- 11:23:52: 15. 17000 kg of neutron star at its *least* dense fits into a volume of 2.125 x 10^(-10) cubic *millimeters*. #17factsabout17000
- 12:11:27: @JaneEspenson If you played a subpar game of golf, did you do really well or really poorly? :D
- 12:39:24: RT @headgeek666: http://chickswithstevebuscemeyes.tumblr.com/
- 12:40:08: @ShannonKButcher Hurrah! Glad you had a wonderful con! Can’t wait to see pictures.
- 14:32:15: My roommate made extra homemade pancakes and /thanked me/ for taking the excess off her hands. MY LIFE IS AWESOME, YOU GUYS.
- 14:40:15: 16. 17000 is not a zip code in the United States, but 17000 La Rochelle, France, is super gorgeous: http://bit.ly/dSr60D #17factsabout17000
- 16:35:44: RT @StanCarey: Word clouds showing gender stereotypes in toy ad vocabulary: http://bit.ly/hHiJ7T
- 16:36:48: Ooh! I have a $20 Groupon to Barnes and Noble that expires today! What should I get, Twitter?
- 17:06:55: A gorgeous take on Harry’s shield bracelet by ~Peaceofshine on @deviantART http://t.co/MT4LTNo
- 17:55:00: @Esperacchius Excellent suggestion!
- 18:10:17: RT @myyrdneopia: DAAAAMN. That’s good. Psych friends out there (and everyone else!), look at this test: http://www.hypnoid.com/psytest …
- 21:28:54: Stopped by Mara’s Homemade for some of their DIVINE chicken andouille gumbo. Why are you leaving meeee, Mara’s?
- 21:56:59: Edible origami! http://www.evilmadscientist.com/article.php/EdibleOrigami
- 22:02:33: Mara’s take-out bags are plain brown paper, because the expressions people make while eating it made censors assume it’s pornography. #fact
- 22:38:36: RT @neilhimself: Now I Finally Understand BATMAN! And if you read this, you will too: http://bit.ly/ijih86 #strokeallcriminalactivates
- 22:39:11: @neilhimself I want to create a villain named “Dr. Jackstraw” now…
- 22:40:37: RT @Gothamist: Finally: NYC Has Its Own Hotline For UFO Sightings http://bit.ly/gFCiam // Because where else would aliens go?
- 22:40:55: RT @catatonique: My friend went past village east about an hour ago says there’s already about 20 people in line & took a pic #dwlineco …
- 22:54:15: @RobJDurand None of us know who it is. :D
- 22:55:27: @kierabot Okay, eww? I am shutting that thread the hell down.
- 23:05:08: @RobJDurand None of us knows who writes @HarriedWizard, either! Some knowledge is barred even from us.
- 23:27:57: RT @paulandstorm: [P] I’m never making fun of rhythmic gymnastics again. Sheesh. http://bit.ly/fdUeKl (via @reddit)
- 23:48:43: I just rediscovered this tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/priscellie/statuses/3434703328 Goodnight, everybody.
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