- 07:52 @feliciaday I’ve been itching to find a use for my iTunes gift card! *runs off to download* Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen! #
- 07:55 @jimmyaquino Anything you recommend, Jimmy? I’m unfamiliar with most of these, but sales are great opportunities to discover something cool. #
- 07:58 @mkcho73 Maybe it’s for indecisive people. "Hmm, should I have Bud, clam, or tomato juice right now? I KNOW!" And so a niche was filled. #
- 08:08 @drhorrible Digging the sweet new orchestrations, but where is Hammer’s lone "WAAAAAAAAYYY!" Your phenomenal soundtrack is incomplete! :D #
- 08:14 WTF, iTunes? I just purchased the whole Dr Horrible album–why do I have to re-buy one of the tracks to make a ringtone? #
- 11:30 Flight of the Conchords to end after second season. To be expected, certainly, but still disappointing. tinyurl.com/6785r9 #
- 14:27 Re-tweeting from @boymonster: www.tighroslin.com/ So say we all! #
- 15:47 Freaking work monitor. *wiggles cord, trying to get rid of ghosts for the umphundredthtime* #
- 17:40 @fredhicks I’m afraid of getting my license renewed, because then they’ll know I exist… #
- 18:04 @boymonster Good lord Google Chrome looks sexy. #
- 18:32 @boymonster I’m going to be so despondent when I get home, though! I’m a proud Mac user, but… CHROME FAST AND PRETTY. #
- 18:43 @feliciaday I want my TabMixPlus! I need it to enable my browsing habit of 30+ tabs open at a time. #
- 23:13 There’s such a fascinating alchemy to baking. It’s so entertaining when you have to wing it. :D #
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