- 00:01:44: @ironicsegue May they find peace in their next life.
- 08:10:22: @paulandstorm I let the dogs out. #midnightconfessions
- 08:13:04: RT @SeanNittner: Actual Play Report – Lockdown: Johnny Marcone arrested! http://seannittner.livejournal.com/108126.html #dfrpg #goodomenscon
- 08:19:09: RT @byharryconnolly: The only things I can do with both hands at once is eat and type. This vid is pretty cool. http://www.youtube.com/ …
- 09:54:08: Dear Gmail, Shape up! I have work to do! Love, P
- 10:29:14: A testament to how scatterbrained and busy I’ve been lately: I just sent back three unwatched Netflix DVDs I’ve had since June. 2009.
- 10:30:30: I’ve used Netflix streaming quite a bit, so it’s not like I’ve been *completely* pouring my money down the drain. Just partly. Still lame.
- 12:07:00: @AnneSowards I love the magic systems in @BrandonSandrson’s MISTBORN and WARBREAKER. Can’t wait for THE WAY OF KINGS.
- 12:47:31: RT @Jamie1km: This just demonstrates the brilliance of corporate suits who work in entertainment. These guys are freaking geniuses! http …
- 12:49:12: @ShannonKButcher Congrats. You and Jim did good. :D
- 17:17:21: @PeterAhlstrom *shrugs* Writers improve and editors’ tastes change. Doesn’t mean she wouldn’t enjoy his books today.
- 18:35:22: I have listened to @viennateng and @highceilings’ lovely IN THE CREASES approx. eleventy billion times today. My headphones are a TARDIS.
- 21:57:23: @seananmcguire Definitely one!
- 23:09:27: One week left to sign up for the #AleraFicathon! Lots of great folks already–gonna be a fantastic year. Join: http://bit.ly/aleraficathon
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