- 08:33:24: Yeesh. iMovie is so much more limited than I imagined. Demo reel ambitions shrinking. I’ve been spoiled by AfterEffects.
- 09:45:38: A Red-Letter Day: It’s #WhiteCollar Night!
- 13:42:33: @AnneSowards Does your job work without internet?!
- 13:46:18: RT @Harkaway: RT @UnlikelyWorlds: ‘squid’s sexual agitation caught the researchers by surprise.’ http://bit.ly/adRyMS (NSFW if you’re a …
- 14:19:31: This Craigslist ad is amazing: http://consumerist.com/2010/07/magic-pleasure-bed-only-300.html
- 15:03:15: Most amazing calendar ever: http://tomandlorenzo2.blogspot.com/2010/07/betty-white-calendar.html I want it for the office.
- 15:32:42: Glee! Just got my shipment notification from @subpress for Pat Rothfuss’ “The Princess and Mr. Whiffle”! Will it arrive before Comic Con?
- 15:51:32: I laughed so hard at this scene from Airbender, I was near tears. This is so fantastically BAD. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwccNqklC_k&
- 16:04:32: I can’t wait for the Airbender rifftrax. Seriously, that scene has the acting and script quality of a junior high film class project.
- 16:04:54: Woah! Check out these jaw-droppingly gorgeous Firefly 12″ custom figures. http://bit.ly/ahXJGF
- 16:18:09: @aj_hofacre Make sure you use Twitter’s “Reply” function. It’s tough to tell what tweet you’re responding to without it.
- 16:23:42: @aj_hofacre Oh, gotcha! I should’ve spotted the “via txt” tag. :D
- 16:52:25: RT @spodalicious: RT @NathanFillion: Literacy, equality, an end to genocide, double rainbows. Yes? @TheHPAlliance will make it happen. h …
- 16:53:09: RT @welovecult: College Students: Amazon is offering a free 1 year subscription to Amazon Prime (Free 2 day shipping!) http://amzn.to/d0EPDB
- 16:53:13: RT @welovecult: Note: All you really need is a valid .edu email address
- 16:56:06: Uni Professor working on nanotech found dead in his lab. http://j.mp/bDK7eK The nanozombie apocalypse begins in BOSTON.
- 17:27:26: @psychwrites Any lady writers? I’m looking for roommates. :D
- 17:30:11: RT @DoctorLongscarf: Cutesy Sci-Fi Twitter Avatars: http://tinyurl.com/yk6yc9r
- 17:35:25: RT @DoctorLongscarf: Moses The First Waterbender #Avatar http://twitpic.com/24sj5b
- 18:47:03: @WhiteCollarUSA If anyone got higher than the @WCwriters score of 14 http://ow.ly/2aulN, feel free to brag. You’re awesome! //14! Demi-Brag?
- 19:36:37: The @OldSpice Man Your Man Could Smell Like is answering tweets with personalized videos. This ad campaign is brilliant!
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