From Twitter 08-15-2010

  • 07:48:16: @kierabot Ah, there you are! You’re on the list. And I’ll be there, but I imagine I’ll be too frantically busy to make much conversation.
  • 12:09:08: @ryanroyce I’m not going to Dragon*Con, alas. If folks are interested, someone else is going to have to organize it.
  • 12:17:36: In a trifling 2 1/2 days, the Jim Butcher Fan Dinner at NYCC has SOLD OUT!
  • 12:19:24: If you missed out, you may still be able to come! We’ll auction off the last few tickets later on. Follow @JimAtNYCC10 to stay informed!
  • 12:21:29: @boymonster *hides menu, featuring Cracktheorist Tartare and Shipper Flambée* No.
  • 12:42:15: @myyrdneopia @boymonster Dude, @SheckyX INVENTED the Flambée.
  • 12:47:38: @Esperacchius The room accommodates 100, but I don’t want to cram in any more than 70. I’m at 61 now, plus a slew of Maybes.
  • 12:51:20: @sue_sue4 Just click the “in reply to…” text at the bottom of each tweet, and it’ll open a new column-thing that has the reply chain.
  • 12:54:47: @sue_sue4 I adore Tweetdeck! It’s the perfect tool for a deranged multitasker like me. :D
  • 12:58:18: @sue_sue4 Mouseover the person’s user icon, and it’ll give you four clickable icons. Upper left is “Reply to ___”. Click that.
  • 13:00:21: @sue_sue4 Woohoo! Tweet, Sue, Tweet!
  • 13:04:33: Holy sock tanline, Batman!
  • 13:14:02: RT @WhiteCollarUSA: Don’t forget – the @BurnNotice_USA / White Collar Flip-Flop Marathon is tomorrow from 11AM to 11PM!
  • 13:20:18: @ActuallyNPH What thrilling news! Congratulations to both of you!
  • 14:35:16: RT @Techland: Jon Stewart Gets His Own Star Wars Action Figure | by @thepeterha
  • 14:50:37: I’m trying to replicate the look of exposed kevlar for a costume. Nylon webbing, you think?
  • 14:53:17: RT @CHRISVOSS: Give a person a fish, you feed them for a day. Teach ’em to use Twitter, they won’t bother you for weeks.
  • 15:10:54: RT @cleolinda: Because I know you guys like Icelandic epics: the Tattúínárdœlasaga of Lúkr Anakinsson
  • 15:14:26: RT @sinspired: Our friend @robwillb reviews Scott Pilgrim –
  • 15:16:25: @sinspired OH. I’M STUPID. You said Naked City, but my brain read Side Jobs. No, sorry, no word! Last estimate I heard was Winter ’11.
  • 15:23:13: @sinspired *looks at To Do list* *wibbles* *adds to the bottom*
  • 17:35:40: Seriously, no one makes nylon or polypropylene webbing in yellow wider than 2″?
  • 17:36:05: Found it in black at 4″, but bulletholes and blood show up so much better on yellow. #pleasedontarrestmeimjustacosplayer
  • 17:37:31: @Uilos I wonder what it would cost to get a zip car? Because I definitely want to go, too.
  • 17:40:02: @sinspired — You can buy by the foot, which is ideal for my plans. The stuff I chose is 60 cents/ft.
  • 17:50:19: @AnnLarimer *sings* “With my shrink ray I will shrink… this muffin…”
  • 22:45:25: Dyed the dark blue under-layer of the Molly wig! May have been a bit too conservative, but best to not go far enough than too far.
  • 22:46:18: I’ll let the dye set overnight, wash it out in the morning, and evaluate it tomorrow night. I can do another dye pass later, if necessary.
  • 22:49:06: @KevinConn BRILLIANCE. I would pay to see that movie!
  • 22:56:26: Man, my Molly coat is so freaking cute on me. It’s going to be painful to make it look like it’s been in a war zone.
  • 22:57:24: I guess it’s Easy Come, Easy Go. I found it in a thrift store for fifteen bucks. There will be other coats in my life!
  • 22:57:54: @anglophile80 YAY! Please don’t die!

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