• 09:31 Tell the @US_FDA: Americans have a right to know what we’re eating. It’s time to label genetically modified foods! t.co/9tSIUFbg #gmo #
  • 09:33 @maureenjohnson t.co/rlHri8Th – It exists! A coworker used to keep a jar at the office for any bacon/mayonnaise emergencies. #
  • 10:43 Marked as to-read: The Disappearing Spoon by Sam Kean t.co/I6NpgE9b #
  • 13:09 Rory! <3 t.co/FbbWhI9j #
  • 15:22 Soup! t.co/Hpp1UOFt #
  • 19:13 Avengers trailer! SO MUCH WANT. t.co/6o5mgcLE #
  • 20:16 "This motion picture has been rated PG-13 for Western Violence." #
  • 20:30 I freaking love Aaron Diaz’s (@DresdenCodak) proposed rebooted DC heroes and villains: t.co/6MFBx3nQ and t.co/b1LfVLJe #
  • 23:15 I was just reminded of "Tracy Jordan Lines Said By John Marcone." This will never not be funny. t.co/yOcuzcZs #

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