- 00:08:22: RT @holajupiter: Aaahhhh Black Swan was like Fight Club for ballerinas!! #aaaahhhhh
- 00:18:33: I guess I’ve put off packing long enough. Onwards!
- 01:33:36: @jimsissy That was eerie. Your tweet popped up as Sweeney Todd’s Toby sang “Bake me a pie/To delight my eye.” #psychiciTunes
- 01:36:51: RT @loresjoberg: “Upon completing the drawing the patient starts laughing, then becomes startled by something on the floor.” http://bit. …
- 01:38:44: RT @barrydeutsch: @schweizercomics draws a Community/The Avengers mashup. Awesome! http://tinyurl.com/2fv2c63
- 01:48:38: Started browsing the Community/Avengers illustrator’s blog. Found this: http://bit.ly/e6y7zY What are you trying to tell me, Universe?
- 10:09:35: This morning, I have punched a taxi and been greeted by a pair of cute, barefoot, Mormon boys. What will happen next?
- 11:21:31: Re: taxi punching, the driver instructed me to do so. The trunk was stuck, so I slammed the bottom of my fists down on it. Like a boss!
- 12:35:06: Ooh, Neko Case will be at B&N Union Square at 7pm on Feb 24th: http://store-locator.barnesandnoble.com/event/69980
- 12:48:16: Rebel Alliance fighter crashes at Dallas airfield http://t.co/pq6x04J via @io9
- 14:23:52: Time-lapse video of the Lunar Eclipse http://t.co/tXg6XCw via @io9
- 19:20:29: About to board my flight back to Dallas! Mmm, home!
- 23:43:05: Pilot playing @viennateng’s “Harbor” over the PA as we pull into the gate. Good taste!
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