US and UK covers released for HP6! If the kids’ UK cover is any indication, it looks like Harry and Dumbledore are going to be prodding buttock and taking names. Or maybe they will be burned at the stake for witchcraft and Book 7 will be called Hermione Granger and the Useless Pile of Ashes that Until Recently Were Humanity’s Only Hope for Defeating the Ultimate Evil; Thanks A Lot, You Bigoted Fundamentalist Puritan Jerks. Actually, I would really like to see that happen. Anyway, if the US edition is any indication, we definitely haven’t seen the last of the pensieve.
I don’t know how I feel about the new US cover. I miss the cover style of the first four books that were absolutely riddled with clues as to what we could expect in the book. I remember when the cover art for GoF came out. The fandom went nuts for months, arguing over the identities of those three people on the cover with Harry. And that was just the tip of the iceberg. The covers for OotP and HBP are pretty, but devoid of all the “Haha, I’ve seen the plot outline and generally know what’s going to happen and YOU HAVEN’T, so I’ll leave all these clues to torment you!” charm of MGP’s earlier covers. Sigh.