- 08:01 This exists. couldtheybeatupchinamieville.wordpress.com/ (via @nkjemisin) #
- 08:09 Harold Camping: Apocalypse Rescheduled for October 21st. Yay, I won’t miss SD and NY Comic Cons! gaw.kr/lhSHrD #
- 08:10 @mightykatemusic I had a fantastic time! You were captivating! Hope to see you in War Horse soon. #
- 08:11 Dear Laundry Guy, Answer your phoooooooooone. Sighingly, Priscilla #
- 11:36 Missed the the Alera Map virtual signing? We’re doin! g another! Preorder a map poster signed by @longshotauthor: priscellie.com/store/ #
- 12:37 I have done a thing! Wish me luck. #
- 12:42 @ShannonKButcher …is /he/ one of the 17 things? Jim will be jealous. Unless he’s #16. #
- 12:49 @smuu The "Kitty don’t leave meeeeee" panel is PERFECTION. #
- 13:12 @Julie_Butcher Yikes! You and the fam may want to spend the night at a friend’s house. #
- 13:34 @Esperacchius 5, I believe. #
- 14:05 SPACE KITTENS. theillustriousmissjo.tumblr.com/post/5773575293/cathulhu #DoctorWho #
- 14:26 FACT: @longshotauthor is a CLASSY DUDE. #
- 14:32 Eeee! Cover art for the book my map will go in! saladinahmed.livejournal.com/19410.html #
- 16:42 Wow, that was an unpleasant gastronomic experience. #
- 16:48 @Julie_Butch! er A salad and a smoothie from an awesome organic place! I go there several times a month, and it’s always been fabulous. #
- 17:39 @byharryconnolly I submit that any cupcakes you have consumed are INFERIOR, and you must try Sugar Sweet Sunshine when next you visit NYC. #
- 17:43 @byharryconnolly Authors I have fed Sugar Sweet Sunshine cupcakes to: @longshotauthor @ShannonKButcher @antonstrout @amber_benson #
- 17:47 @Julie_Butcher How about these? bit.ly/lAtsPD #
- 17:50 @by harryconnolly Foiled! Now I really want to make these: eggsonsunday.wordpress.com/2008/02/21/apple-cup-pies/ #
- 18:08 @MickeydotFinn *jaw drops* #
- 18:35 This is so true: annlarimer.tumblr.com/post/5801834490/introducing-your-friend-to-a-new-fandom #
- 18:56 @Julie_Butcher I approve! #
- 22:53 Man, what a yo-yo of a day! Glad @gillyperkygoth was with me tonight. ! I would have gone a little crazy without a friend. #
- 22:56 Aww! Another day, another person who mistakes me for @longshotauthor’s publicist. #
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