- 00:00:20: Scott Pilgrim + great company + 43 tickets sold in 23 hours = best Friday the 13th ever!
- 00:03:10: TWENTY TICKETS REMAIN for the NYCC Jim Butcher Fan Dinner! I expect us to sell out this weekend. Act fast: http://bit.ly/jimnycc10
- 08:01:31: RT @ShannonKButcher: RT @KnightAgency: Great article on @ShannonKButcher & Jim Butcher – Local couple lives, loves, writes together – …
- 08:23:18: @kierabot Will you be in New York then? If so, get a ticket, woman! :D
- 08:33:29: Heading out to do an 18-mile walk! I wonder if the NYCC Jim Butcher Fan Dinner will be sold out by the time I return? 13 tickets left!
- 08:52:56: I’m $67 shy of $2500 & I’m walking 18mi today. If 4 people gave $18, I’d be there! Can you help Save the Boobs? http://bit.ly/priscillaWalks
- 09:48:54: Mile 1/18, World Financial Center Plaza http://twitpic.com/2enope
- 09:52:08: @OliviationLee Yes, Jim will be there! And dinner is included in ticket price. Hurry–11 tix remain!
- 09:59:15: Mile 2/18 http://twitpic.com/2enrvm
- 10:25:24: Mile 3/18! http://twitpic.com/2eo0ar
- 10:53:45: @sinspired 11 tix still available. Have they bought theirs yet? Should I hold a few for them? How many?
- 10:57:07: Skate park at mile 4/18! http://twitpic.com/2eoapx
- 11:14:07: @sinspired Yup, the money went through! They’re in.
- 11:19:32: Mile 5/18, the Intrepid http://twitpic.com/2eoi2t
- 11:42:47: Mile 6/18, the Spider-Man looking thing! http://twitpic.com/2eopzz
- 12:46:38: Mile 7/18! We stopped for lunch. :D http://twitpic.com/2epbkr
- 13:18:48: Mile 8/18! http://twitpic.com/2epm9v
- 13:39:44: @sue_sue4 Nope, can’t. I’ll eat on my own.
- 13:43:13: Nine miles! Halfway there! http://twitpic.com/2epu3f
- 14:06:01: Mile 10/18 http://twitpic.com/2eq1hp
- 14:28:42: Mile 11/18 http://twitpic.com/2eq8tb
- 14:49:49: Mile 12/18! 2/3 done! http://twitpic.com/2eqfj3
- 14:51:04: @Asselberghs I’m walking 18 miles today and tweeting a photo for each mile.
- 15:27:56: Mile 13 of 18 http://twitpic.com/2eqrn1
- 15:52:51: Mile 14 of 18! http://twitpic.com/2eqzdf
- 16:11:34: @boymonster Thanks, I think?
- 16:45:26: WTF. A woman just SPIT at me and yelled “Get out of here,” and her companion threw a nut or something at me for NO DISCERNABLE REASON.
- 16:47:33: Hoboes poking me, spitting at me, yelling, throwing stuff… Did I eat babies in a past life? Did I stumble into “Neverwhere”?
- 16:50:08: 16 miles http://twitpic.com/2erhii
- 16:51:58: Think I could persuade @hodgman to perform some kind of hobo exorcism on me?
- 17:00:34: 17 miles! http://twitpic.com/2erks8
- 17:25:01: EIGHTEEN MILES! Destination: Grimaldi’s Pizzeria! http://twitpic.com/2ersi2
- 18:22:42: @kierabot Very nearly! We’ve sold 55, and I’m selling 5 more. I have a number of maybes on the line, and I don’t want to go past 70.
- 18:23:48: 5 tickets left for the Jim Butcher Fan Dinner at NYCC! Grab yours before they’re gone: http://jim-butcher.com/pics/fanDinnerNYCC10.html
- 18:36:41: Devoured pizza at a speed that put The Za Guard to shame, showered, and updated ticket tallys. Now off to join Sue at the planetarium!
- 18:37:12: No rest for the wicked. :D
- 20:22:39: LeFrak this theater! http://twitpic.com/2etem0
- 22:31:27: @kierabot Did you purchase your ticket? Are you the person with the initials “K.G.” with a gmail address?
- 22:52:37: @sinspired Plenty of words. What word did you have in mind?
- 23:00:27: @sinspired SIDE JOBS hits bookstores October 26th! You can grab it from the site store or your favourite brick and mortar.
- 23:04:36: @sinspired I would assume so.
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