Woo-hoo! Just got an email back from the director.
I am so sorry that you read the unexpurgated version of “Trojan Women”. I completely agree that some of the language and imagery go far beyond what I would want or expect undergraduate performers to deal with. I intend to cut most of the very explicit sexual imagery, especially from Andromache’s scene. And if there is any material you feel uncomfortable saying, I will certainly honor your feelings in the matter. I am thrilled that you are going to be part of our porduction, and so please reassure your family and friends that, while the subject of “Trojan Women” is indeed dark and deals very honestly with the horrific treatment of women during and after a war, it is not our intention to simply shock for the sake of shocking. If yoiu would like to talk in person about this, I would be happy to. Let me know. Otherwise, you will be getting an edited script and first rehearsal notiification very soon. Welcome to Theatre Arts!
Jim Schlatter