- 00:08 Oh, WOW. Just rediscovered @mightykatemusic’s "Carry On." MUSICAL PERFECTION. I want to immerse myself in this song. amzn.to/mM7PX6 #
- 12:29 @kaz1544 Thank you! Send an email to priscellie (at) gmail.com, and I’ll give you a shipping quote. #
- 17:09 I love it when childhood friends see the pictures of me in my Molly outfits on Facebook and think I look like that normally. #
- 17:29 @contraducktory Normally, I look like a 67-year-old Albanian man. #
- 17:38 @contraducktory I get that a lot. #
- 19:06 Yes: gregtron.tumblr.com/post/5669607571/im-a-bit-too-late-to-the-party-here-but-theres #
- 22:13 RT @OKBJGM: praying that "rule 34" doesn’t apply to "the middleman." // You *did* see that music video @nataliemorales and Brit Morgan made? #
- 23:40 I have broken @longshotauthor’s brain! Yesss! Sweet, sweet revenge for all the times he’s broken mine! #
- 23:50 @seananmcguire! *epic hugs* #
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