- 08:16 Hey, NYC-area Butcher fans! Join me for bowling and shenanigans on 9/17! t.co/m7FovzA #
- 08:32 Fascinating article: Why some languages sound so fast: t.co/n8p2Kkb #
- 10:10 Coworker Alex found "The Girl Mechanic’s Manual" from 1944 in a yard sale. It’s the best thing ever. t.co/kyCxTWQ #
- 10:11 The misogyny is glorious! t.co/dre0zIi #
- 10:13 More chauvinism! t.co/dXoSCS8 #
- 10:19 @myyrdneopia I would SO not put it past Toot to kill Hitler. #
- 15:24 My #FridayReads are HAMMERED by @KevinHearne and OLD MAN’S WAR by @scalzi. #
- 15:47 @jeditigger Weird. Must’ve been a momentary hiccup. I assure you, I am following you. :D #
- 15:48 @fredhicks *lip trembles* *puppy dog eyes glisten with unshed tears* #
- 16:32 Just finished the audiobook of @scalzi’s OLD MAN’S WAR. I have tears in my eyes. BRILLIANT. brb, off to read everything he’s ever written. #
- 18:48 "We should make a cat fight a baby." –when animators are bored #
- 18:53 @Julie_Butcher Sweet Jesus preserve us. #
- 19:06 @byharryconnolly Can’t wait to read it! Will this be released on Amazon like the other shorts, or are you shopping it around? #
- 19:10 This makes me happy: t.co/0O3YqUp #mulan #
- 20:45 @byhar ryconnolly HUZZAH FOR THE SEKRIT PROJECT! #
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