I’m having way too much fun with the Internet Angram Server. Thanks for the link, Tanja. ::snickets merrily:: This is why I love Blogspotting!
Random stuff:
Priscellie = Lice Perils, Ice Spiller, Relic Piles. (“Lice Perils” would make a fabulous horror movie)
Abe Lincoln = A Libel Conn
Hockaday Jets = “Shy? Date a Jock!” (personal favourite)
Procrastination Ills = “Priscilla is ant or not”
Sam Vimes = Eva Simms
Captain Carrot = Tropicana Cart (does he share my love of orange juice?)
Delphine Angua = “Egad! Eh… a lip nun!”, Egad Alpine Hun, A Hanged Lupine. Or “Egad! Inhale Pun!”
Fred Colon = Condor Elf, Cloned For, Clef Donor. (am I the only one seriously amused by “Condor Elf”?)
Esme Weatherwax = Extreme Awe Wash
Magrat Garlick = Calm ragtag irk
Frodo Baggins = bas of ring god
Legolas Greenleaf = Real Glee: Snog a elf (personal favourite)
Aragorn: let of kin = for not a real king
My Teachers:
Norman Dumaine = Mr. Noun: a maiden? (my English teacher)
Richard Taylor = Charity or Lard (my physics teacher)
Richard Dubsky = “Kids Cry: Rah Dub!” (my calculus teacher. We occasionally call him Senor Dub)
Gwen Johnson = New song John (my history teacher)
Pete Lohstreter = Trestletree Hop, Pet to Shelterer, To Repel Tethers (my MME teacher & advisor)
Rod Blaydes = Dr. Soy Blade (Hockaday drama director)
Linda Felice = “Nice Flailed” or “Fille can die” (Jesuit Drama Director — this could be interpreted badly. Let’s keep this in the context that she’s a great actress, and she could do a death scene quite well!).
Online Stuff:
Espresso Ferrets = Represses forest
Cult of Lincoln = Occult Fill Non
Sannali Matheson = I’m non-Athena lass, Athena: Man is Loss, “No, a thin salesman”.
Swussian Tanja = Satan in U.S. jaws (personal favourite)
Ann Larimer = Inner Alarm, Mineral RNA
Kell Yarwood = Lewdly a Rook, A World Yokel
Rebecca Grabman = A Rare Cab: NBC gem