What does it say about me that I like Kate more now that she’s actually murdered somebody? It takes away the whole irritating “poor me, I cannot tell my friends the truth, even though I didn’t really do anything wrong!” vibe. Her actions make so much more sense now!
As for shirtless!Jin, YOWZA. Now I know why Sun was so eager to get off Sawyer duty! I feel much better about my powers of observation–shirtless!Jin was going on while I was still watching basketball on UPN and willing it to become Veronica Mars. I didn’t turn the TV to ABC until the second act, when Kate was talking to her mother in the diner.
Meanwhile, WAH. The internet needs a new convention for spoilers. The day after episodes air, we need distinctions between “spoilers for last night’s episode” and “spoilers for future episodes.” I just clicked on a link and saw something about next week’s Veronica Mars episode that I didn’t want to see. Woe!