Quote of the Day:
(playing “Boys for Pele” in the Photography lab)
Becky: Is this Christian rock?
Me: No, it’s Tori Amos.
Photography was quite interesting. I’ve been wanting to try to print on mylar for quite some time, so over the past week, I sprayed the mylar so that it would accept the Liquid Light (a paint-on emulsion) and painted it. Today, I had time to print. I used a high-contrast transparency of a photo of a religious icon, and went through the motions. However, in the developer bath, I noticed that the mylar wasn’t taking to the process as well as it had originally seemed. It marred quite easily — anything innocently brushing against it would wipe emulsion away from the page. I decided not to give up, as if all else failed, I would still have some excellent PS grunge brush fodder. The first large image came out rather well, and due to my deliberately sloppy brushwork, the shoddiness looked intended. Go me.
For the second large image (I only painted two large pieces and two index-card pieces for test strips), I decided to combine the transparency with a negative of another religious statue. This one was a complete mess, due to the fickle nature of Liquid Light, but I might figure out something to do with it in Studio Art. Lovely grunge. ::grins:: Yayfun. I’ll scan n’ show when I first get the chance. Maybe tonight I’ll scan the negatives.