I think I may accidentally have been spoiled for something that happens in the Lost finale. If so: PLEASE DEAR GOD NO, LET NO HARM COME TO (INSERT CHARACTER’S NAME HERE)!!!

Here’s hoping I’m just mistaken.

In other news, my laptop hates me. I keep putting off a much-needed upgrade of my memory and RAM because I’m half convinced I should just bite the bullet and get a new computer. Aaargh, Jimmy. Did I doom you by naming you after a fictional character that is endearingly stupid? (If so, maybe I should have named my iPod “Illyria” after all. There’s something refreshingly robust about a God-King. And I could have gotten her a blue case, and then the nice men in white coats could have come by and offered me free room and board in a nice, soft room and a lovely wardrobe of “huggy coats”.)


Good Lord school needs to be over.