDFs available in DriveThruRPG’s NZ Red Cross Earthquake Relief bundle: ht …
  • 08:56:40: @xiehicks That is so absurdly precious! Mommy and Daddy’s little geek girl is growing up in great wisdom. :D
  • 08:56:55: RT @Tabz: Picked up this book “Whedonistas” – personal essays from female Joss fans. at #gally can’t wait to …
  • 08:57:04: RT @sjcaustenite: Just attended the Whedonistas launch panel–if chicks dig Time Lords, then dudes can dig Slayers, right? #gally
  • 10:24:07: @myyrdneopia What did Ms. Next do to you?
  • 10:33:34: Squee! My class was conveniently rescheduled on the nights @jasperfforde and Pat Rothfuss are in town, so I can attend both! #charmedlife
  • 10:41:07: RT @denofgeek: Does Syfy really love sci-fi any more?
  • 10:54:49: RT @jul_weiss: Pink Raygun Update: Whedonistas: An Autobiographical Book Review
  • 11:07:04: @SheckyX Yup. March 15th at B&N in Park Slope.
  • 11:13:35: All caught up on the Alera map shipments!
  • 12:01:15: RT @beatonna: oh wait one more thing. How great is this NYPL digital picture archive? you’ll lo …
  • 12:01:46: RT @beatonna: ah! We had a new yorker cartoon published, but it was in the ipad edition. well there you go
  • 12:09:46: Congratulations, Dr Pepper. You totally failed to grasp what made the Old Spice ads appealing.
  • 12:23:29: Male coworkers like the Dr Pepper ad. Huh? I’m still boggling at the wisdom of ostracizing an entire gender.
  • 12:24:35: @seananmcguire *plants Oxford Comma flag on my corner of the internet*
  • 12:26:09: @mkcho73 That’s a specialty of the Texas State Fair. Fried Butter. My arteries hurt at the thought.
  • 12:34:57: @seananmcguire Yay coordinate adjective comma rules! Tall, distinguished man–CORRECT. Little, old lady–INCORRECT.
  • 12:51:28: @SheckyX @blazeorama Only compared to a humorously exaggerated, ridiculous ideal. Inadequate != Not smelling of diamond-encrusted kittens.
  • 13:03:56: Coworkers think it would be funny if DrP released a parallel ad for same product with RomCom heroines claiming that it’s a women’s drink.
  • 13:04:24: I think it would be funnier if parallel ad was virtually identical, but with a female action hero. Satirizes idea of “gendered” soft drinks.
  • 13:05:23: @Esperacchius @blazeorama @SheckyX I linked to it in my first tweet on the subject.
  • 13:09:05: What emotional resonance is Dr Pepper attempting to strike? Do men want something uniquely theirs, which women aren’t allowed to enjoy, too?
  • 13:20:27: @Esperacchius @SheckyX Old Spice ads for women who love men who love women. DrP ad for men who feel threatened at idea of being unmanly.
  • 13:40:27: @kierabot They released a new product, Dr Pepper 10, which they’re marketing exclusively to men. Exclusively being the operative word.
  • 13:47:55: Okay, I think I’ve talked enough about Dr Pepper. Just maybe.
  • 13:52:58: @RobJDurand I haven’t had a soft drink since 1997. :D
  • 13:58:38: @RobJDurand Sugar? More like high-fructose corn syrup and nasty artificial sweetners. I’ll stick with water, thanks!
  • 19:42:34: Lentils: they’re super delicious, guys.
  • 20:03:40: Today’s word of the day:
  • 21:20:59: Stopped by B&N to pick up @antonstrout’s Dead Waters, but they were sold out! Requested they order additional copies. Well done, Anton. :D
  • 21:29:51: RT @BreakingNews: Maryland Senate approves legislation to grant same-sex couples full marriage rights – AP // YESSSSS!!!
  • 21:33:09: @antonstrout They said they ordered several copies, which arrived on the 21st.

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From Twitter 02-23-2011

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From Twitter 02-22-2011

  • 02:03:44: RT @DoctorWhoNY: Started #whedonistas on the plane. Same great style as Chicks Dig Time Lords. A good read so far. Good stuff from @madn
  • 08:48:43: I didn’t pay much attention to current events while in D.C. Now catching up on Christchurch and Libya and Wisconsin. My jaw is on the floor.
  • 10:59:39: It is STUPIDLY COLD in the office. I’m wearing my sweater and heavy coat, and I’m still cold. I can barely type, as my fingers are frozen.
  • 11:28:12: via Kelsey and Helen — Grammar Nazis!
  • 12:17:53: Coworkers and I are seriously considering finding a metal trash can and starting a hobo fire for warmth.
  • 12:47:03: RT @nzherald: Google has developed this people finder for the Christchurch earthquake. #chch #eqnz
  • 13:00:17: RT @mightykatemusic: it’s been a while since I’ve posted this – check it out if you haven’t seen it!
  • 13:00:46: @mightykatemusic Oh, wow. I must’ve missed it the first time around. Beautiful!
  • 14:02:00: Email Etiquette II: the negativity bias via @the99percent
  • 14:11:52: Your Daily Badass: Three Kenyan men vs. Fifteen hungry lions
  • 15:44:42: New Hyperbole and a Half! The Scariest Story: Thanks for making my entire office erupt in laughter, @AllieBrosh!
  • 16:28:42: RT @victoriajanssen: it bears repeating. FIVE of the SIX Nebula nominations for novel were written by WOMEN!!! – The List: http://bit.
  • 17:04:08: via @Esperacchius, Han-in-Carbonite and R2D2 ice cube trays! WANT!
  • 17:12:16: Dear Priscilla, Opening your Amazon orders and gazing longingly at WISE MAN’S FEAR will not make it arrive any faster. You’re being creepy.
  • 17:18:05: @ShannonKButcher Is he hiding under the stairs because he loves you? Glad to see he’s safe with his packmates!
  • 18:46:49: It’s Not Jackie Chan!
  • 23:08:04: Came home to the heavenly aroma of baking brownies. Someone’s eating salad for lunch tomorrow!
  • 23:17:03: @MickeydotFinn You’re welcome. :D

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From Twitter 02-21-2011

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From Twitter 02-20-2011

  • 00:02:19: RT @DoctorLongscarf: A Dalek, a Rabbi & a nun are in a rowboat. Rowboat sinks due to weight of Dalek. Dalek’s can breathe underwater.#da …
  • 00:02:28: RT @DoctorLongscarf: A Dalek dies and arrives at the Pearly Gates. Saint Peter begs for mercy. None is granted. #Dalekhumour #DoctorWho …
  • 12:27:20: Shenanigans were had with @ksmccarthy24 and @myyrdneopia!
  • 19:27:23: RT @myyrdneopia: “Is that a puppy in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” -@sergeantmurphy and #dresdenvalentines
  • 19:27:28: RT @ksmccarthy24: Victor Sells: “Your heart is mine, Valentine.” #dresdenvalentines
  • 19:27:32: RT @myyrdneopia: “I want your firstborn.” —Maeve, #dresdenvalentines
  • 19:27:40: RT @myyrdneopia: “Nice shoes.” —@WeDontSparkle, #dresdenvalentines
  • 19:40:14: .@ksmccarthy24’s Declaration of Independence is signed by ZARTRAM THE MERCILESS.
  • 19:40:32: Explored the National Museum of American History with @ksmccarthy24. We have seen things that are RIDICULOUSLY COOL and learned many facts!
  • 19:44:19: RT @nytimes: City Room: Wallet Lost 40 Years Ago Now Is Found
  • 20:02:45: @myyrdneopia I TOLD YOU. *draws hearts all over THE NAME OF THE WIND* Nine days until WISE MAN’S FEAR!
  • 20:03:21: RT @OKBJGM: “baz luhrmann’s ‘the great gatsby’ in 3-d to shoot in sydney.” uh…what’s RIGHT with this picture?
  • 20:05:47: @Esperacchius They mostly send out mass emails for the No Pants Subway Rides and MP3 Experiments. The group is way too big for most pranks.

Tweets copied by

From Twitter 02-19-2011

  • 00:11:38: I was feeling inexplicably agitated. Then I remembered OH YEAH MY BOOK LAUNCHES TOMORROW. #ohgodpleaseloveme #raginginsecurity #breeeeathe
  • 00:16:16: @gypsyjr YESYES. My little “SplatterCon!!!”/”!!!!” exchange is wholly inadequate for the great potential of Dresden/Middleman crossoverdom.
  • 00:29:27: @gypsyjr Ha! Yeah, “Wizard World Chicago” is already something else. And titles are only three words long!
  • 00:30:36: @gypsyjr As long as Harry’s Murphyonic field doesn’t fry Ida. :D “You killed Baby HADAR!”
  • 00:44:41: @gypsyjr I want the Middleman to go to Mac’s and order a milk.
  • 00:45:06: RT @mental_floss: Vanna White is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as “Television’s Most Frequent Clapper.”
  • 08:10:35: RT @neko_case: Thomas Edison electrocuted an elephant. That is the opposite of “hot”. He is barred from “History Crush”
  • 08:12:51: I somehow inhaled some egg during breakfast. I feel like I have egg in my sinuses. Even Yummy Sushi socks cannot make this bearable.
  • 08:14:13: RT @viennateng: Taped this a while back, didn’t know it’d actually air! California Report piece on the story behind “City Hall” http://p …
  • 12:19:22: @ksmccarthy24 We haven’t hit Baltimore yet, so I’m guessing we’ll be late. Will tweet when in Baltimore–should be an hour after that.
  • 13:21:54: @ksmccarthy24 In Baltimore! Should arrive in D.C. in an hourish.
  • 15:12:04: “Oh! Speaking of dead people!” –@ksmccarthy24
  • 17:02:42: Oh, I should note that I HAS A KAT!!!!! And @ksmccarthy24 has a meeeeeeeee!
  • 21:57:38: @anglophile80 EEEEPRETTY!
  • 22:04:53: @anglophile80 Huh? Yes, I did. Kordholt, Aldoholt, Warnerholt, Rothholt, Ottoholt, Bernardholt. What’s the problem?
  • 22:05:40: @anglophile80 I accidentally said “Aricholt” in the book, which is wrong. Aldo is correct!
  • 22:38:51: @myyrdneopia @SheckyX THAT WAS SAID IN ALL LOVE AND RESPECT. P.S. Shecky was totally wrong.
  • 22:42:58: “You’re always on my mind, Valentine.” –Lash, #dresdenvalentines
  • 22:44:03: “Our love, like polka, will never die.” –Waldo Butters, #dresdenvalentines
  • 22:44:38: “You can conjure by my name any time, Valentine!” –Harry Dresden, #dresdenvalentines
  • 22:46:15: “I’ll love you for the rest of your life.” –Lara Raith, #dresdenvalentines
  • 22:47:08: “If you can read this valentine, you’d better have bought me dinner.” –@PadawanMolly, #dresdenvalentines
  • 22:48:03: “My love for you needs large breed puppy chow.” –Mouse, #dresdenvalentines
  • 22:48:53: “I’ve lost my head for you, Valentine.” –Warlock kid from the beginning of Proven Guilty, #dresdenvalentines
  • 22:50:18: “Want to hold my staff?” –@Za_Lord, #dresdenvalentines
  • 22:51:07: “Loving you is a hair-raising experience.” –Justine, #dresdenvalentines
  • 22:51:56: “My heart is on fire, and it’s all your fault.” –@Za_Lord, #dresdenvalentines
  • 22:53:31: “Show me your tits.” –@BobLeSkull, #dresdenvalentines
  • 23:30:14: via @byharryconnolly: Become a Jedi in 10 Easy Steps, Great Gatsby for NES, & indie bookstores near closing @Borders:
  • 23:38:16: RT @feliciaday: RT: @laughingsquid Cat Bowling Using a Laser
  • 23:41:51: RT @absolutspacegrl: “Women should be married and stay home with the kids.” 1950? Nope, 2011. The mind reels…
  • 23:57:45: RT @MadNorwegian: Wonderful launch panel and signing for #Whedonistas. Big thanks to everyone who came out. :-)

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From Twitter 02-18-2011

  • 00:37:14: I dig all the Lensbaby shots in #FairlyLegal. I need to do some more photography soon.
  • 01:01:47: RT @OldSpice: Ladies, can I take you to the freshest of distant cultures? Find out in my new commercial, I call Komodo.
  • 01:03:20: RT @EqualityAmerica: Facebook adds 2 new relationship status options for U.S. residents: “In a Domestic Partnership” and “In a Civil Uni …
  • 01:07:49: RT @sadbhyl: RT @nwhepcat: RT @robkroese: De-funding NPR to balance the budget is like shaving to lose weight.// THIS.
  • 01:13:16: RT @laughingsquid: Apple To Build Biggest Store Yet In Grand Central Terminal via @cultofmac // OPULENCE, I HAS IT.
  • 01:15:04: RT @nataliemorales: RT @c2e2 Middleman reunion w/ Brit Morgan, Natalie Morales & Matt Keeslar will be on Sat. March 19 5:30 in Rm 470a h …
  • 01:16:47: RT @WriteRCastle: My good friend, the amazingly handsome @NathanFillion will appear on Letterman tonight. We’re all going out together a …
  • 01:28:22: @holajupiter @fourteenacross Man. I have a million fairy tale revision books I could rec, but none satisfy those two points. XD
  • 01:31:05: “If one of us dies, we’re gonna stage it to look like a suicide caused by the unjust cancellation of Firefly.” #community #ilovethisshow
  • 01:33:26: @rekjackson @WILW IS IN AN EPISODE OF I-MAN? MUST REWATCH *NOW.* #capslockpowersactivate
  • 01:38:25: @ShannonKButcher Knowing the two of you, I’d worry if you STOPPED cackling. He probably thought you were torturing characters.
  • 01:39:46: @MickeydotFinn Wave in the general direction of my family!
  • 01:42:03: RT @RitaJKing: 125,000 Indian farmers have committed suicide after using genetically modified crops: via @lksriv
  • 01:45:13: Okay, it’s bedtime. #cantsleepmustreadmorenameofthewind
  • 09:06:25: @jimmyaquino @KevinConn Yeah, mea culpa. Some folks on my flist quoted it, and I didn’t think twice. Thanks for the reminder it’s uncool.
  • 09:11:02: RT @Pres_Bartlet: Indiana is debating an amendment to ban gay marriage. Indiana also once had an amendment banning blacks from living in …
  • 09:26:31: RT @dmataconis: Karl Rove: GOP Must Denounce Birthers, Not Coddle Them
  • 09:30:30: .@neilgaiman reposted the “George R. R. Martin is not your Bitch” blog post. Much appreciated. Truer words!
  • 09:32:17: @blazeorama I would watch the HECK out of that Jeopardy! Heck, that’s a show idea that has legs.
  • 12:02:58: Maybe I’ve listened to the Fool Moon audiobook too many times, but when I was looking at the new batch of art, I could hear Harry’s lines..
  • 12:03:07: …(or the general gist, at least) in my head when looking at each panel. Chase is knocking out some really solid work.
  • 17:43:03: On this menu, they left out the “r” in “your”. Make You Own Pasta!
  • 17:44:24: Hey! Turns out we have Monday off! Hmm, what shall I do with my three-day weekend? You busy, @ksmccarthy24? *bats eyelashes*
  • 18:20:08: @Esperacchius @sherlockbones Remember, the run is in late October! You’ll probably need something a little warmer.
  • 20:18:48: Bought my bus tickets for D.C. IT’S ON! #spontaneousweekendofawesomeness
  • 21:44:12: RT @NathanFillion: “@stopredlight: @wilw @NathanFillion how about a small campaign? #wilwforcastle” Engage.
  • 21:45:35: RT @Spinsterellla: RT @reetamac: wait…. hollup. we *fund* NASCAR? and we *defunded* Planned Parenthood? that’s enough America, I want …
  • 21:47:42: OUTRAGE: House votes to bar Planned Parenthood from federal funding. Speak out. #StandWithPP
  • 22:09:23: Woohoo, my map shipping supplies finally arrived! It was supposed to take two weeks–instead, it took 3 1/2.
  • 22:41:36: @Esperacchius Nope! No mapping parties until June or July.
  • 22:42:30: RT @NathanFillion: Looks like there are Browncoats at California Lottery. Stay shiny.
  • 23:20:27: @ljredeye I wouldn’t contribute to them if I didn’t think they were fun!
  • 23:58:20: RT @beatonna: I made this comic about Doctor Who because I’ve never seen it #imagination

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