From Twitter 10-25-2010

  • 00:26:27: @myyrdneopia I dig the addition of the Dresden drink menu. :D
  • 00:28:38: @myyrdneopia You shouuuuuld. Great stuff! They’re replaying it a bunch of times over the next few weeks. Shouldn’t be hard to catch!
  • 00:33:41: @mightykatemusic I saw Muse play MSG a few months ago. What an amazing experience!
  • 00:36:33: @Uilos Is Badger your nemesis? Because that would be awesome.
  • 00:38:46: Oh yeah, it’s Sunday night. I have to go to work tomorrow. I should probably go to sleep now, eh?
  • 00:39:08: You done good, weekend. You done good. I could get used to this “free time” thing.
  • 07:18:51: This photo does not do justice to how eye-searingly pinky-orange the sky is.
  • 07:20:25: @beachkid Tell Customer Service. They might honor the discount. It’s Zappos, they have the best customer service ever!
  • 07:21:46: RT @wootshirt: $10.00 : The Rent Is Too Damn High
  • 10:42:45: Some twit absconded with my bottle of Grade B Maple Syrup at work, but a coworker randomly gave me an awesome t-shirt! Guess we’re even?
  • 20:36:20: RT @MickeydotFinn: BBC’s most excellent modern adaptation of #Sherlock is viewable online for free at :
  • 20:39:03: @fredhicks Dammit, Fred, every time I think Evie can’t possibly get any cuter you school me with a line like that. *hearts*
  • 20:46:55: RT @dresdenfiles: In honor of Harry D’s Oct 31 birthday, we’re knocking 10% off all DFRPG products on our webstore this week: http://j.m
  • 20:53:16: @maureenjohnson Just remember: When you’re in that apartment, DON’T BLINK.
  • 20:54:52: RT @Techland: Not A Joke, Not An Imaginary Story: Zombie Jesus | by @graemem
  • 20:59:19: RT @Dark_Puck: RT: @BreakingNews: World largest solar energy project, set for southern California, is approved by feds – latimes http:// …
  • 21:09:59: RT @JaneEspenson: With slightly different link: “It Gets Better WHEN??” (via @gocheeksgo)
  • 23:11:30: Finished Pratchett’s “I Shall Wear Midnight,” which was a delight.
  • 23:11:54: I always feel morose when I finish a new Discworld book, afraid it’ll be the last. Gotta enjoy life–and books–while we’ve got them.
  • 23:13:03: @BrandonSandrson *jaw drops* You need one of those Jeffersonian writing duplicators, so you can sign multiple books at once.
  • 23:15:36: Tomorrow: SIDE JOBS hits stores, @longshotauthor has a birthday, and a massive windstorm slams Chicago. Coincidence?
  • 23:16:30: @myyrdneopia Just wait until you get to Nicodemus. Marsters’ reading gives me freaking CHILLS. #SmFaudio
  • 23:17:53: @RobJDurand How glorious is Marsters’ read of Thomas in GP? He changed the voice for later books, which is tragic. Sounds like Michael, feh.
  • 23:27:59: @fourteenacross Oh, man. A hopeful swarm of positive thoughts is winging her way. Love to you, her, and your dad!
  • 23:36:22: My apartment is stupidly hot. Gotta call the super tomorrow and get the thermostat cranked down. It’s a waste of energy.

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