- 00:23:01: “I looked from Morgan with his juice box to Molly with her shotgun. ‘You two play nice.'” –the best line from TURN COAT ever
- 00:28:44: Went outside to see the #supermoon. I suspect it may, in fact, be a #superspacestation.
- 00:29:27: @throughthebrush Everyone seems to begin and end with Anansi. Sigh.
- 00:31:26: @travelingheidi “I like my defense against killing spells like I like my coffee! Covered in bees!”
- 00:34:41: RT @gypsyjr: I half expected “Operation Odyssey Dawn” to be Charlie Sheen’s new tour name.
- 00:35:27: RT @byharryconnolly: Blog post: “It was as if they’d gathered together in one place as a gift, to give me another chance to murder them …
- 00:43:51: via @stellamortis, the XKCD Radiation Chart: http://xkcd.com/radiation/ I’d be curious to see where the airport scans fall.
- 00:46:46: @Esperacchius Guess we won’t be seeing “Paul” as a group, then?
- 00:47:20: RT @isardasorensen: Tonight’s remarkable #supermoon rising over Harlem. #NYC http://twitpic.com/4b90me
- 00:48:41: RT @girlsreadcomics: First question from Javi: Can you complete the sentence “The dread pyramid of…” They all can.
- 00:52:13: @Wraithmaker Only if you pronounce it “raundry.” Otherwise, you are Felicia-Deist.
- 01:01:21: RT @cracked: Cracked Classic; 12 ‘Sexy’ Ads That Will Give You Nightmares – http://bit.ly/cIYxjV
- 11:51:25: @boymonster Darn tootin’!
- 11:52:34: RT @tara_oshea: For everyone who asked: http://www.cafepress.com/betterw2/5872540 #middleman #c2e2 #fanmadeswag
- 12:04:21: RT @girlsreadcomics: @NatalieMorales @OKBJGM we compiled the middleman panel livetweets! http://bit.ly/gKjnYJ
- 12:10:00: RT @alyankovic: Maybe I should license this song to AFLAC…? http://j.mp/g6kAZa
- 12:26:23: RT @feliciaday: PIC! RT: @brainpicker Perigee “super moon” – moon closest it’s been to Earth since 1993 – rises over Washington http://f …
- 15:59:53: Argh, I have so many things on my plate I rank above my homework. And I’m not taking this class for a grade, so being weak would be easy.
- 19:01:22: “Hey, I know a joke! A squirrel walks up to a tree and says, ‘I forgot to store acorns for the winter and now I am dead.’ (…)
- 19:01:31: (…) Ha! It is funny because the squirrel gets dead.”
- 19:31:03: RT @BrandSanderson: So, here are some awesome Mistborn cosplayers at Vericon. Best inquisitor ever. http://twitpic.com/4bkkov
- 19:34:13: RT @cleolinda: RT @io9: io9 readers transform eye-gougingly bad X-Men posters into works of art http://io9.com/5783770/
- 19:37:45: Man, I adore “Up.” Makes me cry like a hungry, angry baby.
- 20:05:25: @teresajusino It’s a Serenity quote, actually. :D But you still need to see it, because it’s beautifully wrenching, but hopeful.
- 20:10:31: @teresajusino Mr. Universe at his wedding to the lovebot. “I cried like a baby. A hungry, angry baby.” :D
- 21:58:48: RT @laughingsquid: – @marcoarment nails it, explaining why @Twitter’s “dickbar” is still so offensive http://ow.ly/4ilyu
- 21:59:55: @holajupiter I find that tweet very social media-forward.
- 22:00:12: @holajupiter That is… not a lot of soup.
- 23:47:18: Roommate loudly singing along to her iTunes. My apartment is super great, guys.
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