From Twitter 08-08-2010

  • 01:02:05: @myyrdneopia You don’t need to. I’m hoping to sell posters at NYCC. :D
  • 12:47:52: Slept a delicious 10 hours! And I calculated that last night, I walked 3.2 miles, bringing yesterday’s total to 12.7 + 3.2 = 15.9 miles!
  • 13:13:16: Ooh! The @BigGayIceCream truck is at the Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market today. Should I hit it before today’s 7-miler? Signs point to HECK YES.
  • 13:13:59: @myyrdneopia Guess everyone on the boards knows who plays Molly now. :D Fixed!
  • 13:40:13: Painted on a photo of my CHANGES Molly wig to solidify my dye/makeup intentions. Wonder if I have enough time to do the green pass today?
  • 13:47:54: Considering dark blue eye makeup and lipstick instead of black Molly’s aesthetic feels more punk than goth to me. She likes color too much!
  • 13:53:25: <3!!! @holyjupiter donated $20 to the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer! Thanks for helping Save the Boobs, Renata!
  • 13:54:08: Yesterday, I walked 15+ miles to train for October’s NYC Avon Walk! Can you donate $15 to fight breast cancer?
  • 13:58:23: @holajupiter *sporfle* Freudian typo! The ancient Romans would be pleased.
  • 14:01:25: I meant @holajupiter, not @holyjupiter. I was momentarily possessed by an ancient Roman. Head full of Roman stuff. It’s very distracting.
  • 15:08:37: @fredhicks I love Killer Bunnies! Hope you at least have fun. :D
  • 15:37:24: Mile 1/7!
  • 16:07:52: @Esperacchius This is for Molly’s CHANGES outfit, not PG. SplatterCon!!! stays black. She’s mellowed a bit since then. :D
  • 16:09:17: RT @spodalicious: Mission Accomplished!!! And we are last in line for @biggayicecream!! Phew!!
  • 16:43:17: Mile 2/7!
  • 17:06:23: Mile 3/7, the back of the Javitz Center, which shall in two months' time play host to Molly, Georgia Mason, a
  • 17:21:44: I totally shouldve stolen @spodalicious’ crackberry when she tripped and tweeted mean stuff. “Hi, I’m Lisa, and ah eat mah boogers!”
  • 18:13:24: We cut the walk short after 5 miles, as Lisa tripped and banged her knee. Now sushi and “Oh Brother Where Art Thou” chez @spodalicious!
  • 22:06:18: RT @Cumberholmes: My coat’s back from the cleaners! And I’m on telly tonight! And I found a sachet of coke in my pants drawer!Everything …
  • 23:24:58: @holajupiter Zappos must have some kind of cookie thing. It always shows me ads for clothes I investigate for work.
  • 23:27:47: RT @litdreamer: Proof that an uneducated populace is still the biggest threat to the freedoms inherent in a democracy:
  • 23:52:42: @fourteenacross I laughed so hard at that picture, you have no idea. Only my roommate knows. She’d better not squawk.

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