From Twitter 05-14-2011

  • 00:07:22: @jbkuma This one!
  • 00:28:39: I have cleaned our common room! Woo! My bedroom looks like something out of Hoarders, but that door will stay closed. #cleansomeofthethings
  • 01:13:30: @ksmccarthy24 @SheckyX Nah, that’s the Kat-Priscilla 2016 ticket. :D
  • 09:32:57: I seem to have escaped Friday the 13th completely unscathed! Should I be concerned about Saturday the 14th?
  • 09:34:09: RT @steven_moffat: To enjoy @neilhimself’s wonderful Dr Who tonight, stay away from The Times. Explains the entire plot while claiming n …
  • 09:35:22: @RobJDurand Why would that be relevant?
  • 09:36:43: RT @qikipedia: The German for ‘boo-hoo’ is schluchz-schluchz.
  • 09:37:30: I want to name a side character “Schluchz” now.
  • 09:37:37: RT @qikipedia: The first time Napoleon tried Camembert, he kissed the waitress who served it to him. (via @adamsonin)
  • 10:32:15: Mile 1/3! Central Park at 76th.
  • 11:02:38: Mile 2/3
  • 13:37:43: RT @qikipedia: The German for ‘stupid rule-bound bastard’ is Korinthenkackerin. (Oxford Duden German Dictionary) Thanks @AnotherJulia
  • 13:43:49: RT @maureenjohnson: …I have been pointed to this clip, which explains it all.
  • 14:04:54: RT @byharryconnolly: ISPs kill web freedom, rip off customers: The real cost of your connection, per GB
  • 14:14:07: via @Esperacchius, 10 innovative ideas that let us live on water (Do NOT read the comments)
  • 14:22:03: @Esperacchius @byharryconnolly First page has racist asshattery.
  • 14:25:10: @Esperacchius Dude, it’s the internet. Let them ship what they want to ship. It’s not hurting anyone. You don’t have to read their stuff.
  • 14:26:41: @nataliemorales SQUEE! My TV has been Natalieless for far too long. Congrats!
  • 14:26:45: RT @nataliemorales: My pilot got picked up! I will be back to ugly up your tv screens soon! #AreYouThereVodka
  • 14:28:02: @fredhicks That can’t possibly be you. That baby’s hair is a natural color!
  • 14:30:53: RT @byharryconnolly: RT @KyleJudah: I turned my iPhone onto “Airplane mode” and threw it up into the air. Worst. Transformer. Ever
  • 14:32:44: @jeffeastin Please tell me these ads are online somewhere.
  • 14:46:42: @Esperacchius Okay, I’m confused. I just went back through the dA TDF group, and a grand ONE of the memers was a Harry/Marcone shipper.
  • 15:08:31: @Esperacchius That’s why wily programmers invented the “back” button. You only lost what, ten seconds of your day?
  • 15:10:08: @Worrdss @Esperacchius I read some H/M out of curiosity, and it was really well written. I don’t ship it, but the slashers aren’t stupid.
  • 15:24:02: RT @mightykatemusic: for those of you who are jonesing for some Mighty Kate – I’ll be playing 3 songs as a part of the awesome NY… htt …
  • 15:29:36: @scifantasy I don’t read much of LJ any more.
  • 15:32:59: @scifantasy Hee! Not sure if I’m going, as I have a lot of work to do, but it looks like fun!
  • 15:33:38: @scifantasy Ah, gotcha
  • 15:44:55: More Mika Merrylark! Harry, Thomas, Mouse, and… Lash? Plus bonus Thomas: Yum!
  • 15:49:28: RT @cracked: 5 Things That Aren’t Nearly As Dangerous As Hollywood Thinks:
  • 17:12:07: THANK YOU, @NEILHIMSELF! That episode was FANTASTIC! I am flailing with joy like a mad, flailing thing. #DoctorWho
  • 17:14:28: @scalzi Pat Rothfuss drew a picture of his head on one of @antonstrout’s books for @BooksForBoobs. Turnabout is fair play.
  • 17:32:38: @maureenjohnson OMG, Zdob si Zdub! I love them! They have a song about a gypsy fighting a UFO and another about Moldova’s national dish!
  • 17:35:47: @maureenjohnson Music video for “Tiganii si OZN,” aka “The Gypsy and the UFO”
  • 17:37:31: Potential Roommate stopped by MTA official on the bus because she didn’t have the right card. He threatened to fine her $1,000. #SuperShady
  • 17:39:18: Suspect this may put her off living here. *shakes fist at uncaring sky* #pleasegodletmefindaroommate
  • 17:40:58: RT @byharryconnolly: RT @EpicTweets_: Microsoft bought Skype for 8.5 billion dollars… hahahaha, idiots!!!! They could have downloaded …
  • 17:45:32: Museum of Mathematics opening in NYC next year! They have square-wheeled bikes! I LOVE those things. Welcome, @MoMath1.
  • 17:49:39: @Julie_Butcher Sweet! Congrats to him!
  • 18:10:42: Tonight, I eat at @MarasHomemade for the last time. I am clearing out my freezer so I can bring home five hundred chicken andouille gumbos.
  • 18:20:41: @fredhicks Evie’s watermelon-eating face is omgsocute. And those other pictures–such a happy girl!
  • 18:57:14: RT @dcwomenkicknass: New post: It’s not the costume, stupid. Hollywood’s “problem” with Wonder Woman isn’t with Wonder Woman http://tumb
  • 19:47:48: Both my belly and my freezer are full of @MarasHomemade! Thanks for all the good times and the great meals!
  • 22:13:30: @NikNoey I’m in!
  • 22:28:19: @ksmccarthy24 Ghost pirates?
  • 22:34:50: RT @ebertchicago: Amy Myers, a high school sophomore, challenges Michelle Bachman to a debate on the Constitution.
  • 22:37:40: @lookupwards Who are some of your favorite female superheroes lately? I need to improve my comic-fu.
  • 23:01:07: @NikNoey Woe! I can’t do Saturday. I’m going with Shecky, Sue, and Craig to a one-man show of Star Wars.
  • 23:28:24: OMG NO. I meant to get a slice of Bluegrass pie (chocolate, pecan, and bourbon) to go! Guess I’m going to have to learn to make it myself.

Tweets copied by

From Twitter 05-13-2011

  • 08:02:58: RT @holajupiter: O HAI, you should follow @WhyABlogYABlog if you want updates when @sandyjoys & I update our awesome blog! #selfpromotio …
  • 08:07:24: I’m looking for a roomie for my spacious East Village 2BR/2BA starting June. Know anyone who might be interested? #NYC
  • 08:11:48: RT @paulandstorm: [S] New (much) Longer Thought: Twitpicpocket?
  • 08:12:50: RT @neilhimself: You remember I was talking about my excitement about how many amazing readers of audiobooks are out there? Check out ht …
  • 08:12:52: RT @neilhimself: And if you’re an author, an agent, an actor or an audio producer/engineer, you should go and look at
  • 08:15:03: Blogger has been down for over a day. Should I be concerned?
  • 15:34:00: RT @TreeHugger: We love these #steampunk insect sculptures by @hardwidge. Called “Arthrobots,” they’re just plain gorgeous!
  • 16:31:36: RT @neilhimself: This made my blood boil. “The disgraceful interrogation of L.A. school librarians” – # …
  • 16:32:21: RT @Wraithmaker: 74% off Firefly on Blu-Ray!
  • 16:35:38: @Esperacchius No Babylon 5, either.
  • 16:46:59: Guy in a Batman costume engages dude in slap-fight, gets his bat-butt handed to him:
  • 18:35:51: Osama’s porn stash found: @paulandstorm, want to rerecord DaVinci’s Notebook’s “Internet Porn” for the Sneakernet?
  • 20:16:30: @sibblyman541 A chapter and a half from GS are already up at Penguin! Schedule for all @longshotauthor sample material:
  • 20:24:44: RT @longshotauthor: @firelightjen Okay. Dresden gets married. Mister talks. The Merlin apologizes. Murphy turns homemaker. Marcone …
  • 20:24:51: RT @longshotauthor: @longshotauthor (Allcommentsmadeundertheeffectsofsurgicaltraumaandprescriptionpainkillerssubjecttoeditorialchange.)
  • 20:32:23: @longshotauthor I am picturing Marcone running a reality show for the position of his top lieutenant, wearing a dead ferret on his head.
  • 20:33:37: @longshotauthor A few years later, he gets bored and runs for President. Marcone/Lara Raith in 2016!
  • 20:35:48: @MrsAWiggins05 Ghost Story hits stores July 26th. @longshotauthor
  • 20:42:50: @sinspired @longshotauthor Yes. Yes, you do.
  • 20:56:00: RT @ThomasRayMann: Gard might get jealous if Marcone chooses Lara // Lara can energize the Southern vote. By which I mean south of the belt.
  • 20:58:04: Marcone/Raith 2016: Cleaning Up Washington, Just Like They Cleaned Up Chicago.
  • 21:00:32: Marcone/Raith 2016: Because Lawyers Shouldn’t Be The Only Soul-Sucking Monsters on the Beltway.
  • 21:01:05: Marcone/Raith 2016: C-SPAN is now rated X.
  • 21:06:35: @RobJDurand DM?
  • 21:08:53: Marcone/Raith 2016: We Have Ways of Persuading the Opposition. #dresdenverse2016
  • 21:17:41: Marcone/Raith 2016: Supports Universal Health Care, because she knows the importance of a healthy food supply. #dresdenverse2016
  • 21:25:27: RT @ChuckWendig: I completely support @byharryconnolly’s plan to fake the 5/21 Rapture across Twitter. #transmedia
  • 21:31:08: RT @matanlurey: “Deep Goat” #OBLPornTitles
  • 21:31:59: RT @Cameron_Gray: This really deserves a new hashtag – #OBLPornTitles like “Debbie Does Abbottabad” – MT @Reuters: Pornography found in …
  • 21:51:18: RT @thinkgeek: Your weekend homework assignment: PLANKING. It’s like parkour for the nonmotile athlete: [FB link]
  • 22:59:55: Dear Potential Roommates, Please don’t freak out that I have a bloody fireman’s coat in the shared closet. I’m not sure I can explain.
  • 23:00:28: I’m not sure if “I killed a man” or “I’m a cosplayer” will frighten them more.
  • 23:32:39: @fourteenacross Pink Floyd cosplay enthusiasts? Or Hunger Games?
  • 23:34:28: @Julie_Butcher O_O THAT’S A LONG WAY.
  • 23:37:04: @paulandstorm Hey, I will take those actors together again in ANY FORM. #Serenitrek

Tweets copied by

From Twitter 05-11-2011

  • 00:06:10: RT @WCwriters: Some damn fine looking people, no? //I thought it was going to be a photo of the WC writers’ room.
  • 00:15:47: @gypsyjr No kidding. I make TV commercials 10 hours a day. I don’t want to watch more of them when I get home!
  • 00:23:27: RT @fredhicks: Too Much to Do? Take on More
  • 00:24:49: Mkay, bedtime! Maybe a little booktime, too. Only a few stories left in “Machine of Death”!
  • 08:02:58: @lookupwards NOOOOO, that sucks! I never realized it was on the bubble! I’m going to miss that show.
  • 08:20:39: Boo, Chicago Code was canceled as well! It wasn’t on my “must see as it airs!” list, but it was good stuff.
  • 08:36:55: 5 of 5 stars to Machine of Death by Ryan North
  • 10:20:44: On Jim’s forum, some folks are playing a fusion of Magic: The Gathering and Calvinball. One member produced this:
  • 10:24:13: More welding outside my building. Out of the corner of my eye, shadows cast on the wall opposite looked like dinosaur fangs. #killerrobot
  • 10:41:08: Neil Gaiman’s Doctor Who story might help convert all your friends to Who fandom (via @io9)
  • 11:02:29: Via @MickeydotFinn, The White Council Special Edition Rubik’s Cube:
  • 11:17:29: When a roommate arrangement is practically a done deal and you decide to take a different offer, TELL THE OTHER PERSON.
  • 11:28:56: via @io9, Cheering up rats genetically engineered to be depressed // This sounds like Douglas Adams wrote it.
  • 11:53:45: RT @denofgeek: Steven Moffat on the people who spoil #DoctorWho
  • 12:44:03: @contraducktory @SheckyX Bad idea. I might end up with Harry as a roommate, and I value my tech! Also, I have a strict no-zombie policy.
  • 12:53:48: Clarification of the TwitPic thing I just tweeted:
  • 12:57:26: @fredhicks I was a latecomer to the show, but I really enjoyed it. It definitely didn’t deserve to be canceled.
  • 13:11:24: RT @cleolinda: RT @GeekWingNet: @cleolinda Online petition against Uganda’s Anti-Gay Bill actually makes a difference:
  • 13:11:43: RT @Pres_Bartlet: We’re missing the point on the waterboarding debate. The question isn’t “does it work”, the question is “should the US …
  • 13:25:37: TruBlood Is Real Now (via @Gizmodo)
  • 15:09:15: RT @neilio: Today’s Google logo honouring dancer Martha Graham is amazing & NOT flash – it’s a PNG animated with jQuery. See? http://t.c
  • 15:09:44: RT @mental_floss: The milliHelen is the quantity of beauty required to launch just one ship.
  • 15:21:48: @Julie_Butcher Wave in the general direction of my parents, who live near SMU!
  • 15:22:08: RT @minkhollow42: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy has this to say about Twitter: [redacted to fit character limit] #dontpanic #doug …
  • 15:22:29: RT @frobisher: Have finished Whedonistas published by @madnorwegian – excellent, as always. Maybe this will get a Hugo nom next year, fo …
  • 15:33:09: RT @catvalente: My post about why I keep harping on this fairy tale thing:
  • 15:55:13: via @peoplefor: Stand up to the GOP’s war on women! Tell the Sen. to say NO to #HR3:
  • 16:04:16: RT @maddow: Digitizing 10,000 78s for the Library of Congress National Jukebox: #NextLifeIWantToBeALibrarian
  • 16:05:04: RT @BreakingNews: Images from Lorca, Spain, damaged by quake, via
  • 16:16:03: RT @thinkgeek: Man flies over Grand Canyon in jetpack: Still no hoverboards.
  • 16:18:49: RT @donttrythis: 2 words. Octopus Ballet. ‘Nuff said.
    (via the awesome Boi …
  • 16:37:26: RT @BreakingNews Osama bin Laden’s hand-written journal was seized in US raid //”Dear Diary, Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy…”
  • 16:44:21: @travelingheidi “Still the terroristiest!”
  • 18:07:34: Plannin’ plans, schemin’ schemes!
  • 19:12:50: First image from Aardman Animation’s Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists! (via @io9)
  • 20:10:49: @Esperacchius Hey, it’s an art gallery! If the bathrooms were separated by gender, you could’ve walked in on two dudes.
  • 20:32:07: @mkcho73 The Glee version sounds better than Rebecca Black’s, but that’s like saying “urine smells better than a pile of decaying skunks.”
  • 20:32:36: RT @TheAuthorGuy: Good News! Navy Seals didn’t find more than 4oz of shampoo in Bin Laden’s lair/hideout/high-rise spider hole. Whew! #O …
  • 20:51:33: Pro Tip: When cooking dinner, many chefs find it beneficial to turn the oven on.
  • 20:53:12: @kierabot @RobJDurand I don’t trust microwaves.
  • 20:56:41: @DorogasCousin Um.
  • 20:58:04: @DorogasCousin Yeah, I played the Sorceress when my high school put on the opera. What made you post that?
  • 21:10:53: @DorogasCousin No, I was just a little taken aback at the seemingly random comment. It sounds kind of misogynistic, don’t you think?
  • 21:13:51: @DorogasCousin ‘S cool. Just try to be aware of it in the future. :D
  • 22:05:51: Shouldn’t this “intelligent ad” system know I already have an Audible account?
  • 22:15:22: RT @wilw: You’re welcome. (via geekosystem)
  • 23:13:42: The second story from @longshotauthor’s Bigfoot trio will appear in Kevin J. Anderson’s BLOOD LITE 3: AFTERTASTE!
  • 23:14:28: @fourteenacross Canton counts as Team Eleventy. #teamtardis
  • 23:16:03: RT @Pres_Bartlet: Republicans are proposing an amendment to the Constitution that would give states the power to veto federal law.
  • 23:23:57: OMG, “The Beastly Bride” antho, featuring my AWESOME COLLEGE ROOMMATE’s short story “Coyote and Valorosa”, is nominated in the Locus Awards!
  • 23:28:27: @SunshineDuk I’ll have to ask. I assumed all three were going to be exclusive to Son of Side Jobs (not the actual title). I was wrong. :D
  • 23:41:02: Matt Bomer and Willie Garson are too adorkable for words! I shall require animated gifs! (thanks, @jeffeastin!)
  • 23:48:45: Man. KRAKEN keeps getting nominated for awards. I feel like I should give it a second shot, even though I was still cold halfway in.
  • 23:52:53: @LiamBouquet A novel by China Mieville.
  • 23:53:12: RT @RobJDurand:
    you’re welcome

Tweets copied by

From Twitter 05-10-2011

  • 00:07:48: Me: I wonder if Murphy has a stepladder. Jim: She’s an expert at takedowns. :) Me: “All the guys I date are the same height!”
  • 01:15:59: RT @GenUndead: Why do daleks eat apples? AN APPLE A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY. #badoottsss
  • 01:27:00: Glah, must interrupt betaing of Item 2 for sleep. Night, all!
  • 07:23:12: RT @ezraklein: RT @joshrogin: The Marvel comic edition of the Situation Room Osama photo > Awesome, but not …
  • 07:28:21: RT @neilhimself: Can’t tell if this is News because I’m going to be on WITS, or because I’ve donated my fee to Charity again. Bit mad. h …
  • 07:36:15: RT @byharryconnolly: Blog Post: One massive graphic to explain why U.S. Healthcare costs so much. –
  • 08:35:40: SECOND THING OF FOUR: BETAED! #betaallthethings
  • 10:39:51: @longshotauthor You’ve taken your love of explosions too far, Jim.
  • 10:43:39: RT @longshotauthor: Most recent work: Dresden short story, “I Was A Teenage Bigfoot.”
  • 10:43:43: RT @longshotauthor: Next project: Dresden short story, “B is for BIgfoot.”
  • 10:44:32: @longshotauthor I’m going to be singing a modified version of the “C is for Cookie” song all day, you realize. #badassmorganfilker
  • 10:45:10: RT @longshotauthor: @rskye13 Yeah, it’s a trilogy of Bigfoot short stories. :) B is for Bigfoot, I was a Teenage Bigfoot and Bigfoot On …
  • 10:47:17: @longshotauthor As long as C is not for Coca-Cola!
  • 10:57:05: @longshotauthor Rest well! I’m sure Frost will be happy to protect your sleeping form from any Tooth Faery debt collectors.
  • 11:21:34: @ShannonKButcher Reminds me of when my friend called me w/ good news after I got my wisdom teeth out, and my mouth was still numb. :D
  • 11:22:22: @ShannonKButcher I was trying to squee, but I sounded like Sloth from the Goonies.
  • 11:22:55: @kierabot Marry me.
  • 11:36:41: RT @ShannonKButcher: Jim is not a toy for your amusement. He’s a toy for MY amusement. @barrymorton @longshotauthor
  • 11:42:50: @seananmcguire @saladinahmed *sings* “Kidnap Mr. Saladin?” “Grab him with a time machine!”
  • 11:45:26: @ShannonKButcher This mental image is glorious.
  • 11:46:51: @ShannonKButcher Appoint Frost his sleep warden. Put Jim to bed, then put Frost to sleep on Jim’s chest.
  • 12:14:39: @saladinahmed @seananmcguire Is she calling you a Santaist?
  • 14:01:44: RT @PopWrap: Holy Frak! Starbuck & Starbuck drink Starbucks at Starbucks!
  • 14:02:06: This is like when the Doctor’s daughter who played the Doctor’s daughter in “The Doctor’s Daughter” had the Doctor’s daughter!
  • 15:27:43: RT @WhovianNet: Elisabeth Sladen’s family have requested that donations in her memory go to The Meadow House Hospice:
  • 16:07:02: RT @neilhimself: RT @Avidor: @repMattDean calls #neilgaiman a thief but his caucus has no problem with taking money from fraudsters. htt …
  • 17:49:16: RT @thinkgeek: Microsoft confirms $8.5B Skype purchase & plans to call new service Microsoft Skype Network, or “MS Skynet” for short.
  • 18:32:28: UNEXPECTED BABY-HOLDING! Alex brought his son, Loki, to be cooed at. Baaaaaaby fingeeeeeers!
  • 19:09:20: RT @TheAtlanticENT: Why women love fantasy literature: #GameofThrones
  • 22:36:36: Behold! The @SheckyX-Inara has EVOLVED! (He actually REQUESTED I do this.)
  • 22:37:23: RT @Lord_Voldemort7: It’s obvious that Obama’s birth certificate was Osama Bin Laden’s final horcrux.
  • 22:37:56: @anglophile80 WHO IS YOUR GOD NOW?
  • 22:39:11: @myyrdneopia @anglophile80 By which you mean give them the luxurious beards they request?
  • 22:40:54: @myyrdneopia @anglophile80 He said he would forgive the boobs if I gave him a beard.
  • 22:42:39: @ksmccarthy24 *hugs tightly*
  • 22:46:04: RT @instant_netflix: Masterpiece Mystery!: Sherlock: Series 1: This modern-day refresh of Sherlock Holmes has Arthur Conan Doyle’s de… …
  • 22:47:46: @stellamortis Lovely! Can’t wait to see the real thing!
  • 22:53:30: @ksmccarthy24 This is because you are BRILLIANT.
  • 22:56:08: @SheckyX Eeeeeew, thunder god boogers!
  • 22:59:27: @Julie_Butcher In college, I wrote a paper comparing “The Searchers” with John Wayne to “Serenity.” #whedonista
  • 23:02:31: @myyrdneopia I dressed as Angua for Halloween in high school. Should’ve seen the looks I got at PetCo when I tried the collars on myself.
  • 23:36:58: RT @chenrisius: This is why NYC is the capital of creativity – NYC Dining Subway Car @newyorkology @EverythingNYC

Tweets copied by

From Twitter 05-09-2011

  • 00:05:19: @fredhicks I KNOW! How is it so consistently wonderful?
  • 07:24:10: @seananmcguire That is so evil I could spit.
  • 07:29:05: RT @caitlinmoran: Well done, NATO: RT @liviafirth: This is shocking! totally unacceptable, inhumane and awful.
  • 07:30:52: RT @laurenbeukes, @adamhillspeaks: Greatest, geekiest NYT Correction Ever? // The fact it’s in “sports” is even better.
  • 07:31:05: RT @qikipedia: ‘Camel’s hair’ brushes are not made from camels, they are made from squirrels.
  • 07:51:19: @SheckyX The dress is modeled off historically accurate fashion.
  • 08:19:56: @mkcho73 This concept intrigues me.
  • 09:46:31: Improv Everywhere presents, “Gotta Share: The Musical!” @ImprovEvery
  • 10:00:22: I love today’s XKCD:
  • 10:00:56: In 8th grade, we had a project in which we each researched a female scientist. I got Booyeah!
  • 10:10:59: @saladinahmed *HEADDESK* *FOREVER*
  • 10:30:41: @antonstrout *offers you lasagna*
  • 10:31:20: RT @MorganLibrary: What did fashion in the Middle Ages look like? “Illuminating Fashion” opens on May 20. @TheArtNewspaper
  • 10:40:11: @SheckyX @antonstrout “Lasagne” is the plural. And Garfield spells it with an “a.”
  • 11:29:31: RT @cleolinda: RT @griner: Tornado relief advice: Donating food? Throw in a few can openers. They’re vital, but no one thinks to include …
  • 11:29:55: RT @Techland: Apple replaces Google as the world’s most valuable brand |
  • 11:36:15: @jonrog1 @OKBJGM The idea of you two collaborating fills my heart with ponies. Which actually kind of hurts. Worth it, though!
  • 11:47:08: Hear @saladinahmed talk Non-Traditional Settings on this week’s WRITING EXCUSES podcast:
  • 12:05:10: RT @antonstrout: I was wondering why i thought S6,E3 of Doctor Who was ‘meh’ at best, and TOR sums it up nicely
  • 13:48:03: Coworkers’ habit of wearing headphones + the rate at which I’ve been going through Kleenex for my cold = a lot easier to hide I’m in tears.
  • 15:00:39: *HUGS EVERYONE* Thank you.
  • 15:39:53: Wow, April Smith is EXACTLY the kind of music I needed to listen to right now. Whoever introduced me to her stuff (@fourteenacross?) rocks.
  • 17:14:43: BAHAHAHAHA, this is so true:
  • 19:53:14: RT @Glinner: Yup. This is about the size if it #obl #itcrowd
  • 22:27:28: Today sucked a lot, but friends and family make the world awesome.
  • 22:57:08: Who has time for drama when it’s time to BETA ALL THE THINGS? Item 1 of 4, GO!
  • 23:29:46: Huh. Jim switches from “Hexenwolf” to “Hexenwulf” midway through Fool Moon. The things I miss listening to audiobooks!
  • 23:31:06: And d’aww, while I have an unhealthy love of Harry and Murphy’s ridiculous height difference, I must say Harry and Susan’s is cute, too. #FM
  • 23:33:28: @myyrdneopia Nope. Bob refers to “Hexenwolves” early on, and later, Harry calls Harris a “Hexenwulf jerk-off.” No rhyme or reason.
  • 23:38:35: @quekern Curse Jim and his engrossing narratives! *shakes fist*
  • 23:48:40: MISSION: BETA ALL THE THINGS, item 1: COMPLETE. On to item 2!

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From Twitter 05-08-2011

Tweets copied by

From Twitter 05-07-2011

  • 11:18:02: I slept 12 1/2 hours. Apparently, I needed sleep.
  • 11:54:42: @RobJDurand Tickets to Priscilla, Queen of the Desert: The Broadway Musical?
  • 11:57:41: @RobJDurand BABY ALPHAS!
  • 12:02:54: @RobJDurand I have no idea why they list me first. Shouldn’t it be alphabetical? Ah, whatevs.
  • 12:07:08: So! Thor was crazy fun! And it passed Bechdel, unlike pretty much every superhero movie ever. Enjoy the pretty shirtlessness!
  • 12:18:51: @ShannonKButcher Martha Stewart is WEAK-WILLED and FEEBLE. Craft on, brave souls!
  • 12:19:05: @Esperacchius You’re joking, right?
  • 12:22:13: @Esperacchius The existence of a conversation about a girl doesn’t invalidate the many conversations dudes have NOT about a girl.
  • 12:22:48: @Esperacchius If that were the definition, no movie would ever pass either test.
  • 12:36:28: @Esperacchius Bechdel isn’t meant to be an accurate test of feminist cinema. It highlights the imbalance of male/female presence in media.
  • 12:36:40: @Esperacchius The women of White Collar are AWESOME, but it took AGES for it to finally pass Bechdel.
  • 12:36:59: @Esperacchius It’s STAGGERING how rarely women interact w/ women in media, compared to how much time is devoted to men interacting with men.
  • 12:39:46: @Esperacchius Heh, nope. Arwen, Eowyn, Galadriel, Rosie Cotton… You ever see them interacting with other women? :D
  • 12:58:29: @Esperacchius Yes, it does. It doesn’t have to be only women in the scene.
  • 12:58:38: @Esperacchius Any time Harry observes two named women talking to each other about something other than a man, it qualifies.
  • 12:59:46: @Esperacchius Like when Murphy schools Molly for invading her crime scene in WN, or any time Molly and Charity interact.
  • 13:02:43: @Esperacchius It’s a test for the bare minimum of female interaction. It’s not about excluding men.
  • 13:10:47: RT @DlectablePlanet: Produce is the most important health care your money can buy. Love your local farmer’s market and it will love you! …
  • 13:12:00: @Esperacchius Thus demonstrating that the Bechdel test is doing its job: pointing out the VAST disparity btw male vs. female interaction!
  • 13:15:35: @Esperacchius It never purported to be about the positive message about women. I already addressed that in an earlier tweet.
  • 13:17:08: @Esperacchius Uh, no? Where are you getting that? Not what Bechdel is about.
  • 13:22:36: @mkcho73 I can recommend! But it’s not like “Battle Royale meets Twilight.” The romance isn’t terribly important to the main girl. :D
  • 13:25:02: @marashomemade Strawberry almond pie? Sounds DELISH! Any chance you’ll offer that your last week in Manhattan?
  • 13:25:41: @Esperacchius No, no, no. That’s not it at ALL.
  • 13:27:14: @Esperacchius They’re talking about the DOMINANCE of male stories in media and how rare it is for women to interact even at a minimal level.
  • 13:28:29: @Esperacchius They’re not passing negative judgment on women talking with women about men. They’re just saying it doesn’t pass this test.
  • 13:42:14: @Esperacchius Because there IS. Plenty of movies have two women with names, but that last criterion is KEY.
  • 13:45:53: @Esperacchius The inclusion of nuanced female characters isn’t enough, b/c Hollywood still only has them interacting with/talking about men.
  • 13:51:26: @Esperacchius The fact that so few movies/shows pass the Bechdel test is very telling about the way filmmakers view women as a whole.
  • 13:54:09: @Esperacchius The part where you weren’t grasping the significance of the dearth of conversations btw women about something other than men?
  • 14:03:31: RT @wcmartell: Wait… ABC is doing a whole hour of Bin Laden home videos on AFV? I wonder how many times he get hit in the nuts?
  • 14:06:26: @Esperacchius So it’s “useless” to point out that a STAGGERING number of films don’t exhibit the bare minimum of female interaction?
  • 14:06:41: @Esperacchius Dude, I’m done. We can continue this conversation in person if you want.
  • 14:12:03: @ksmccarthy24 I voted for Christopher C. Augur. I love the hilarious dramatic contrast of EPIC WHISKERS and a bare chin.
  • 14:18:04: @xiehicks I have EPIC yard envy. My apartment doesn’t even have a plant right now.
  • 14:28:14: @Esperacchius It’s ok, it happens to every guy.
  • 14:54:18: RT @ACLU: We’ve heard of fashion police, bt this is ridiculous! Police TASER teen & BREAK HIS ARM for wearing jeans too low. http://bit.
  • 15:03:32: Daily Headdesk: 2 imams pulled from plane bound for North Carolina to attend conference on Islamaphobia –@BreakingNews
  • 15:06:11: Hey, NYers! Who wants to go to the Alexander McQueen exhibit at the Met?
  • 15:09:15: RT @saladinahmed: Liz Taylor, Michael Jackson, & Marlon Brando grab their power rings & trick arrows & hit the road in search of America …
  • 15:18:11: “[Twitter user] follows 2 users who follow you: Jim Butcher and Barack Obama.”
  • 15:25:08: Mika Merrylark’s newest piece gives us a glimpse of Harry’s darker side:
  • 15:30:38: The Beast has a wardrobe malfunction!
  • 15:33:40: RT @Wraithmaker: Would smorgasboarding be a better alternative for Guantanamo detainees? Fatten em up and watch the secrets fly?
  • 15:35:11: RT @wonderella: Did it seem weird to anyone else that the only black guy in the Thor movie was the doorman?
  • 15:37:36: BAHAHAHA! Spoilers for Doctor Who 6×01-2.
  • 18:40:04: Today’s Doctor Who: Fun, but with a plot hole you could sail a pirate ship through.
  • 18:41:43: RT @donttrythis: Open letter to the umlaut:
  • 19:05:35: @RobJDurand It’s a continuity error that can’t really be addressed. But it’s cool! I don’t expect my Who to be perfect–just crazy fun!
  • 19:06:52: RT @NikNoey: … and now we know how the Icemen got to Alera. #Thor
  • 20:14:03: I have posted an apartment ad on Craigslist and cleaned my kitchen! Three cheers for being a responsible grownup!
  • 20:14:49: RT @fourteenacross: “This is like O. Henry and Alanis Morrisette had a baby and named it THIS EXACT SITUATION.”
  • 20:17:06: @HipsterDalek Trust me, The Captain Jack does not have a cherry.
  • 20:18:48: RT @BreakingNews: 3 dead, including suspected shooter, 1 hurt, in roommate dispute // *eyes Craigslist ad*
  • 20:24:31: RT @neilhimself: I love this #8in8 video for Because the Origami. Love love love. (via @BenJJacobson) // This is GREAT.
  • 20:43:49: via @cracked, 6 Insane Stories of a Magician Who Helped Win WWII: — First author to use him in an Urban Fantasy wins.
  • 21:41:49: @antonstrout Stacking? Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

Tweets copied by

From Twitter 05-06-2011

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From Twitter 05-05-2011

  • 07:45:43: OSX/FF4 bug: the Save screen only appears a few seconds, and if you can’t navigate fast enough, it’ll save in the wrong location. Advice?
  • 07:46:00: Will probably have to visit the Apple store soon.
  • 08:01:23: @contraducktory Nah, I have it on “Always ask me where to save files.” The Browse window comes up, but only for one or three or ten seconds.
  • 08:18:24: Man, issue 2 of the “Fool Moon” graphic novel is coming together wonderfully. Can’t wait for you all to see it!
  • 08:28:51: I can has Chaunzaggoroth? Yes you can has in issue 3!
  • 08:35:43: @Democable has the SF hardcover compilations AND issue 1 of FM! One-stop shopping. :D
  • 08:41:55: 1. Work until midnight. 2. Go to sleep immediately. 3. Wake up early to comic-beta. 4. Go back to work. 5. ??? 6. Profit?
  • 11:40:04: RT @Techland: Anonymous to Sony: We don’t condone credit card theft |
  • 11:59:08: I can’t believe I just bought a ticket to see Thor at midnight in 3D on a work night.
  • 12:08:08: @contraducktory All three. I hate 3D, I fall asleep at midnight movies, and I require beauty rest. But it’s worth going with friends!
  • 12:19:51: Dear English-speaking world, “Everyday” does not mean the same thing as “every day.” Love, me
  • 12:38:55: Why would someone make chili without meat? Do they hate freedom?
  • 12:39:41: “I like his furry arm warmers and his neck beard.” –quote presented without context
  • 12:55:55: In case you ever planned on sleeping again: Prison Guard Dog Fitted with Titanium Teeth
  • 13:03:33: @SheckyX
  • 13:12:41: @SheckyX That was Hyberbole and a Half, actually!
  • 13:59:08: @Thumbelina137 @SheckyX Dingdingdingding! And a kewpie doll for the pretty lady!
  • 14:08:28: RT @cleolinda: RT @agentquery: FANTASTIC post from @smartbitches: specific ways we can help tornado-devastated Southern states http://bi …
  • 14:18:10: RT @aliceandjeff: Sexy Timez Doubled
  • 14:19:08: @BrandSanderson @NateTheComicGuy Parsley Semaphore? I would read the heck out of that book. :D
  • 14:19:22: RT @BrandSanderson: Awesome comic: (Warning, involves me.) Click on the image for an extra goodie. Thanks @NateTheComicGuy! http://bi …
  • 14:35:09: RT @teefury: The angels have the phone box in Don’t Blink, Matt_Dearden’s tribute to an iconic episode of Doctor Who!
  • 15:51:31: RT @mental_floss: Math Food! — (Of course there’s a Pi Pie.)
  • 16:32:37: RT @DalekThay: YOUR MOTHER is so UNATTRACTIVE that THE SILENCE wish THEY could FORGET HER! #DalekSnaps #DoctorWho
  • 16:35:10: RT @AllieBrosh: New Blog Post: :D: Guess what?

    I’m writing a book. With pages!

    And there will be pictures on t… http …

  • 16:38:28: RT @Dark_Puck: RT: @maereth: Politician’s Mother Makes Him Apologize for Calling Neil Gaiman ‘Pencil-necked Weasel’
  • 16:42:28: RT @mental_floss: News: Kids Don’t Know Who The Beatles Were —
  • 16:52:39: RT @DisneyPixar: FIRST LOOK: La Luna, A Timeless Coming of Age Fable from @DisneyPixar (via @indiewire)
  • 16:59:49: “When you go to prison, I’ll send you episodes of Doctor Who inside a cake.” –me
  • 19:02:10: Royal Wedding Dalek:
  • 19:08:26: RT @aurosan: It says everything about the US that the same people so destroyed by seeing Janet Jackson’s nipple are begging to see Osama …
  • 19:23:45: Blu’s “Big Bang Big Boom” will blow your mind:
  • 19:25:38: Also freaking cool: Popping Balloons —
  • 19:43:28: BETA ALL THE THINGS! *brandishes machete*
  • 20:32:42: Your daily adorable: How to Distract a Duckling —
  • 20:33:50: OMG, I forgot Lee Pace was on Broadway right now! I must experience the Muppet-eyebrowed wonder in person.
  • 20:44:26: @Esperacchius “The Normal Heart.” And I have a discount code, mwaha! We shall have to arrange an outing.
  • 21:37:32: Hey, remember that time Tera West checked out Harry’s naked butt?
  • 22:06:11: RT @amnewyork: How dirty is your subway ride?
  • 22:13:29: In my head, I am reliving @ActuallyNPH leading “Side By Side” in the Philarmonic’s COMPANY. That show was EXTRAORDINARY. What an experience!
  • 23:37:15: .@Esperacchius suggested John Hamm for Marcone. I approve!

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From Twitter 05-03-2011

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