And we’re back to lows again. I’ve been working quite a long time the past two days on the main page layout for, as Heidi told me to put the final together. Then of course, Flourish (who was originally supposed to be in charge) bursts in and assumes all responsibility again. All my work has been in vain. I’ve spent ages searching font websites for PC-friendly versions of Silkscreen and Apple Chancery, the Mac-only fonts Flourish used in the original design. When my search is fruitless, I searched the net for a font converter that could make Mac fonts into PC fonts. The cheapest one was about $30. Forget it. So, I eventually found a font that vuagely resembled Silkscreen, which I used, then I reconstructed Apple Chancery pixel by pixel from scratch. God help me. Then I spent most of this morning on the new design (which looks great), only to have the entire thing taken away from me. Sometimes I really hate being a part of group projects. I’m honored to be on the staff of Fiction Alley and Artistic Alley, but I feel almost like a pawn. Arg. I wonder if Flourish has Photoshop. I could send her what I’ve done so far. ::frowls and stalks off::