7-3-02, 6:12 PM

Heeey, no entries yesterday! What’s up with that? I suppose I had better answer for myself and tell you what I was doing, eh? Improving in art, certainly. Looking at the scribble sketches I drew today, I was impressed at the direction I’m going. It’s not really reflecting in my cartoony fanart drawings yet, but hopefully it will by the end of the term. I’ve been compiling a list of scenes/characters/etc I want to draw.

In addition to the standard 6 hours of class per day, yesterday I went with some of my fellow Marltonites (that sounds wrong…) on the Staten Island Ferry, where we got a nice sunset view of Manhattan. There was a lunatic woman on the boat that kept yelling at an older woman (with a walking stick) for (mistakenly) stealing her seat. She was yelling for about 15 minutes straight, mainly along the lines of “act your age, or give me one of your babies”. My friends and I were really amused.

Friends? Yes! Friends! These come in the form of Eddie, a guy from San Antonio, who is also in my Drawing and Painting class; Ryan, a guy from Norway; Christa, one of the R.A.s; Kelley, a guy I met at the Ice Cream party; and a wide cast of great people whose names I’ve forgotten. Wow, my memory is awful. Not on the Ferry Ride were Ian, Eddie’s roommate, and Erica, an Invader Zim fan I often run into before and after classes.

Meanwhile, I’m wishing that I had tried out for “Kiss Me, Kate”, as knowing the lyrics to “Too Darn Hot” would be really convenient. Yes, I’m from Texas. I know heat, but New York heat is different from Dallas heat. In Dallas, we have air conditioning, and we drive everywhere in air conditioned cars. In New York, I have no air conditioning in my room (God bless my fan! I put it together last night, finally), and we either walk everywhere in the blazing sun or ride in the baking subways. Gravy. I’m going to have to do laundry tomorrow, as I find myself needing to change my shirt when I get back from afternoon classes. Yuck.

As I’m meeting Eddie for dinner in seven minutes, I’d like to quickly say that Tanja, I’m incredibly sorry, but the anniversary card is going to be late. I don’t have much time to CG, and I still have quite a ways to go. Alicey and Mon can tell you how nifty it’s going to be. Until then, many hearts and schnoogles! The same goes for PDM Britt and Brenna. As I have no scanner access, your birthday presents will come after I get home. Quite possibly I’ll have a song for you, Brenna! Or more! Hurrah!