- 00:06:09: @ShannonKButcher Take whatever time you need. We’ll be here.
- 00:25:09: @boymonster Vituperation! Veneration! Vacation! Variation! Vexation!
- 12:31:11: Huzzah! // RT @AnneSowards The Ace / Roc summer sampler–we will have lots of them at #1117. #SDCC10 http://twitpic.com/218kwp
- 12:40:52: Have I finally cajoled @longshotauthor into watching The Middleman? My plan is sheer elegance in its simplicity!
- 13:40:10: This invention will change the world forever: http://bit.ly/9CLFDt (via @rekjackson)
- 15:32:04: JOY! Editors love my essay! I’m gonna be published, bay-beeeeee!
- 16:57:13: Dear Coworkers, I recognize you feel your asset needs are important, but when I’m juggling six jobs, everyone saying “ASAP” loses meaning.
- 17:52:57: Hello, Ladies. The Man Your Man Could Smell Like returns: http://bit.ly/9GrMvm Original was funnier, but this is still a delight!
- 18:53:54: COVET my friend Aparna’s gorgeous, droolworthy Fall Collection pieces! http://www.istylelist.com/index.php/designers?cat=82
- 19:59:12: Whew, done! I have accomplished the work of THREE employees! I AM MIGHTY!
- 21:02:27: This is AWESOME: Someone charted the timey-wimey in the #DoctorWho season finale. http://flic.kr/p/8eiJri (via @DoctorLongscarf)
- 21:08:25: @fredhicks I’ll try to remember to retweet it when the finale airs in America. It’s not to be missed. :D
- 21:33:30: @longshotauthor Remember the Crowning Moments of Awesome page! The rest of us adored “Changes.” If he didn’t, it’s his loss.
- 22:22:12: @longshotauthor Go and write, and may the love of nine thousand twitter followers go with you!
- 22:33:27: Hey, @longshotauthor! Imagine that moronic Amazon review being read by this guy: http://is.gd/d9qOX
- 22:44:52: @feliciaday Where’s Tim Gunn in the Iron Man suit when you need him?
- 22:54:46: RT @jbkuma: Best organization announcement ever: RT @woot Woot’s CEO speaks out about the Amazon acquisition… kind of: http://j.mp/ckni1o
- 23:18:40: @Uilos We <3 Paco Tolson! What’s he up to these days?
- 23:20:16: RT @cleolinda: RT @Movieline: Elena Kagan Grilled on Critical Judicial Matter of Edward vs. Jacob http://bit.ly/cSnMRA
- 23:23:02: @throughthebrush This calls for the Gilligan’s Island Hamlet Musical! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JQ8yF04y9o
- 23:32:42: RT @PassionAndSoul: Icelandic prime minister marries same-sex partner on day that Iceland legalizes same-sex marriage http://bit.ly/c2be3i
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