• 10:02 Hey, what’s that word that means "deserving of respect/fear" that begins with an i? #
  • 10:04 RT @mhaithaca: @priscellie Intimidating? // not the one I’m looking for. #
  • 10:10 RT @jbkuma: @priscellie I AM :D Imposing? // Nope. It’s a less common word. #
  • 10:14 RT @chichenpizza: @priscellie Inimical came to mind, but that’s something outright harmful. // Ooh, good word! Not the one I want, though. #
  • 10:21 Oh! It was "formidable"! That doesn’t begin with an "i" at all! #
  • 10:28 @seananmcguire @BobbyGLove @nkjemisin I would read that story! #
  • 11:21 RT @AnnLarimer: tyndalecode: Danny Glover’s Haiti film lacked ‘white heroes’ t.co/ITQhdNP // *headdesks forever* #
  • 11:26 @RobJDurand Why bring historical ignorance, politics, and religion into the picture when it can be explained by good old fashioned racism? #
  • 11:40 @RobJDurand I was referring to the racism of the financiers refusing to support a film with no white heroes. #
  • < em>12:05 What new Fall shows are you looking forward to? My interest is piqued by Person of Interest, if solely for the casting. #
  • 15:04 @byharryconnolly Godspeed, Harry. *salutes* #
  • 15:13 @KevinHearne SO TEMPTED, but the 6-hour drive from L.A. is a bit far for an evening of fun. :D #
  • 15:16 Powerful: RT @WorldSciFest: A photo of 9/11/2001 by the only American not on Earth at the time. ow.ly/6q517 #NASA #9/11 #
  • 16:36 @boymonster I remember when t hat was first announced. Way to alienate 51% of the market and pander obnoxiously to the remaining 49%, Dr. P! #
  • 16:47 @RobJDurand @KevinHearne I’ll be working towards an MFA. Skipping a couple days of classes isn’t really an option. :D #
  • 16:58 @RobJDurand @KevinHearne Wait, who are you, and why are you @replying me? #
  • 17:02 I just realized that I’ll be nearing the end of a month-long cleanse during NYCC. I’ll have to pack my own food! #
  • 17:06 @myyrdneopia Yes. As in "I can’t eat co n food." #
  • 18:30 @jonrog1 There’s a 4G button? Does it only appear when you’re partying with Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster? #
  • 18:34 RT @OKBJGM: apocalyptic changes in hairstyle are often a sign of dissatisfaction with circumstances beyond a person’s control. // Hehe, yup. #
  • 22:22 5 of 5 stars to Circle of Enemies by Harry Connolly t.co/qGMIvqi #

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