From Twitter 04-20-2010

  • 01:06:25: RT @Pogue: Next iPhone model found in a bar. Gizomodo concludes it’s the real deal (so do I)–squared off, front camera, ^ more: http:/ …
  • 01:07:49: @Asselberghs Woohoo! Good luck!
  • 01:12:59: Oooh, Tennant’s “Hamlet” was filmed! Definitely worth a gander:
  • 01:14:02: @MickeydotFinn My mom has that blender! She swears by it.
  • 01:20:44: RT @ebertchicago: Remember Sarah Palin’s bulls-eyes? She didn’t hit any of them with her PAC money.
  • 01:31:11: RT @smartpopbooks: Recipe for edible #Dexter-style blood slides:
  • 08:14:30: @Esperacchius It’s a tech prototype. I expect the external look will change. This doesn’t look streamlined enough to be a Mac product. :D
  • 08:16:30: RT @neilhimself: According to New Scientist, this could go on for the next 60 years: #volcanogod
  • 08:16:42: RT @neilhimself: According to the BBC, even when the long haul planes start flying, they won’t be in the right place or crewed: http://b …
  • 09:33:29: D’oh! Alexander McCall Smith is signing at B&N tonight. I didn’t bring my Avon bear! I need to get back in the habit of always carrying it.
  • 09:44:54: Other upcoming B&N events: Gene Wilder 4/28 (Lincoln Tri), and deciding btw Dave Barry (Lincoln Tri) and Charlaine Harris (Union Sq) 5/4.
  • 09:50:51: Have I mentioned recently that I love living in New York?
  • 10:21:43: Don’t mess with Texas textbooks! (via @CREDOmobile) Pls RT
  • 10:49:01: @rickosborneorg Lord, no! I believe @longshotauthor’s current estimate is 22ish.
  • 10:56:48: @PantheonBooks Thanks so much for the heads-up! I hope he’s able to reschedule at a later date, when the volcano gods are appeased. :D
  • 14:10:09: RT @BooksForBoobs: Fight breast cancer! Bid on books signed by favorite authors in sci-fi, fantasy, romance, and TV:
  • 14:10:13: RT @BooksForBoobs: Bid on thrilling autographed romance novels by @ShannonKButcher and help save the boobs! http:/ …
  • 14:10:17: RT @BooksForBoobs: Fight breast cancer and travel to extraordinary worlds with autographed fantasy novels: http:// …
  • 14:10:45: RT @BooksForBoobs: Fight breast cancer and travel to extraordinary worlds with autographed fantasy novels: http:// …
  • 14:10:48: RT @BooksForBoobs: Bid on autographed novels from urban fantasy favorites and save the boobs!
  • 14:10:51: RT @BooksForBoobs: New York’s KGB Fantastic Fiction authors help fight cancer with autographed novels and anthologies: ht …
  • 14:10:54: RT @BooksForBoobs: Save the boobs with your favorite TV personalities from Project Runway and The Daily Show: http …
  • 14:15:40: Mediterranean salad, Tuscan white bean soup with escarole, and tea. Well played, Priscilla.
  • 15:07:38: Today, I am a human pinball. Without warning, my computer was taken away so its motherboard could be replaced. Now I’m on the 3rd floor.
  • 15:10:14: The window near me faces the fire escape. They hung a camouflage blanket over it for reasons unknown. I tied it back with my sweater. Light!
  • 15:26:04: @seananmcguire I believe @neilhimself evaluated certain volumes of Sandman by their ability to concuss a burglar. You’re in good company.
  • 15:43:36: @utilitygeek An extra life, you mean? People have been telling me to get a life for ages!
  • 16:28:47: @McCallSmith Bad luck! Hope to meet you your next time through New York.
  • 17:43:16: @Uilos *eyes 8k+ tweets* *slides down in her chair*
  • 17:53:45: RT @fredhicks: RT @dresdenfiles: New blog post: Designer’s Corner: Feeling the Pain
  • 20:10:37: @OKBJGM In Ida’s honor, the Wendy Trifecta Unstoppability at SDCC decided the group noun for “Wendy” was “a hophead.”
  • 20:30:55: RT @tara_oshea: I laughed, I cried, I fell down, it changed my life, the end. (Doctor Who spoilers through “The End of Time”) http://yo …
  • 20:41:37: @Uilos Oy!
  • 22:13:17: @viennateng Congratulations! WOOHOO!
  • 23:04:57: @Uilos Yeah, but I live in the East Village! Kinda. The part of the East Village that doesn’t think it is. :D No hipsters where I live!
  • 23:13:21: @ksmccarthy24 “Castle” is now Daphne’s favourite show. :D
  • 23:14:16: @SheckyX The Sauntum of Quolace! Oh, that song’s going to be stuck in my head all night…
  • 23:17:57: RT @Islandwoo: Thru 4/25. Buy one Jamba Juice, get one free as the company turns 20 years old thx @pulsejfk

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