Ripping pages from Sam and Brenna’s books: GOALS FOR THE NEW SCHOOL YEAR

  1. Stay Good

  2. Work a great deal on MAA. Study up on the songwriting course.

  3. Start looking for a collaborator for MAA that can read music and do orchestrations and such. And to bring my to my senses if necessary.

  4. Write home, so that parents don’t start calling me every hour (again).

  5. Get along with Roommate; convert her to Evil.

  6. Get involved in some of the older DMD students’ projects

  7. Stop grousing that the Penn Six-5000 is an all-male group and be content with trying out for the also incredibly cool “Off the Beat.”

  8. Find someone of equal or greater HP fanatacism I can talk IRL to.

  9. Do not become depressed that you are no longer a big fish in a small pond theatre-wise. Realize that you are competing for roles with people who intend on making a livelihood on theatre. You are small now, accept and move on.

  10. Avoid the Freshman Fifteen: Exercise and become devastatingly attractive. Become femme fatale.