• 00:50 It is still my @ksmccarthy24’s birthday in some parts of the world, so I am merely the world’s 3rd most wretched friend! Hope it was LOVELY! #
  • 07:32 @stellamortis @julie_butcher I lived in Dallas 18 years, and I only encountered ONE house with a basement. #
  • 09:49 Nooo, I left my towel at home! What kind of hitchhiker am I? #towelday #
  • 10:52 Tested xkcd.com/903/ ‘s Wikipedia trivia on "Jim Butcher." It took 16 steps, but it worked! #
  • 11:22 Haha, YES! Wikipedia "first link" surfing f! rom "velociraptor" went into a loop! Take that, XKCD! xkcd.com/903/ #
  • 11:25 Office building testing its fire alarms this morning. Permission to go home and get my noise-reducing headphones? #
  • 11:28 *ear-splitting siren goes off* Me: It’s the rapture! Everyone, hide under your desks! #
  • 11:29 @mkcho73 I get into a loop at "meaning." If that’s not a metaphor for life, I don’t know what is. #
  • 11:51 @mkcho73 Very very. #
  • 12:48 Holy cow. They let us know TODAY we’ll have M emorial Day off. Usually they wait utnil 6pm the day before! #
  • 12:48 This is the most advance notice we’ve gotten for a holiday EVER! #
  • 13:53 What did @Za_Lord do to piss off Titania? nyti.ms/inWEqr #
  • 15:19 Lunch! twitpic.com/52g6cp #
  • 15:56 Hullo clouds hullo sky twitpic.com/52gjix #
  • 16:50 Preorder a Codex Alera map poster signed by @longshotauthor (Jim Butcher) and @priscellie, the illustrator! priscellie.com/store/ #
  • 22:20 Thanks to Alera Map virtual signing participants, I just made my 9, 10, & 11th Kiva loans! bit.ly/lkWxZI priscellie.com/store/ #
  • 22:36 @slky75 @longshotauthor The map for the Codex Alera books, you mean? Yup, that’s me! #
  • 23:40 @Esperacchius Because you choose to listen to people who hurt your self-esteem, rather than contribute to a healthy body image? #
  • 23:41 …Did my roommate’s guest break my chair and not tel! l me about it? #
  • 23:43 @tara_oshea One can never have enough blood spatter stock. It’s like, the rules of feminism. #
  • 23:52 @Esperacchius I meant "rather than listening to people who contribute to a healthy body image." Your jerk coworker isn’t helping. #

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