- 00:22 @holajupiter YIKES. That is major suckage. Do you have insurance? #
- 09:46 There is a LOT of cinnamon in my oatmeal. #
- 10:22 Happy "Leif Ericson Got There Half A Millennium Before Columbus, And Paleo-Indians Migrated There 40,000—15,500 Years Before That" Day! #
- 11:06 Woo, got permission to leave work early to attend Thursday’s Pratchett event! t.co/0TJzqnNO #
- 11:15 @myyrdneopia 2pm. Email me, and we’ll work out deets. #
- 11:45 @mkcho73 Same here. #
- 12:09 @sherlockbones *hugs tightly* Send her this: t.co/0MSrxoek #
- 14:31 @notjustanyboggs I’ll probably get there around 2:30ish. #
- 14:46 This animation is trippy and fabulous: t.co/w3W9BrMy #
- 14:53 @RobJDurand Hee, #fitbit is really catching on! #
- 15:03 RT @mkcho73 Today is a real victory for pot-smoking muppets :p #
- 23:03 @quekern I got acupuncture yesterday, and the eye is way better today! Finally back to normal! #
- 23:05 Wow, old stock footage in that NYC establishing shot, #Castle! The Brooklyn Bridge waterfall was taken down in October 2008. #NYCgeek #
- 23:58 @mkcho73 Ye gods, was I even born when that show premiered? #
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