- 00:13:49: @ksmccarthy24 I wrote them when you were on your class trip in Germany. :D
- 00:21:46: @ksmccarthy24 Yup! Well, one was written earlier, when I was in Texas and you were in Denmark. The 2nd was just prior to foot-breakage.
- 00:36:11: RT @sandeepparikh: URGENT (not a joke): A friend of mine Andrew Koenig has been missing since 2/14 in Vancouver. PLS RT link http://bit. …
- 00:50:53: @mightykatemusic It was a pleasure! Thank you for all you’ve given us. Your music and heart are an inspiration.
- 00:55:06: @spodalicious Methinks you’ve had a bit much to drink tonight. :D
- 12:10:16: @OKBJGM You are totally about to burst into song with that dog. Probably something about the joys of the letter “J.”
- 12:14:42: RT @sampotts: Saddest photo of the day: N. Korea at night. http://bit.ly/aRyRQd via C Hitchens http://www.slate.com/id/2243112
- 12:20:08: RT @flyosity: Obama has caught more Taliban leaders in 1 month than Bush did in 6 years. Who’s soft on terror now? http://idek.net/14dn
- 12:26:40: @ShannonKButcher You and @LongshotAuthor are too cute for words! Which is saying a lot, considering how many words you two generate. :D
- 12:35:02: @bomburjo Ooh, this is my first exposure to Joanna Newsom. I love her sound! Will definitely have to pick up her new album on Tuesday.
- 12:43:39: RT @smuu: Bizarre photo trends: Minature brides http://tackyweddings.com/2009/07/24/japans-newest-wedding-trend-minature-brides/ So weii …
- 12:44:25: @ShannonKButcher *gently flexes a vocabulary bicep*
- 23:58:38: RT @longshotauthor: @heykvb Backup, Backup…. Uh. @Priscellie? //Between Small Favor and Turn Coat. http://jim-butcher.com/dresden/short/
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