spockmonkey4: ooh! You got American Gods! Good book! *squees*

queekie99: yeah!

spockmonkey4: *dances happily*

queekie99: i just finished the part where the prostitute.. um.. does.. y’know what… with that dude.

spockmonkey4: so you’ve finished Neverwhere? *has the memory of a goldfish*

queekie99: Poor dude.

queekie99: Yes.

spockmonkey4: yes.

queekie99: it was v. peculiar.

spockmonkey4: v.

queekie99: Gaiman has an interesting sex life, I suppose.

spockmonkey4: *snorks*

queekie99: Or wishes he had.

spockmonkey4: *dies* I love you, Alicey.