- 11:22 I rarely get nightmares, maybe once a year. Last night’s was something out of "Sandman"’s depiction of Hell. *shudder* #
- 11:29 @sinspired Definitely weird. *puts on Choirgirl* #
- 11:56 @xiehicks Zounds! How many people are you expecting to feed with that? #
- 12:04 Great job, McCain? I never imagined the nomination of a woman to candidacy for high office could feel so demeaning. #
- 12:58 @sadbhyl Also runner-up for Ms Alaska! That won her a scholarship, where she majored in Journalism and MINORED in Politics. So qualified! #
- 17:35 Priscilla Predicts The Headlines: Someone needs to write an article on the insanity of McCain’s VP choice titled "Beyond the Palin" #
- 18:11 Watching Palin’s speech. She pronounces it "nucular." #
- 19:08 @mkcho73 *hums "Donald Where’s Yer Troosers"* #
- 22:26 James Carville is talking about Palin’s appeal to "Pat Buchanan Republicans." Um… did you hear Pat GUSH about Obama’s speech last night? #
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