I went to see Planet of the Apes with Chad. I wore my awesome Percy is God and Boba Fett shirt. Surprisingly, Chad didn’t ask what on Hoth it meant. Oh well. Anyway, while not the greatest film in history, PotA was at least entertaining. Of course, there was the occasional plot hole so big you could pilot the Oberon through. And predictable. Ye gods. But the special effects were groovy, at least. The makeup was fabulous. I just wish the characters were more believeable. Tim Roth’s character (Thad or Thame or summat) wasn’t frightening, he was obnoxious. And the girl (did she even have a name?) was downright irritating. Evidently the writers didn’t want an ape to get the guy. ::wrinkles nose:: Oh well. It was fun to get to hang out with Chad. We talked a bit about Harry Potter — I especially loved the classic reference to “Hermany” (like Germany, but with an H). It’s always so amusing to find out how people pronounce Hermione’s name. I thought it was HER-mee-own.
Is that all I have to say? I think so. ::blinks:: I’m tired. I’m waiting for a pizza to arrive, as I’m too lazy to go out and get some food and I didn’t eat before we left. Well, I ate massive quantities of cantaloupe, but I don’t think that counts. Bah.