EEEP! How could I have not posted about this? I remember writing the entry… Blogger must have eaten it somehow. Anyway, here’s my belated GUSH GUSH GUSH over the fantabulously rockin’ picture of Percy that Maggie left in the guest house for me to find when she went back home. *heartheartheartheartheart*
It bears the caption “Not evil. Just better than everyone else.”
Meanwhile, as my dad and I drove back from dinner, he referred to my car as “Baby.” Now, when I first got my car, I referred to it as “my baby” because, well, it was. But I said that I didn’t want the name to stick, and that I would come up with a better name eventually. Of course, I never did. But tonight, as he had read my post where I dreamed that he was Aragorn, I said that he was more than welcome to drive my car while I was at school, as “the King of Gondor deserves better than that ancient Cadillac.” At that, a potential name sprang instantly into my head. Brego, Aragorn’s horse? Of course, as my car is an evil, gas-guzzling SUV, my mind next went to the environmentally unfriendly Saruman, who, after all, has “a mind of metal and wheels.” This amused me far too much in its appropriateness, but as my car is my symbol of freedom in Dallas (and my friends’ freedom, the moochers XD), “Saruman” is a bit too evil for my tastes. Mmm, I shall continue to ponder. Maybe something will leap out at me when I’m reading the book…