- 14:11:21: I believe I have sneezed every oxygen molecule on this planet.
- 14:20:00: @jimsissy YAY!
- 19:07:23: To the Post Office! *zooms heroically*
- 21:39:16: @jimsissy I’m watching! Squee!
- 22:06:20: Kurt Elizabeth Hummel? BAHAHAHAHA.
- 22:09:34: @RobJDurand Happy to help!
- 22:44:43: RT @myyrdneopia: @priscellie That reminds me, I need to get the “Dresden Runway” vid up. // Can Thomas be Nina Garcia?
- 22:51:16: Finally betaing chapter posted on the 7th. I must be the laziest minion ever. :D
- 22:53:07: @myyrdneopia Exactly! Shame on us!
- 22:53:41: @Dark_Puck Thomas is offended by your sloppy hem.
- 23:01:22: @myyrdneopia It was like “If you give a mouse a cookie.” If you let Shecky and Sue come to lunch with Jim, you should invite Craig. (…)
- 23:01:57: @myyrdneopia (…) If you invite Craig, you should invite Matt. If you invite Matt, you should invite Gilly. (…)
- 23:02:50: @myyrdneopia (…) Then you should invite Garrett, PG, OE, Blaze, and Michael. And seeing as how the Fan Dinner was originally going (…)
- 23:03:01: @myyrdneopia (…) to be like 20 people tops, I didn’t want to turn “brunch with P, Jim, and Ellie” into a surprise circus. :D
- 23:09:09: @Thrythlind I live in New York. If someone wanted to do a fan dinner in SA, I wouldn’t be involved.
- 23:40:22: @sinspired *boggles* I am so sorry! “Amara” was written on my card! I wish you’d spoken up during the parade.
- 23:41:44: @sinspired *looks up Rivus Mara* *laughs really hard* Oh, your costume was perfect!
- 23:42:37: @Esperacchius Ask Garrett. I think he’s YouTubing it.
- 23:42:58: RT @myyrdneopia: The trivia from the @JimAtNYCC10 Fan Dinner! http://www.jimbutcheronline.com/bb/index.php/topic,15899.msg943442.html#ms …
- 23:45:35: @Esperacchius Sweet! Your crowning moment of awesome deserves to be propagated through the internet!
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