- 07:28:08: @fredhicks There is so much cute going on I don’t know what to do with myself! Can’t wait to see her next month!
- 07:35:36: @SheckyX *look of horror*
- 08:24:12: RT @dresdenfiles: Incredible first-day response to the preorder (and it’s not over yet) — 240+ copies of Your Story, 230+ of Our World …
- 08:24:36: @spodalicious They represent the Wolf, the Ram, and the Smelly Cat.
- 08:28:23: @stephanieyee I know it’s only 8:28am, but “Disney Princess Half-Marathon” is the best phrase I have heard all day.
- 08:28:49: @ksmccarthy24 Ooh, discussing where?
- 12:34:50: There was a riot in Times Square yesterday, and no one is tweeting about it? Interweb fail. http://bit.ly/9FfxPU
- 14:38:50: RT @ce_murphy: oh, what a cool photo! http://xrl.us/bhfmrt
- 14:38:55: RT @laughingsquid: with new Scrabble iPad app, players use iPhones as their tile racks http://bit.ly/c4rFnw
- 14:44:49: @Harkaway Ooh! Does your new book have a release date yet? Looks like I chose the perfect time to discover TGAW.
- 15:55:24: Man, 20 hours until the floodgates open and fans can discuss “Changes” on Jim’s forum! Can’t wait to see the fan response.
- 16:21:03: Dear 3D industry, a-TRIB-ute is a verb. AT-rib-ute is a noun. Love, Me.
- 18:49:27: @Harkaway *shakes fist at an uncaring sky* Yay on the blogging front, though. I laughed out loud at the Hellbrat story and his comeuppance!
- 18:51:57: RT @jonathancoulton: Dudes, design my new tshirt and win $250 in merch at Topatoco. Deadline is April 8: http://bit.ly/cHAb5B
- 19:05:31: D’oh! No OT tonight, so I was looking forward to getting some sewing done. But alas, Mood closes at 7, and I have no thread!
- 19:19:02: @Harkaway Heh, yup! I help run Jim’s website and serve as a beta. Not sure if you’ve read Codex Alera, but I illustrated the map in #6. :D
- 19:34:46: @Harkaway I welcome such demands! I’m sure I will likewise pepper you with questions when I finish TGAW.
- 20:54:42: @Harkaway Naturally! Some settings resist mapping. Some writing styles, too.
- 20:54:51: @Harkaway TGAW’s structure takes the reader on lots of tiny little journeys along a greater arc. A map would kill the whimsy.
- 22:06:24: *sporfle* Castle has the “Heat Wave” cover as Beckett’s profile picture on his iPhone? Glad I’m not the only one who does stuff like that.
- 22:07:06: “Avenue of the Americas,” #Castle writers? Only tourists call it that. It’s 6th Avenue.
- 23:29:26: @rdonoghue A writer I follow on Twitter recced it (don’t remember who), then I looked it up on Amazon and saw Jim blurbed it. Purchased!
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