- 00:01:48: RT @fredhicks: Man, @priscellie and I are really scary when we get going with the deep geeking.
- 00:08:03: THRILLING graphic novel news for @longshotauthor fans! http://bit.ly/gGPNSH #dresdenfiles
- 00:22:43: RT @davidoreilly: Have you seen this video of Rick Astley singing “Never Gonna Give You Up”? Here’s a link to it – http://bit.ly/fHRTct
- 00:31:34: RT @ScholasticStore: Overheard in our store today: “I’m looking for a book but I don’t know the author… It’s called The Diary of Anne …
- 00:40:35: RT @ASaintAndSinner: Neat April Fools Day anouncement: Arcanos the RPG http://bit.ly/faJV3p Fully compatible with DFRPG from Evil Hat pr …
- 01:43:30: RT @Pres_Bartlet: I’m glad to see that GoDaddy is showing the same commitment to animal rights as they have to women’s rights.
- 01:43:42: RT @seattlegeekly: RT @GeorgeTakei: Live action of anime classic Akira will use white actors. In related news, remake of Roots to star M …
- 09:45:35: RT @tordotUF: #ufmovienews Robert Pattinson & James Marsters have been cast as Harry and Bob in The Dresden Files movie http://bit.ly/Wl …
- 09:46:35: RT @ironicsegue: ….*cracks up* Oh, that’s just MEAN. >:D #GoogleHelvetica
- 09:49:35: Google’s joking, but Monotype isn’t: Comic Sans Pro — http://news.cnet.com/8301-30685_3-20049593-264.html
- 10:26:45: Pat Rothfuss has launched another photo contest! http://blog.patrickrothfuss.com/2011/04/photo-contest-ii-the-return/ *schemes*
- 10:44:16: RT @scalzi: In which I announce my heretofore secret fantasy book project: http://bit.ly/hxPZzo
- 10:44:19: RT @antonstrout: A bit of somewhat exciting news for the Simon series, also involving my pal @amber_benson http://t.co/kb7qKQp
- 10:48:47: RT @kierabot: It’s spring! #aprilfools –love, mother nature.
- 11:14:30: @Esperacchius At least you’ll have Saturday!
- 11:43:58: “He looks like his entire face was made out of an old apple.” –Coworker B
- 11:50:40: @ShannonKButcher Have you heard about your husband’s exciting news? :D http://www.jim-butcher.com/posts/2011/coming-april-fool-moon
- 11:55:24: The fridge light at work isn’t turning on unless you open the door all the way. It’s weirding me out. #notevenafirstworldproblem
- 12:35:14: @ShannonKButcher Now I want to see a “Li’l Sentinels” comic.
- 13:28:08: RT @boymonster: Hey guys, I have two heads and stuff. #LazyAprilFools
- 14:37:04: Not an April Fool’s joke: The Doctor’s Daughter Has Had The Doctor’s Daughter! http://bit.ly/ggQeGX
- 14:46:16: I vote Olivia Moffett-Tennant for the 23rd Doctor. Then she can have a baby with Tom & Colin Baker’s lovechild. #asgallifreyturns #DWdynasty
- 14:47:37: ::cackles:: I love it when people mistake me for @longshotauthor’s publicist. XD
- 17:32:23: RT @fredhicks (No fooling) Fool Moon graphic novel #1 hits stores Wednesday! http://j.mp/eYLUeA
- 17:35:20: RT @WoodySBPD: Just because it’s an internal organ doesn’t mean it can’t be played. That’s all I’m saying. #musicalpancreas
- 17:53:51: RT @chriscolfer: Happy Gullible Awareness Day!!!
- 18:17:51: My favorite part about Yahoo!Groups is the five minutes it takes me to figure out how to access my groups every time I try to log in.
- 18:54:16: Reading reactions to the Fool Moon revamp announcement fills my heart with joy: http://www.jim-butcher.com/posts/2011/coming-april-fool-moon
- 18:57:13: @kierabot Exactly like that!
- 19:07:49: @kierabot I am saving the angry emails, so that I might reread them in dark hours and restore my happiness.
- 19:16:25: @RobJDurand @kierabot Come to the Dark Side, we have noo–er, cookies.
- 19:28:03: @myyrdneopia Oh my god. Please tell me that’s not an April Fool’s prank, because I want it. Even though I don’t keep cookies around.
- 19:52:15: BEST COMPLIMENT EVER! “Is this your own doing, or did Jim write this joke message?”
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