• 00:10 @byharryconnolly @SheckyX You married wisely, my friend. #
  • 00:18 @Phantom2448 Estimated release date for Cold Days is late summer/early fall 2012. #
  • 00:20 @PKlibrarian @bookpage @longshotauthor Fear not! "Ghost Story" is 13th out of 23ish: 20ish "case books," plus an Apocalyptic Trilogy. #
  • 09:50 @HarriedWizard Good try, Harry. :D #
  • 09:58 @fre! dhicks Souls? #
  • 11:15 @antonstrout Makes you bust out of your blouse! #
  • 11:18 @jeditigger @longshotauthor *snort* Yay! #
  • 11:22 @jeditigger It’ll probably need to be piecemeal, due to the character limit. :D Whatever’s more convenient for you! #
  • 11:45 @jeditigger Maybe best to post it all together, so folks’ replies don’t break up the pieces. #
  • 13:14 Ghost St! ory is the third Dresden book to hit #1 on the NYT list, right? Right ! ::composes news post:: #
  • 14:06 Juggling demo in Bryant Park! twitpic.com/61ej43 #
  • 16:24 I use a lot of exclamation points in my news posts. #
  • 17:19 Up there with the White House’s Rickroll: t.co/BJ1DTnO #
  • 18:35 @boymonster MEGA-CONGRATS, dude! #
  • 18:41 My #FridayReads is "Hounded" by @KevinHearne. Enjoying it muchly so far! #
  • 1! 9:41 @jeditigger Jim: "You have to be born that way." Me: "Like Lady Gaga." A reference to her song "Born That Way." :D #
  • 21:46 Head over heels thrilled for the whole @dresdenfiles RPG team! Well done! #

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