- 00:05:19: @fredhicks I KNOW! How is it so consistently wonderful?
- 07:24:10: @seananmcguire That is so evil I could spit.
- 07:29:05: RT @caitlinmoran: Well done, NATO: RT @liviafirth: This is shocking! http://bit.ly/mEWw4T totally unacceptable, inhumane and awful.
- 07:30:52: RT @laurenbeukes, @adamhillspeaks: Greatest, geekiest NYT Correction Ever? http://bit.ly/mkjM0k // The fact it’s in “sports” is even better.
- 07:31:05: RT @qikipedia: ‘Camel’s hair’ brushes are not made from camels, they are made from squirrels.
- 07:51:19: @SheckyX The dress is modeled off historically accurate fashion.
- 08:19:56: @mkcho73 This concept intrigues me.
- 09:46:31: Improv Everywhere presents, “Gotta Share: The Musical!” http://t.co/hYT1ySY @ImprovEvery
- 10:00:22: I love today’s XKCD: http://xkcd.com/896/
- 10:00:56: In 8th grade, we had a project in which we each researched a female scientist. I got http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chien-Shiung_Wu Booyeah!
- 10:10:59: @saladinahmed *HEADDESK* *FOREVER*
- 10:30:41: @antonstrout *offers you lasagna*
- 10:31:20: RT @MorganLibrary: What did fashion in the Middle Ages look like? “Illuminating Fashion” opens on May 20. @TheArtNewspaper http://bit.ly …
- 10:40:11: @SheckyX @antonstrout “Lasagne” is the plural. And Garfield spells it with an “a.”
- 11:29:31: RT @cleolinda: RT @griner: Tornado relief advice: Donating food? Throw in a few can openers. They’re vital, but no one thinks to include …
- 11:29:55: RT @Techland: Apple replaces Google as the world’s most valuable brand | http://ti.me/iEK76s
- 11:36:15: @jonrog1 @OKBJGM The idea of you two collaborating fills my heart with ponies. Which actually kind of hurts. Worth it, though!
- 11:47:08: Hear @saladinahmed talk Non-Traditional Settings on this week’s WRITING EXCUSES podcast: http://bit.ly/k3o86I
- 12:05:10: RT @antonstrout: I was wondering why i thought S6,E3 of Doctor Who was ‘meh’ at best, and TOR sums it up nicely http://bit.ly/k3ZuTj
- 13:48:03: Coworkers’ habit of wearing headphones + the rate at which I’ve been going through Kleenex for my cold = a lot easier to hide I’m in tears.
- 15:00:39: *HUGS EVERYONE* Thank you.
- 15:39:53: Wow, April Smith is EXACTLY the kind of music I needed to listen to right now. Whoever introduced me to her stuff (@fourteenacross?) rocks.
- 17:14:43: BAHAHAHAHA, this is so true: http://sonopants.deviantart.com/art/DRESDEEEEEEEEEN-208138695
- 19:53:14: RT @Glinner: Yup. This is about the size if it http://qako.me/kGpvXV #obl #itcrowd
- 22:27:28: Today sucked a lot, but friends and family make the world awesome.
- 22:57:08: Who has time for drama when it’s time to BETA ALL THE THINGS? Item 1 of 4, GO!
- 23:29:46: Huh. Jim switches from “Hexenwolf” to “Hexenwulf” midway through Fool Moon. The things I miss listening to audiobooks!
- 23:31:06: And d’aww, while I have an unhealthy love of Harry and Murphy’s ridiculous height difference, I must say Harry and Susan’s is cute, too. #FM
- 23:33:28: @myyrdneopia Nope. Bob refers to “Hexenwolves” early on, and later, Harry calls Harris a “Hexenwulf jerk-off.” No rhyme or reason.
- 23:38:35: @quekern Curse Jim and his engrossing narratives! *shakes fist*
- 23:48:40: MISSION: BETA ALL THE THINGS, item 1: COMPLETE. On to item 2!
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