• 10:40 @Ann_Richardson How cool! Hope you had fun. #
  • 10:40 @KevinConn Are you referring to The Rebel Flesh or The Almost People? #
  • 10:53 RT @gillyperkygoth: Jurassic Dresden BABY!!! gillyperkygoth.deviantart.com/art/052411-Jurassic-Dresden-210742979 #dresdenfiles #
  • 11:03 @MatthewRasins Not sure about BBC America, but the BBC had a new episode. #
  • 11:04 @holajupiter I’ve seen video of cats who can work doorknobs. Also velociraptors. #
  • 11:17 @talktosarah I have MS Word 2008, and there’s no dialogue box in the "Compare Documents" function. You just select the file–no options. #
  • 12:32 @talktosarah Thanks for investigating! How lame that they would leave out a feature they’d already created for a previous release… #
  • 12:46 New roommate is chilling at the apartment, waiting for a delivery from Ikea. Say hi to him! His name is Jon. #
  • 15:53 This ! post about simplicity vs. complexity in composition will be super hand y to have in mind as I work on the map: bit.ly/lYwpfV #
  • 16:18 @myyrdneopia Fun fact: That art was done by Emmy Cicierega, co-creator of Potter Puppet Pals. #
  • 16:21 RT @cleolinda: Hollywood Starts to Worry as 3-D Fizzles in U.S. – NYTimes.com: nyti.ms/kKwlJF // [Martin from the Simpsons]: HA-HAW! #
  • 17:11 CallerID was Unknown, but I answered anyway. A male voice said, "Hello, Cupcake." I have traded lives with someone more interesting than me. #
  • 17:27 @boymonster You look like a "Cupcake." #
  • 18:30 @fredhicks I saw that a while back, but I’d forgotten how beautiful it is. Thanks for sharing it, so I could see it again! #
  • 18:31 @RobJDurand @boymonster Would he be strawberry kiwi flavor? #
  • 18:37 @kierabot OOOOOOH. *downloads app* #
  • 18:39 @kierabot I don’t download a lot of apps. And I haven’t seen the app advertised on the site. Maybe I’m blind? #
  • 19:40 fyeahdresdenfiles tumblr star ted a Hipster Harry Dresden meme. I couldn’t resist! bit.ly/kX1bk0 #
  • 19:48 @boymonster That would be the joke, yes. :D #
  • 20:05 @MickeydotFinn I don’t get why they couldn’t air it Memorial Day Saturday, then RE-AIR it the next week, when everyone’s in town. #
  • 21:34 @OKBJGM Livin’ the dream, Javi. Livin’ the dream. #
  • 21:57 @RobJDurand @sunshineduk The hat wasn’t an error. It was a deliberate decision by the publicity ! team. Still, #voteNoOnHatsForHDCosplayers #
  • 22:41 @myyrdneopia You okay, man? #
  • 22:45 Is it wrong that whenever I see reference to a "crazy bearded man," I automatically think "Pat Rothfuss"? bit.ly/mAOWSM #
  • 22:51 @myyrdneopia Is it Tuesday yet? #

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