- 00:17 @spodalicious *laughs* Drunk Lisa is a fun Lisa! #
- 00:45 @Julie_Butcher @ShannonKButcher @longshotauthor You survived the Rapture! No getting injured by an Act of God allowed! #
- 10:42 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! Looks like @longshotauthor’s signing tour is coming to New York! bit.ly/kN1qcY Brb, scheming schemes. #
- 11:25 Man, the Tribeca B&N is going to be a MOB SCENE. Not a lot of seating. When will B&N learn that popular genre authors need Union Square? #
- 11:28 @SheckyX The two generally do tend to go together, yes. #
- 11:32 @SheckyX Wonder if I can ask Penguin to save some for us, or if that would be a tremendous misuse of my power. :D #
- 11:35 @SheckyX And plus… we’ve seen Jim many times. We’ve had cupcakes with him. I’m cool with standing at the back, letting others see. #
- 12:01 RT @terryandrob: At last! A Nebula Award! bit.ly/kpF7yE Thank you one and all. // Congratulations! It’s a much-deserved win! #
- 12:! 07 @JaneEspenson Wo ah! I had no idea you’d written for GoT! Now I’m even MORE excited about tonight’s episode! #
- 12:08 @Dark_Puck He’s reportedly coming to McLean, VA, on August 1st. Still not terribly close to you, I know, but at least it’s the right state? #
- 12:35 VERY TERRIBLE // RT @smuu: Wonder Woman Live Action "Shorts" Look bit.ly/jFRbuT via @comicvine #
- 14:39 WOW. Finally watched "The Black Swan." What an EXTRAORDINARY film! Glad I saw it on DVD rather than in theatres, though. Yikes. :D #
- 14:48 New Mika Merrylark! Thomas is amused! and Harry is raccoon-eyed and clueless about Luccio: bit.ly/k9klij #
- 22:08 Back from a lovely dinner w/ @seananmguire and a bunch of awesome folks, most of whom were new to me. We talked about parasites and knives! #
- 22:18 @fourteenacross Her name was trending earlier, so it’s gotta be super fabulous! Link if you find pictures! #
- 22:21 @fourteenacross Fierce! #
- 22:25 @holajupiter What does "Duarte" mean, btw? #
- 22:29 @fredhicks That @byharryconnolly is both a FANTASTIC FREAKING WRITER and a classy dude. He deserves all the world’s bookmoneys. #
- 22:32 @holajupiter Sweet! The next time I go through Duarte Square in NYC, I will know who it is named for! #
- 22:35 Random cool thing: On the way to dinner, I got on the same bus as @seananmcguire! NYC is ridiculous big, but it can also be so small. #
- 22:37 @anglophile80 Yeah, but there are a LOT of different means of transportation that could get me there, and the bus came every 9 minutes. #
- 22:38 @anglophile80 And she could’ve been coming from anywhere in or out of the city. #
- 22:42 @seananmcguire AIEEEEEEE! ::grabs knife defensively:: #
- 22:43 @anglophile80 I award you these points! #
- 22:56 How to Manipulate Your Body to Wake the Hell Up (via @Lifehacker) t.co/3AfmItc #
- 23:07 @gwpfarker It doesn’t work for those of us who refuse to drink it. :D #
- 23:16 @ gwpfarker I have fewer siblings, fewer piercings, far more boring hair, and an entire bathroom to myself, but I do feel a definite kinship! #
- 23:23 @holajupiter Utah also has Mormon thrift stores with Animorphs books! And the Graduationsaurus! #
- 23:24 @destroythemeek Thorki? Sounds… dorky. #
- 23:25 @gwpfarker My ears were pierced. Now they’re not. Number of piercings: essentially zero. :D #
- 23:29 @pjerky @! longshotauthor Chapter 2 of Ghost Story will be posted June 21st. Full schedule here: bit.ly/hUV3yC #
- 23:31 @gwpfarker Sorry, I have way too many commitments right now already. Try asking for a beta/feedback on the fan work section of the forum. #
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