• 09:54 All the sleep are belong to me! #
  • 10:55 Arg. I bought one thing from @GrouponChicago, and now I get daily emails from them. How do I unsubscribe there but stay on @GrouponNYC? #
  • 11:47 BETA ALL THE THINGS! #
  • 11:49 RT @Featherweight_ Photoset: Harry Dresden Puppet From The Dresden Files t.co/KIr2yixl // I choked on my smoothie. Brilliance! #
  • 12:06 Whenever I see the panel in FM #1 where Harry is so much taller than Murphy his head is cropped off, I do a little dance of squee. #shiiiiip #
  • 12:10 @kellhound They are so ridiculously mismatched and all the more awesome because of it. #
  • 12:18 BABY ALPHAS. I want to PINCH ALL THE CHEEKS. #FoolMoonGNReread #
  • 12:50 I love Chase Conley’s Clooneyish Marcone. Such intensity! #FoolMoonGNReread #
  • 12:51 I am so amused that the flashback to MacFinn’s ancestor and Saint Patrick has a green tint to it. #FoolMoonGNReread #
  • 12:56 Man, I love that you can see Jim was planning the CHANGES reveal about Harry’s mom way back in FM. Sneaky sneaky. #FoolMoonGNReread #
  • 13:12 I need to temporarily silence all the dining deal emails I get daily. They’re torturous while I’m on my cleanse! #
  • 13:26 In G+, the default for posting to a circle is that it annoyingly notifies everyone that a post has been made. How do you disable that? #
  • 14:03 Issue 4 of @longshotauthor’s FOOL MOON graphic novel is expected to hit comics stores October 5th! Find one near you at ComicShopLocator.com #
  • 14:08 RT @DalaiLama: His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s statement on the issue of his reincarnation t.co/4c6zH834 // Unbearably sad. #
  • < em>14:40 Brilliant: t.co/fpakHOGe #
  • 14:52 Sesame Street spoofs Glee: t.co/6JQopJXd This is exactly what my workday was like yesterday. #
  • 16:30 I loathe Time Warner’s bandwidth throttling with the passion of a thousand angry suns. I am getting DIAL UP speeds. #
  • 16:57 30-minute writing sprint! Go! #
  • 18:53 @GrouponChicago Ah, thanks! Now sorted! #
  • 19:04 High-tech underground park in NYC? t.co/gxGmCnc6 #
  • 19:11 Last meal before my Week Of Sadness, in which I can only eat fruits, vegetables, and rice. Gonna try a new organic place near my apartment! #
  • 19:20 @Julie_Butcher El will be the belle of the ball! #
  • 19:53 Amazed at how many retweets @BlogtorWho’s "#Stormageddon translates as ‘fallen silence’ in Greek" is getting. My skeptic-sense is tingling. #
  • 19:57 @antonstrout Remind me to get a restraining order should I ever breed. :D #
  • 19:59 @byharryconnolly Congrats! I think? #
  • 20:00 @byharryconnolly Some of my coworkers have done the Master Cleanse. Brutal. At least they didn’t have to deal with culinary indecision! #
  • 20:30 Dear Whoever Placed The Text In This Promo, CLASSY. Love, Me t.co/tvv1KGNz #
  • 21:46 Pop-up ad asked me to identify a celebrity by a photo of her ass. All of planet Earth, you are On Notice. #
  • 21:53 @Julie_Butcher She looks l ovely! #
  • 22:11 4 of 5 stars to The Magician King by Lev Grossman t.co/0mQE5zsp #
  • 22:48 I just remembered all the amazingness of SDCC and had to get off the couch and do a spastic little dance to adequately express my squee. #
  • 22:49 5 of 5 stars to One Salt Sea by Seanan McGuire t.co/Za6lMCqh #
  • 23:10 @SheckyX Oh, I squeed plenty while I was there! This was a squee-aftershock. #
  • 23:15 @She ckyX Yeah. It would not be as pretty or clean as Canada. #
  • 23:36 @SheckyX Just so. :D #
  • 23:53 @SheckyX I was thinking Miles Vorcelliegan. #

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