• 07:15 @slimgatsby 10am: passes distributed. 6pm: Jim goes on! He’ll do an hour of Q&A, then sign. #
  • 08:08 Jim Butcher @longshotauthor signing and answering fan questions at B&N Tribeca in NYC, today at 6pm! Say hi to me! bit.ly/ojiZ7u #
  • 08:38 SECRET WEAPON of +3 to book signing awesomeness OBTAINED! #
  • 08:38 @jemicorn Guaranteed seating. There’s only room for 200 to sit. The rest is standing room. #
  • 09:35 Mwaha, I am converting a bunch of Dresden fans to @vienn! ateng! Triumph! #
  • 09:37 @jemicorn You’ll probably be standing, then. Depends on how many folks get the message about the passes at 10. #
  • 10:17 @DC_Zol I have no idea what you’re talking about… *mystic fingers* #
  • 10:17 @Esperacchius I will send @gillyperkygoth home with a portion of secret weapon for you. What’s your favorite kind of cupcake? #
  • 10:19 @samson1366 It is a long, protracted tale. :D Ask around the Author Craft section of the forum for vol! unteer betas! #
  • 10:20 @HarriedWizard @longshotauthor *tight hugs* Will do. #
  • 10:23 The @HarriedWizard G+ account was suspended. Their "only real people/real names" policy needs a kick in the pants. DON’T BE EVIL, GOOGLE. #
  • 11:08 .@longshotauthor: "You could probably be a White Court vampire that fed on the warm, happy feeling they get when they’re holding a puppy…" #
  • 11:09 "…although you’d really… you’d probably sparkle." –@longshotauthor, from t.co/dFSqPkN #
  • 12:15 Hey, @HarriedWizard, you get a shout-out near the end of part 4: t.co/dFSqPkN :D #
  • 12:31 Wonder Woman And The Flash Help Lost Child In a Scene That Is Impossibly Adorable t.co/GtfVsml via @FashionablyGeek #
  • 12:48 RT @gillyperkygoth @sheckyx We is ready for @longshotauthor signing! t.co/L0jukf9 // YESSSSS PRECIOUSss. #
  • 12:52 @myyrdneopia @longshotauthor How am I not at all surprised you took it home? You’re getting a little Single White Female, dude. :D #
  • 13:17 @HarriedWizard All my favorite people are goofy and fun. :D #
  • 13:25 @HarriedWizard @fredhicks @CapnIndigo Though not as disturbing as zombie deer. #
  • 13:29 @SpringaldJack @HarriedWizard @fredhicks @CapnIndigo …You win. #
  • 14:52 @HarriedWizard He knew about you before. His handle came up in enough @replies. :D #
  • 14:54 @gillyperkygoth twitpic.com/5p7tdl – Lovely! #
  • 14:59 @HarriedWizard Okay… When you speak the Name of a powerful entity, it can find you and listen in. #
  • 16:24 On my way to B&N! #
  • 23:05 Back from @longshotauthor’s NYC signing! Only 200 people showed–looks like the rigid signing rules scared folks off. I had fun, though! #
  • 23:19 Our posse took @longshotauthor to dinner. Then before we could say anything, he paid for all 14 people’s food. CLASSY, GENEROUS GUY. #
  • 23:38 @ksmccarthy24 *leaptackles* We should talk! I miss you! #

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