Twitter Driveby

  • 07:33 Re-tweeted from @txvoodoo: FREE SARAH PALIN! CNN calls her out, and it is beautiful. #
  • 11:58 @Wraithmaker Half-birthdays are awesome! Invaluable in school, when birthday celebrations with friends were sidelined by Thanksgiving. #
  • 12:01 Linked from @ABCPieHole: Pushing Daisies likes its corpses like it likes its coffee: COVERED IN BEES! #
  • 12:06 Re-tweeted from @edeainfj: Religious nutjubs make baby Jesus cry. #
  • 12:07 @boymonster That sounds both painful and humiliating. #
  • 12:33 Oh, I am *so* in the mood for Toasties right now. That just hit me like a sledgehammer. Greek salad and prosciutto sandwich, mmm. #
  • 12:36 Lessig blogs on Palin’s lack of experience compared to all past VPs. Unfavorable to say the least. #
  • 14:38 Lynda Carter (Wonder Woman) speaks out against Palin comparisons: #
  • 15:17 Oh, PETA! You are so gloriously batshit insane. #
  • 15:19 @sadbhyl Did you see the clip of Viggo vehemently endorsing Obama? It was pretty awesome. #
  • 18:43 Oh, man. This McCain pullout drama is DELICIOUS. I feel I should be eating pie as I read about it. #
  • 21:18 @boymonster Watch it for best effect. The Palin/Couric interview reminds me of Miss Teen South Carolina. #

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