From Twitter 04-29-2011

  • 08:04:06: RT @GeorgeTakei: Church of LDS up in arms over Bway’s “Book of Mormon,” says it targets specific group unfairly, hatefully. #Prop8Karma
  • 08:11:19: @ShannonKButcher Pretty sure the Venn diagram overlap between “Butcher fans” and “people who care about the Royal Wedding” is empty. :D
  • 08:12:30: @xiehicks Those EYES! Those gorgeous, perfect eyes!
  • 08:17:33: RT @whedonesque: Somewhere Giles, Adelle, Spike, Badger and Wesley are sitting on a sofa, drinking tea and watching the Royal Wedding co …
  • 08:20:45: RT @travelingheidi: RT @poniewozik Now we’re seeing inside Westminster Abbey. I can’t wait until they take out the Sorting Hat! #royalwe …
  • 08:23:01: RT @salariyabookco: Bored with the #wedding? Step by step instructions for those inclined to #draw an Ankylosaurus
  • 08:24:43: I’m somewhat amused to see only one of the people I follow is genuinely excited about the #RoyalWedding. Everyone else is poking fun. :D
  • 08:24:54: RT @LoreleiKing: HA! RT @fionalaird Just think, first thing this morning all those footmen were just lizards & little white mice. #royal …
  • 08:25:41: RT @reelmolesworth: retwete @stephenackroyd Knew he’d turn up! // *wheezes with laughter*
  • 09:53:29: Wow. Yesterday felt like a Friday, but today feels like a Tuesday or Wednesday! This calls for a song:
  • 10:27:38: RT @thinkgeek: It’s the big day! She’ll be resplendent in white; the crowd hoping weather holds & straining to hear “Lift off!” @ 3:47p …
  • 10:30:11: @sherlockbones @stellamortis When you eat less than your body requires, metabolism slows, & the body clings to its fat stores &burns muscle.
  • 10:44:42: @sherlockbones @stellamortis I can send you the recipe for my breakfast smoothie, if it helps. Super healthy and super energizing!
  • 11:02:05:
  • 11:05:24: @boymonster @ShannonKButcher MY ENTIRE HYPOTHESIS HAS CRUMBLED. Crumbled like a soggy English biscuit dipped in tea! I hope you’re happy.
  • 11:06:42: RT @qikipedia: I am rather like a mosquito in a nudist camp; I know what I want to do, but I don’t know where to begin. STEPHEN BAYNE
  • 11:11:33: @stellamortis @Esperacchius @SheckyX God, I *loved* that bit in Aftermath. Gave me chills. :D
  • 11:32:21: RT @respektor: Our president is being treated like crap by an entitled egomaniac and a bunch of ignorant racists like him……. http:// …
  • 11:36:13: RT @TheQuill: This is Britain, and everything is okay…
  • 11:36:37: RT @Jamie1km: In my quest to find places to donate or help out Alabama storm victims, I found this list. Please share!
  • 11:40:26: RT @DelReySpectra: Where on this map would YOU live? (@kevinhearne)
  • 20:18:49: RT @thinkgeek: “Sartre Wars” will Force choke you w/ apathy: “Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi. I exist & I find it nauseating.”
  • 20:42:47: RT @BrandSanderson: Quote from @JimcHines on our panel. “That series didn’t just jump the shark, it is trying to jump the sharktopus.” …
  • 20:51:42: RT @seananmcguire: The dragon princess! // I love them extra much for reasons you will find when you read the book!
  • 20:54:55: Having seen nothing of the Royal Wedding but the photo of Doctor Who, I am now catching up.
  • 20:55:18: Has anyone made a “touched by its noodly appendage” joke yet about Beatrice’s hat?
  • 20:57:17: @seananmcguire Not so much smugpants as Capris of I’m So Excited For You To Share My LOLz.
  • 21:06:26: The negative space made my the names in my gchat window looks like a snooty waiter with a bowtie in profile. Maybe I should eat.
  • 21:12:45: Oh! I didn’t mention that a big part of Grand Central was cordoned off when I went through. I asked a policeman what happened. (…)
  • 21:13:12: He said there was a potential bomb on a train, but if we stood beyond the tape, we’d “probably” be safe.
  • 21:13:16: Then he complimented the Girl Scout cookies in my purse.
  • 21:13:23: NEW YORK, YOU GUYS.
  • 21:45:45: @RobJDurand @ksmccarthy24 Give @SeananMcGuire time. She hasn’t had the chance to beta-torture me as much as Jim has. :D
  • 21:47:01: @s_a_murphy I’m originally from Texas. It could’ve been “y’all.”
  • 21:49:12: RT @Heifer: Jo Luck, Heifer’s President, appointed by Obama to serve on board for International Food and Agricultural Development – http …
  • 21:50:54: RT @beatonna: this is tomorrow, everyone!
  • 23:00:02: @seananmcguire Poor Lillers! Her life is so haaaaaaaard!
  • 23:28:27: @fourteenacross COMMUNICATE! COMMUNICATE!
  • 23:28:38: @fourteenacross Where did you get that sweet decal?
  • 23:54:45: OH HELL NO. The grocery store IMMEDIATELY BELOW ME decided 11:30 was the PERFECT time to start a construction job that will last ALL NIGHT.
  • 23:55:30: I went down to yell at them and tell them I was trying to sleep, and they just looked sheepish and said they cleared it w/ the blgd owner.
  • 23:55:35: NO ONE CLEARED IT WITH ME.
  • 23:56:50: They are DRILLING INTO THE CEILING. The ceiling that is my FLOOR. It’s like some inverse Du Rififi Chez Les Hommes.
  • 23:58:44: It’s so loud I sometimes have difficulty figuring out what direction it’s coming from, because it’s reverberating through the entire bldg.
  • 23:59:30: They said they’d try to be as quiet as possible. As quiet as possible as they DRILL INTO THE CEILING THAT IS MY FLOOR.

Tweets copied by

From Twitter 04-28-2011

  • 00:33:55: DO NOT MISS this jaw-droppingly gorgeous time-lapse video of the nighttime skies over Spain’s El Teide mountain
  • 00:34:25: That’s the planet we live on, guys. That’s our sky. Let’s take care of it, okay?
  • 00:43:43: @violetinbloom Were those same people complaining when they made Trillian white?
  • 08:09:40: RT @Paradisacorbasi: Remember those 94 tornado reports I tweeted about? It’s now 126. Would you want @NOAA defunded?
  • 08:17:02: RT @KevinConn: The Daily Show has a message for cancer: // We miss you, Lis Sladen.
  • 08:17:40: @gypsyjr *GROUP HUGS*
  • 08:23:58: Hasn’t the Royal Wedding happened yet? Get a move on already!
  • 08:33:07: RT @myyrdneopia: #NorWesCon34 roundup report by @katrchrdsn, and mentions of @longshotauthor and @ShannonKButcher!
  • 09:39:50: @NikNoey @Esperacchius @stellamortis @SheckyX And my family and friends! You can make fun of the STUPID PARTS of Texas, not the whole state.
  • 09:43:18: @Esperacchius @NikNoey @stellamortis @SheckyX About 98%. But hey, Sturgeon’s Law!
  • 09:49:39: @antonstrout Oh man, now I wish I’d worn this shirt:
  • 09:52:34: @stellamortis @Esperacchius @SheckyX My sister went to school with the Bush twins in Dallas. :D
  • 09:53:43: RT @AnnLarimer: Video: › it’s been a very difficult morning for me. um, got the news that President Obama released his… http://tumblr.
  • 11:40:36: @SheckyX @seananmcguire The term “health-conscious” being applied to Diet Dr Pepper? What is the world coming to? :D
  • 12:53:41: RT @cleolinda: RT @wesrucker247: Holy buckets. RT @acforrester2 The Ringgold Tornado!! Unreal picture!! #chawx @wesrucker247 http://twi
  • 12:56:08: RT @cleolinda: RT @andymboyle: Here’s our Alabama Storm People Locator list. Please retweet: #alwx
  • 12:56:49: @Esperacchius *hugs* Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and keep going. You can do it!
  • 13:05:40: RT @badbanana: I wonder if sneaker factories have a Take Your Parents To Work Day.
  • 14:31:44: @SheckyX @seananmcguire As opposed to not drinking carbonated beverages. :D HAIL TEA!
  • 15:01:53: Mmm, I ate a lovely lunch in the rain with some coworkers in Bryant Park, under an umbrella. It was so peaceful.
  • 15:06:36: Attention: @Blazeorama drew Li’l Harry Adventures fanart! Praise her!,25571.0.html
  • 15:27:52: RT @alyankovic: But…what does it all mean??
  • 15:43:50: @CrapFu That’s odd. It’s working for me. Try again?
  • 16:10:29: via @cleolinda — New trailer for the last Harry Potter! Gooooorgeous. *makes grabbyhands*
  • 16:12:01: RT @weatherchannel: Death toll has now reached 249. AL-162, TN-33, GA-14, MS-32, VA-8. This is the 3rd deadliest outbreak post 1930s # …
  • 16:26:16: @ShannonKButcher I think he was trying to tell you that Timmy fell down the well.
  • 17:23:11: @horsehearted I read that as “Orcs.” It led to some pretty entertaining mental images, I gotta say.
  • 17:24:57: RT @McGarrysGhost: Stunner: Attributing violent racist threats to right-wing media outlets results in violent racist threats: http://t.c
  • 17:39:55: RT @byharryconnolly: Blog Post: It’s funny because it’s not happening to me: a right wing freak out over Superman –
  • 18:10:16: This is what today’s lunch looked like! (via @isardasorensen)
  • 18:11:21: RT @Doc_Blue: Some interesting data for potential users from @kickstarter’s release of the statistics of their first two years: http://k …
  • 18:14:44: RT @ezraklein: The three most important health-care policy graphs:
  • 18:18:15: RT @GeorgeTakei: I guess now we all know where the phrase “Trumped Up” comes from.
  • 18:50:22: RT @laughingsquid: Google Body, a web-based 3D application for viewing the human body
  • 21:05:29: RT @ProducerMatthew: Groupon announces it will drop ads from “The Apprentice” website over Donald Trump’s attacks on President Obama – T …
  • 21:30:24: Hearing “As If We Never Said Goodbye” on Glee brought to my attention that I do not own the SUNSET BOULEVARD OBCR. This has been remedied.
  • 21:36:04: Man, I don’t know what to think about Glee anymore. I’ve spent this entire season looking for the straw that would convince me to drop it.
  • 21:36:12: And Tuesday’s episode was pretty wretched, and I know I *should* drop it, but Kurt’s song was so lovely it pulled me back.
  • 21:44:18: @RobJDurand DeMille. As in Cecil B. DeMille: :D
  • 21:46:42: @stellamortis ONE OF US. ONE OF US. ONE OF US.
  • 22:54:43: K.A. Applegate is answering questions on Reddit. My inner twelve year old is squealing forever.
  • 22:54:55: “I’m just not sure raptor-wizard sex is advisable.” –K.A. Applegate
  • 23:21:22: @stellamortis @SheckyX @esperacchius I said that for years. Then I moved here. Now I ache at the idea of moving away!
  • 23:50:38: @blazeorama OMG, I want to go adventuring with her RIGHT NOW.
  • 23:50:43: RT @blazeorama: Priscilla wanted to meet Zeppelin Amanda. Well, here she is!
  • 23:58:49: TED: Mike Matas of Push Pop Press presents he next leap in publishing books and magazines to the iPad. Gorgeous!

Tweets copied by

From Twitter 04-27-2011

  • 08:10:30: @stellamortis @SheckyX But what about those people who DO have to worry, who weren’t born in hospitals? They could never leave the country.
  • 08:14:56: I actually feel surprisingly chipper this morning. Might my cold be losing its grip? @RobJDurand and @SunshineDuk’s magic is working.
  • 08:18:28: RT @fredhicks: I’m loving the Background Send feature GMail added in Labs recently.
  • 08:28:06: RT @GMSarli: Things you don’t want to see in your X-wing’s rear-view mirror: |-o-| (-o-) |-o-|
  • 08:28:57: RT @Jeffrey_Donovan: FAN ALERT!!
    In NYC this weekend. Biggest USA SUMMER LAUNCH EVER!
    Lincoln center. Monday night. ENTIRE CAST!!!!!!!!! …
  • 10:11:50: @blazeorama @NikNoey @SheckyX @stellamortis No kidding. I don’t have my *current* boss’ address or phone number.
  • 10:20:00: Mississippi Town Foils Westboro Baptist Plans!
  • 10:33:38: RT @nkjemisin: Another for the #totallyNYwaytodie list: woman gets on the 2/3 train with an (unstrung) bow and arrow. Others just shrug …
  • 10:55:55: via @tara_oshea, Fast Forward: Why a movie about car thieves is the most progressive force in American cinema –
  • 11:20:37: @CUnderkoffler I want to see Obama’s laser tag score card. And the results of his “Which Sex and the City girl are you?” online quiz.
  • 12:09:39: “I like Babylon 5 for the special effects.” –Coworker B2
  • 12:12:39: @ljredeye OH FOR THE LOVE OF STEVE.
  • 14:10:20: Coworkers and I are making a list of “Which sci-fi fandoms are geekier than others.” #productivity
  • 14:30:44: XKCD’s 2011 Guide to Making People Feel Old *cries*
  • 14:31:00: “Why send a person to do a robot’s job?” –Coworker C
  • 15:26:33: At what point in my childhood did I gain the misapprehension dulce du leche was alcoholic? #themoreyouknow
  • 15:27:08: Delicious has been sold to the founders of YouTube!
  • 19:00:29: RT @Yotam: Time Magazine cover archive in one image. crazy+interesting. (via @heydaysstudio)
  • 19:02:21: RT @nkjemisin: More pimping of my new Podcastle story, and some thoughts on it:
  • 19:05:38: RT @seananmcguire Ladies and gentlemen…the Aeslin mouse: // HAIL THE ILLUSTRATION AND TAXONOMY OF THE AESLIN MOUSE!
  • 19:07:36: RT @Dark_Puck: RT: @cleolinda: I think We Don’t Have Time For This Silliness should be the new Down With This Sort Of Thing protest sign.
  • 19:08:13: RT @benjohncock: I went into McDonald’s and asked for a
    McGuffin. They didn’t get it but the joke got funnier the more they looked for one.
  • 21:23:07: RT @SmartBitches: Judy Mays, We Got Your Back, Ma’am:
  • 21:27:19: RT @fsquared: A hotel to avoid: @Cosmopolitan_LV. Trans woman uses ladies’ loo, guard accuses her of “working” & kicks her out. …
  • 21:30:20: RT @hradzka: The only thing greater than GRRM’s relief at finishing A DANCE WITH DRAGONS? His horror on realizing that now he has to sta …
  • 21:31:31: RT @txvoodoo: RT @chrisgeidner: BREAKING: Federal Judge Applies 14th Amend. to Sexual Orientation Job Discrimination Claim: http://bit.l
  • 21:44:27: RT @MadnessInMySoul: RT @LisaManna
    Uh news networks, PEOPLE BEING RAVAGED BY TORNADOES is more important than the president’s birth cer …
  • 22:05:12: RT @holajupiter: HEY @sandyjoys & I are going public with our new YA blog! It rules. #whyablog! // SQUEE!
  • 23:14:39: @AnnLarimer @violetinbloom They’re complaining that an ALIEN from SPACE doesn’t sound BRITISH? #igiveup
  • 23:19:45: RT @PadawanMolly: I wonder if future potential Knights of the Cross will be required to present a birth certificate to verify they are d …
  • 23:20:25: RT @Gawker: The Terrifying Mile-Wide Tornado That Just ‘Obliterated’ Tuscaloosa // JESUS. My heart goes out…
  • 23:24:17: @hobbitwriter I think BuzzFeed’s Nerd Venn Diagram is pretty spot on:

Tweets copied by

From Twitter 04-26-2011

  • 08:04:38: @mkcho73 I’m a total Hufflepuff. If you have any free time, it means you don’t have enough cool projects going on!
  • 08:04:56: RT @mental_floss: According to the NY Times, indoor marijuana-growing operations consume roughly 1% of U.S. electricity. (via @TheWeek)
  • 08:24:38: RT @fredhicks: Evil ninjas terrorise Pittsburgh (for reals) // Where was Superhero Girl, @smuu?
  • 08:26:04: via @annlarimer, How to Interpret Blood Spatters:
  • 08:27:04: RT @simonpegg: Woke up to a bombardment of notification concerning this Shaun related t-shirt. Orderly line please.
  • 09:23:47: Grah, I got eight hours of sleep last night. Ditto the previous night. Why am I still so exhausted? GO AWAY, COLD.
  • 09:40:03: @SheckyX @seananmcguire It’s not a question of invasiveness (though it is invasive). It’s a question of “authors don’t have those things.”
  • 09:40:13: RT @FemMktgEdge: “The more hours of television a girl watches, the fewer options she believes she has in life.” Geena Davis
  • 09:44:43: RT @Techland: Facebook Deals launches in five cities |
  • 09:48:33: RT @scorpiol13: Spring cleaning? Don’t get rid of kid’s books! Donate them to children of incarcerated parents. # …
  • 09:49:07: I read that as “incinerated parents,” and I was like O_O.
  • 09:52:23: @blazeorama YAY!
  • 09:53:53: @blazeorama Are you going to post the Li’l Harry Adventures pictures anywhere public? Because they are joy. #evensasquatchlovesbroccoli
  • 09:55:14: SEND ME YOUR HEALING MAGIC, PEOPLE OF TWITTER. I am a miserable, snotty wretch.
  • 10:53:39: RT @WorldSciFest: World Science Festival Online Presale Starts NOW! Use code: WSFTW #WSF11
  • 11:24:33: RT @change: McDonalds Employees: “Beat That Trans Woman!” // DISGUSTING. Sign the petition to hold them accountable!
  • 12:19:29: The Onion: “Today Now! Interviews The 5-Year-Old Screenwriter Of Fast Five.” — I laughed so hard I started coughing.
  • 14:48:29: Holy moley. Just went over my schedule, and I have a CRAZYLOAD of vacation days to use before June. Hmm, what sort of mischief to get up to?
  • 14:51:15: Folks in CharDev (like moi) now get to go outside for an hour for lunch. I spent today’s break sunning myself in Bryant Park. Decadence!
  • 16:20:43: RT @amandapalmer: the link to download the “nighty night” (official title!) album is HERE. $1 minimum & the rest goes to charity. http:/ …
  • 16:24:32: RT @techland Soon, Your In-Flight Movie Could Be in 3D – // WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?
  • 16:43:54: RT @jeffeastin: Editor Jon Chibnal sprang this joke on us in 1st #WhiteCollar ep of S3. Jon also cut Chainsaw. Sorta spoiler http://twit
  • 16:46:25: RT @byharryconnolly: New Twitter rule: If you’re blind-linking to NYTimes, say so. I don’t want to waste one of my 20 views.
  • 16:47:11: RT @AnnLarimer: “Being a feminist doesn’t mean suddenly no longer liking problematic things. If you stopped liking…”
  • 16:59:55: RT @mightykatemusic: Exciting news! WAR HORSE is nominated for 4 OCC Awards: Best Bway Play, Best Supporting Actor (Seth Numrich) Best.. …
  • 17:00:30: @mightykatemusic CONGRATS! What a thrill!
  • 17:11:44: RT @tara_oshea: hells YES:
  • 17:44:14: RT @WiredUK Bacon fat keyboard lets real birds tweet: // I want a pet so I can name it Voldemars Dudum (via @mkcho73)
  • 17:48:18: RT @violetinbloom: Dude, just drop the “subtlety” already and start screaming the N-word into the mike–your target audience will love i …
  • 22:13:54: @fourteenacross *shakes fist* Barrowmaaaaaan!
  • 22:22:45: RT @tara_oshea: @seananmcguire *FLAIL* // WANT
  • 22:23:54: RT @MLPasterisk: @TomSpilsbury Tommy Knight’s mum and family fundraising in memory of Lis Sladen :
  • 22:33:27: RT @dresdenfiles: New blog post: Casefile: Night Fears // WOOHOO!
  • 22:43:07: @dresdenfiles Kathy’s art is gorgeous. What an asset to the Hat!
  • 22:51:23: RT @nerdyorkcity: Plan WAY ahead! Simon Pegg signing at @strandbookstore on June 13! Thanks, Glenn!
  • 22:57:12: RT @cleolinda: RT @ebertchicago: The proposed U.S. Passport Application is absurd. Insane. // HOLY CARP.
  • 23:01:43: RT @mishacollins: I have good news & bad news. The good news is the reality show I like about the two brothers who take acid & hunt ghos …
  • 23:01:46: RT @mishacollins: the bad news is… brace yourselves… they were out of my fleur de sel carmel ice cream at the grocery store just now …
  • 23:08:41: Mrarg, bedtime. Gotta kick this cold!

Tweets copied by

From Twitter 04-25-2011

Tweets copied by

From Twitter 04-24-2011

  • 00:22:13: @seananmcguire Your screwdriver needs to be more sonic.
  • 10:22:59: @holajupiter I love my Snuggie (okay, Slanket) and feel no shame. And it was a free gift! Thanks, Southwest Airlines!
  • 10:35:43: TWO NEW MIKA MERRYLARKS. Harry is covered in SEXY WOUNDS. We must tend to them and feed him soup!
  • 11:02:50: And OMG, I’d forgotten Mika has a blog! A treasure trove of MORE DRESDEN ART! EEE!
  • 11:11:34: Oh, hey, today is Easter or something! I should probably acknowledge this fact at some point!
  • 11:17:00: @saladinahmed Not only are babies in hats the cutest thing in the world, they also remind me of this scene:
  • 11:19:59: RT @factlets: ✞ Since 325 Easter has been first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox.
  • 11:21:27: @JenariJoe I’m freaking obsessed with her. As is Jim. :D
  • 11:36:32: My god, I could write ODES about how much I love her doughnut scene: (And yes, the colors are wrong. I CARE NOT.)
  • 11:39:02: @RobJDurand I concur!
  • 11:57:07: @marashomemade Glad to hear you’re open today! I’m going to have to get my Easter dinner Cajun-style!
  • 12:07:04: RT @mightykatemusic: Happy Easter! Today we celebrate the greatness of PEEPS!
  • 12:46:23: RT @byharryconnolly: Both of my #books are eligible for’s 4for3 program. Why not give them a try? and htt …
  • 13:41:31: RT @GeorgeTakei: TN bill will prevent teachers from using the word “gay” in class. In response, I’m lending them my name: “It’s okay to …
  • 16:50:26: RT @gillyperkygoth: Shiny^^ // I love this picture so freaking much. XD XD XD
  • 17:03:57: @seananmcguire OMG QUESTING BEAST! p.s. NEEEEEEEEEEERD.
  • 17:07:29: RT @NYCZombieCrawl: The @NYCZombieCrawl will happen on Sunday, May 29th – more details soon!
  • 17:10:18: RT @dblackanese: Silent security cam showing tornado inside St. Louis airport: Yeah, I would need to change …
  • 17:12:34: @seananmcguire That’s what I was neeeeeerding about. :D Love it!
  • 18:02:04: RT @BryanFuller: PAGE ONE of the #PUSHINGDAISIES COMIC must have gotten mixed in with the eggs cause the Easter Bunny done colored it! h …
  • 18:04:37: RT @Paul_Cornell: Chicks Dig Time Lords has a Hugo nomination, Best Related Work!
  • 18:04:58: RT @tara_oshea: “Feed” by @miragrant nominated for Hugo for best novel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @hugo
  • 18:12:05: SUPERMEGACONGRATS to @SeananMcGuire, @nkjemisin, @tara_oshea, @lynnemthomas, @maryrobinette, @BrandSanderson, and @SaladinAhmed! #hugonoms
  • 18:13:14: @seananmcguire Yes you can has!!!
  • 18:13:43: RT @scalzi: I’ve posted this year’s Hugo nominees on Whatever: Congrats to the nominees! //Some of my favorite authors!
  • 18:20:18: Puzzled to see Randall Munroe in “Fan Artist.” Are comic creators automatically “artists”? His writing is where the brilliance lies.
  • 18:21:29: @ocd_faerie She’s on there as @MiraGrant. She also has an essay in “Chicks Dig Timelords,” but “Feed” is the big thing. :D
  • 18:51:17: Shameless Plug O’Clock! Please vote for me (daily if possible) in @NeilHimself’s AMERICAN GODS audio contest! (And RT!)
  • 19:21:45: @fredhicks @boymonster DON’T BLINK.
  • 19:36:42: @boymonster .@Fredhicks is the reason the Angels weep. #fredhicksfacts
  • 20:21:38: When I left my apartment, it was barely drizzling. When I arrived at Mara’s, it was a downpour! Zombie Jesus was telling me to eat in. :D
  • 20:23:53: Er, by “eat in,” I meant “eat at the restaurant,” as opposed to “take out,” which was my original plan. Zombie Jesus ALWAYS votes Mara’s!
  • 20:50:23: “Why we gotta have kids? Can’t we just wait ’till we’re fifty and adopt straight to grandkids?” –guy at the table next to me #droppineaves
  • 20:53:34: @ShannonKButcher Welcome back to reality! Wipe your shoes on the way in.
  • 20:57:22: Now the guys at the next table are talking about Hyperbole and a Half. I will require ALL OF THEIR NUMBERS.
  • 21:08:52: @kierabot Two out of four of them are cute. But I don’t want to be creepy. :D
  • 21:16:23: Had the beef brisket sandwich, in my quest to order something different every time. My GOD, angels are singing in my stomach!
  • 21:26:38: RT @JaneEspenson: So many female names on this list of “boy fiction”! Check out the Hugo Award nominees:
  • 22:04:35: @rdp1973 One month!
  • 22:10:26: @SheckyX I did not! I may have to try that on Saturday.
  • 22:18:30: @kierabot @RobJDurand @SheckyX I left the restaurant an hour ago, people. :D
  • 22:25:04: RT @politescott: This year’s Easter project: Who Watches the Watchpeeps?
  • 22:32:25: @SheckyX @kierabot @RobJDurand You kidding? Mara took good care of me! I won’t be hungry until I return on Saturday. :D

Tweets copied by

From Twitter 04-23-2011

  • 11:08:40: I’ve already had a full weekend’s worth of fun, and it’s only Saturday morning!
  • 11:09:48: Drinks and “Play Dead” with Adam, a midnight screening of “Clue” w/ @Esperacchius and @GillyPerkyGoth, and a rapturously good night’s sleep!
  • 11:19:00: .@PlayDeadNYC = SO MUCH FUN! I want to see it again and bring all my friends! Note to self: Whenever Gaiman and NPH rec something, SEE IT.
  • 11:20:17: @ksmccarthy24 EEEEEEEE!
  • 11:40:25: @ShannonKButcher I hope this interview makes it onto the interwebs. :D
  • 11:54:10: I love those “Your @Kiva Credit is now available for use” emails. So much satisfaction in the knowledge I’ve helped someone help herself.
  • 11:54:31: RT @ebertchicago: What do do if your Google Mail is hacked–and what you should have done first.
  • 12:05:05: OOH, today’s @GrouponNYC is for a creperie a ten-minute walk from my apartment! *buys the HECK out of it*
  • 12:12:58: @RobJDurand You don’t have to live vicariously! Let’s meet there for lunch Saturday, before @Esperacchius’s thing!
  • 12:15:13: RT @steven_moffat: Just about to on Graham Norton’s show and talk about Doctor Who. Hope I don’t break down and do lots of spoilers.
  • 13:06:46: RT @seananmcguire: The Seven Disney Sins. This is seriously genius fan art.
  • 13:10:03: @SheckyX Creperie on Second. They have 4 1/2 out of 5 stars on Yelp! 2nd Ave and 7th Street.
  • 13:11:49: RT @GeorgeTakei: People overuse the word “literally.” It’s become the educated person’s “like.” #LikeLiterallyLikeALot
  • 13:25:40: EVERY TIME I try to log into Time Warner Cable’s website, they tell me my email address does not exist. EVERY. TIME. #incandescentrage
  • 13:41:40: @spodalicious I read that as “shark bone.” I didn’t realize it was possible for Passover to get more badass. :D
  • 14:15:25: @SheckyX Nope! Excited to try them out.
  • 14:21:31: *snort* Cracked: Why ‘Star Wars’ Is Secretly Terrifying for Women:
  • 14:25:08: A haunting photographic series: The Ghosts of Auschwitz-Birkenau
  • 15:29:16: RT @laughingsquid: AT&T Admits It Can’t Handle The iPhone via @MattRosoff
  • 15:58:00: Marines cover Britney Spears’ ‘Hold It Against Me’ in Afghanistan desert // LOVE IT! Come home safe, guys.
  • 16:18:40: 4 of 5 stars to Elantris by Brandon Sanderson
  • 16:49:19: “This ONE EXAMPLE of a role written for a white guy being played by a POC balances Hollywood’s entire history of whitewashing!” #ragesmash
  • 17:08:38: OMG, the Party in the TARDIS girls! I was right behind them. If the camera had panned left, I’d be in the bg :D
  • 19:06:01: RT @byharryconnolly: Despicable RT @Radlein: There really is no bottom, is there? RT @jim_newell: hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha http://b …
  • 19:06:21: @sherlockbones Shiny!
  • 19:06:50: RT @Radlein: RT @jim_newell: @Radlein You can’t rule out a “One Porridge Bowl At a Time for Poors Act of 2011” appearing in some state soon.
  • 19:34:41: RT @thinkgeek: What does a record-breaking, 244-step Rube Goldberg machine look like? AWESOME. Would’ve also accepted …
  • 19:37:26: RT @drawnfeed: Photo: Amazing impossible taxidermy of fantastical hybrid animals from Enrique Gomez de Molina.
  • 20:11:18: RT @KenPlume: My nephews, of course, remain ever-ready for new #DoctorWho
  • 20:12:13: RT @ee1013: Happiness is… ALL the seasons of X Files on streaming Netflix.
  • 20:38:21: RT @playdeadnyc: @priscellie have ur friends “friend” us on Facebook and bring ’em to facebook night! For friending us, you get a pair o …
  • 20:38:24: RT @playdeadnyc: @priscellie It’s Apr 26, this Tuesday! There’ll be a new illusion, a world premiere! It’s a killer deal!
  • 20:54:50: RT @fredhicks: Photo: One of my favorite pictures of the Forum Wardens from MarsCon. Plus some other guy in the middle.
  • 20:57:19: @fredhicks I like that rather than a silver sword, Jim carries an aluminum Warden Can of Coke Zero.
  • 21:04:31: Yikes, I gave the wrong URL before. Think there may be an issue with the URL shortening. Testing:
  • 21:10:50: Please vote for me in @NeilHimself’s American Gods audio contest! You can vote daily until 5/02. (Please RT!)
  • 21:37:25: @fredhicks OMGSOCUTE.
  • 21:40:36: @fredhicks I wonder at what age Evie is going to beg you and Xie to let her dye her hair funky colors. :D
  • 21:43:13: @fredhicks Evie is DIABOLICAL. Has she been wearing the Evil Hat lately?
  • 21:50:32: @fredhicks “Slay *that* orc, Daddy!”
  • 21:52:30: @gypsyjr Kara Thrace’s degree of awesomeness is supernatural. Also the degree to which Sam Anders looks good shirtless.
  • 21:54:29: @fredhicks Awww. :)
  • 23:38:56: @gillyperkygoth According to the comments, the image was from a porn site. I am disinclined to take the poster at his word. :D

Tweets copied by

From Twitter 04-22-2011

  • 00:01:42: RT @seananmcguire: Mwahahahahahaha. The InCryptid field guide is GO, and you guys have NO IDEA how much AWESOME is ahead of us.
  • 00:52:23: Forcibly prying self away from map drawing and research to go to sleep. Here’s to many a night like this one!
  • 07:47:46: @HarriedWizard @Stevenav @longshotauthor @shannonkbutcher Actually, Jim doesn’t drink. Is there such a thing as a “Coketotaller”? :D
  • 07:56:07: RT @sadbhyl: I’m shocked. Simply shocked, I say.
  • 08:15:23: Thanks for all the kind words re: the new map for @SaladinAhmed! I’m dancing-around-the-apartment levels of excited about this. :D
  • 10:54:59: A/C making the door flap (yes, flap–it’s like a slaughterhouse) rhythmically tap the frame, like Chinese water torture or a Telltale Heart.
  • 10:59:49: Got an email blast about a line of intimate apparel called “WILT.” One imagines that would be the opposite of the desired effect.
  • 11:12:39: RT @paulandstorm: [S] After the incident at Isengard, some say we should reconsider using the fires of Orthanc for power. #MiddleEarthDay
  • 11:20:04: RT @maureenjohnson: Tennessee, what are you thinking with this “Don’t Say Gay” bill? #important #awful #evil
  • 11:20:57: RT @maureenjohnson: “@chlolala I’m confused. Even the bible talks about homosexuality, are they taking THAT away?” Good point.
  • 12:20:55: @smuu Ye gods, yes. Especially in the wake of yesterday’s announcement about still-lame revisions on the WW pilot. #wheretheawesomeladiesat
  • 12:26:00: @ShannonKButcher She lives! How’s the con going?
  • 12:33:24: @ShannonKButcher The idea of “rice crispy treats with bacon” made my head tilt off its axis. I must make this.
  • 14:17:29: @ShannonKButcher @therobfather Can he give *us* the recipe?
  • 14:21:32: @ShannonKButcher We need to get you some self-torturing imaginary people for your birthday, so you can take a nap now and then!
  • 15:05:48: The Euthanasia Coaster is designed to be fun, briefly:
  • 15:19:05: Adam invited me to see “Play Dead” tonight! I’ve heard rave reviews from @neilhimself and @ActuallyNPH, so I’m jazzed. DOUBLE-NEIL APPROVED.
  • 15:25:03: @neilhimself He got a discount from a friend at the theatre, but I’d love to know the discount details, in case I see it again with friends!
  • 15:59:59: RT @hodgman: Everything I was TRYING to say in delivered clearly, magically, and typographically by @stephenfry htt …
  • 16:40:06: Linda holding Cillian’s bunny! Happy Easter, Launch!
  • 16:45:33: @jbkuma There were many jokes about roast rabbit with rosemary. :D
  • 17:01:34: @fourteenacross *SQUEAKS*
  • 17:29:32: @saladinahmed Healing vibes sent! Poor little guy.
  • 17:39:48: Just received a piece of fan mail for @longshotauthor, addressed to me. No “please forward this to Jim.” Just… sent to my email address.
  • 17:45:17: Did she finally figure out @longshotauthor and I are the same person? And whenever we appear in public together, one of us is a robot?
  • 18:12:17: @seananmcguire “McGuire’s books give the reader the sense of unbridled joy otherwise only attainable by wearing new stripey toe socks.”
  • 18:47:39: RT @TrevorProject: Thanks to employees of @NBCUniversal for joining the #ItGetsBetter project:
  • 18:48:52: @TrevorProject @NBCUniversal Thank you, NBC! #ItGetsBetter
  • 18:50:16: RT @laughingsquid: RT @edwlynchcm: And now: the Most Wonderful Thing I Have Seen All Week while writing for @laughingsquid
  • 18:52:47: RT @travelingheidi: RT @neilhimself The 92nd St Y American Gods conversation between @neilhimself and @Leverus – tickets are now on sale …
  • 18:56:50: @RobJDurand
  • 18:58:50: RT @drawnfeed: Photo: This painting — by “Calvin and Hobbes” creator Bill Watterson — is the first new art from him that… http://tumbl
  • 19:00:58: RT @DoctorWhoNY: The more people who watch #DoctorWho on @BBCAMERICA tomorrow the more great events they will be able to do for the USA …
  • 19:02:23: @seananmcguire I want to photoshop cats all over Allie’s drawing. She’s already blonde!
  • 19:06:58: Me: *gasp* “An entire Friday went by without anyone mentioning Rebecca Black!” Coworker B: “No, I did earlier.” Me: “CURSES.”

Tweets copied by

From Twitter 04-21-2011

  • 07:44:17: @fredhicks Absolutely! Will you be in NYC any time soon? @artichokepizza is staggeringly calorie-laden, but so good you don’t care.
  • 07:45:45: @holajupiter Are you trying to CENSOR Duarte’s freedom of expression? You TYRANT.
  • 07:50:20: @mkcho73 What about the La Brea Tar Pits? It means “The the tar tar pits.” #thingsIlearnedreadingRunaways
  • 07:56:06: @stellamortis @SheckyX @robjdurand @julie_butcher I believe I was the first non-Harry DF cosplayer! #dubioushonor #lotsofgreatMollysoutthere
  • 07:57:18: RT @DoctorLongscarf: I suspect River Song is actually River from Firefly. The good man she killed? Malcolm Reynolds. It’s a solid theory …
  • 07:58:05: RT @mouseferatu: I’m almost positive that nobody who bought one of my novels has ever been murdered in their sleep by clowns. Just sayin …
  • 08:28:21: RT @profchallenger: Before we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection on Sunday, I demand that he produce his long-form birth certificate from the …
  • 08:32:17: @SunshineDuk Uh, isn’t Bryn Mawr still ladies only? Not sure you can fool them with your long, luxurious hair.
  • 08:33:19: @seananmcguire Pure romance, or some kind of romance genre fusion? #romancewithcthulhu
  • 08:34:03: @antonstrout @sherlockbones Not in front of Orly!
  • 08:34:15: RT @paulandstorm: [P] If this pic doesn’t make you laugh, then we can’t ever be friends: (via @reddit)
  • 10:27:07: @myyrdneopia @CUnderkoffler Yup, “!=” is used in many programming languages for “not equal.”
  • 10:29:10: @fredhicks @boymonster Only a quarter?
  • 10:33:58: @kierabot @blazeorama Your good reason is that you want @myyrdneopia to see you in it. :D
  • 10:42:31: Voted for AGENT G (@vampirecowboys) in the @NYITAwards! A stellar production.
  • 11:09:19: A dude is *welding* right on the other side of my window, about five feet from me. Seared retinas all around!
  • 11:25:39: The dude is no longer five feet from my head–more like eight or nine feet. But I still think he needs goggles.
  • 11:38:07: More welding guy outside my window! Only this time, with safety equipment! Yay sparklies! Exclamation points!
  • 11:48:11: Coworker C: It’s like a rave over there. Coworker B: With lightsaber fights. Coworker C: And killer robots.
  • 11:55:13: @myyrdneopia Coworker B = coworker whose name begins with B. Ditto C. My room has no Coworker A. (She was fed to the Rancor.)
  • 11:57:28: @RyanMacklin “Seared retinas” is code for retinas that are seared. My code is sheer elegance in its simplicity!
  • 12:31:53: RT @Techland Hate 3D? Then these 2D glasses are for you | // THANK YOU, SCIENCE!
  • 12:56:08: The WritingExcuses episode on alpha readers makes me appreciate @ksmccarthy24 even more. Alpha AND beta extraordinaire!
  • 13:05:41: Coworkers B and B are considering pooling their lunch money and buying $34 worth of coffee and Toblerones. #validlifechoices
  • 13:07:06: New Hyperbole and a Half: Wild Animal (The Simple Dog Goes for a Joy Ride)
  • 13:08:28: Coworker P: “I believe we can evolve beyond Darwinism.” *long silence* Coworker B: “What?”
  • 13:14:27: @seananmcguire He didn’t mean it the way it sounded. He said he didn’t want to eat octopi any more because they’re so intelligent, (…)
  • 13:14:35: @seananmcguire (…) and I teased him about losing his position on the food chain, and he responded with that line. :D
  • 13:16:50: @seananmcguire But I suspect he would be delicious grilled with lime cilantro, served with mango salsa, yellow rice, and vegetables. #fyi
  • 14:26:06: Fascinating: The Science of Why We Don’t Believe Science via @motherjones
  • 15:16:40: RT @GameOfThrones: Congratulations to George R.R. Martin, who made the @Time 100 list. READ: by @Hodgman #gameofth …
  • 17:10:28: “It’s a spider whose butt is covered by a million baby spiders! It’s a SPIDER FRACTAL.” –me, on the horror of
  • 21:36:48: RT @paulandstorm: We are truly living in the Geek Guilded Age RT @alyankovic Age Ladies and gentlemen, I humbly present… THIS. http://j. …
  • 21:37:16: RT @JacksonPearce: I see you driving/ round town with the girl I love/ and I’m like, HAIKU.
  • 21:39:21: RT @BadAstronomer: OK, this miniThor parody of the MiniVader ad is pretty cool.
  • 21:56:41: I’m thrilled to announce that I will be illustrating the map for Nebula-nominated author @SaladinAhmed’s CRESCENT MOON KINGDOMS trilogy!
  • 22:12:39: RT @thinkgeek: Internet, why did it take you >24 hours to make xkcd’s “Heaven” happen!? comic –> game http://j …
  • 22:14:52: RT @repaper: Buy yourself a little Earth Day present and I’ll ship it to you for free- thru Friday only in my Etsy shop http://repaper.e
  • 22:15:20: RT @smuu: Blog post: Hey everybodies, check out my very first self published book ever! And buy it from me …
  • 22:21:41: RT @equalitynow: Congress finally passed a budget bill that preserves Planned Parenthood funding! Say thanks:
  • 22:32:53: RT @cleolinda: Well… that happened. RT @megthebrennan: @cleolinda you need to see the video:
  • 22:33:09: RT @saladinahmed: *I’m* thrilled! RT @priscellie: Thrilled to announce that I will be illustrating the map for @SaladinAhmed’s CRESCENT …
  • 22:33:12: RT @saladinahmed: Seriously, guys, so geeked that @priscellie’s doing the map. Peep her handiwork on Jim Butcher’s Codex Alera! http://b …
  • 22:37:02: RT @stellamortis: 9/11 health bill requires all the names to be run through the FBI’s terrorism watch list. // WTF!?
  • 22:41:23: @SheckyX @saladinahmed We were put in touch by Jenn Jackson (@arcaedia), agent of both Jim and Saladin. :D
  • 22:47:38: @sinspired The neighborhood I grew up in was so white the local paper printed an ARTICLE when a black family moved in. It’s 97% now. (…)
  • 22:48:02: @sinspired (…) Since then, I have lived in West Philly and the Lower East Side. :D
  • 22:50:53: @gillyperkygoth BRILLIANT! Do you get to wear wigs and carry muskets, though?
  • 22:53:54: @maureenjohnson *Danube danubes away in sorrow, alone and forgotten*
  • 23:06:35: via @neilhimself, Reading as teenager gets you a better job #savelibraries #readingissexy
  • 23:10:14: The smug “If you don’t have an iPhone, you don’t have an iPhone” campaign makes me kind of embarrassed to have an iPhone.

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From Twitter 04-20-2011

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