We went to London again yesterday! Quite nifty! Because we were again confined to a small area that we had already explored, I sat down with two friends and played with the Shakespearean magnetic poetry on the table at Starbucks as they waited for their henna tattoos to dry (a natural skin dye that lasts 3 weeks. It doesn’t appeal to me, though). Very amusing. Then we walked around for a bit, (I tried to gather a group to go to Westminster Abbey so that we could take the Abbey Road picture, but no luck) then went to Planet Hollywood for dinner. Afterwards, we met the group and headed to the theatre for Peggy Sue Got Married, which was quite nifty. There was this incredibly amusing science nerd guy, who instantly became a hero to some of the geekier girls, myself included. He sang this hilarious song about the love lives of a bunch of famous scientists. I thought it was quite amusing. Lots of physics jokes.

This morning, I got to go on an adventure with three other girls when the bus for Scientific Discoveries left without us. We talked to the counsellors in T2,

and they told us that we should wait to see if the bus came back (fat chance — it’s always leaving people). We bumped into Philip, the assistant-teacher, who made fun of us and suggested that we just have free time instead. However, today was the day to visit the Sanger Centre, the Genome research labratories, and I didn’t want to pass up that opportunity. One of the girls flagged down a taxi and we took a trip to the centre in style! We ended up only being about 10 minutes late into the lecture, so we didn’t miss the tour. I was disappointed that I didn’t get to hear the entire lecture, though. Oh well. We got our grades, and I got a B. I looked around and saw that most people around me got a B-, so I felt pretty good about myself.

During the evil morning meeting, Anna (our group leader) gave me an oddly-shaped, bulky envelope. I completely spazzed out when I saw that it was from Tanja. Inside was a glorious, joyous letter, including a picture of Bob the G-E-V and Procent H-V, our original characters. She also gave me this odd spray-candy stuff. Quite nifty.

In Hitchcock, we watched snippets of The Birds, Marnie, The Man Who Knew Too Much, The Lodger, and even a bit of Grease, to cleanse our minds of “Peggy Sue Got Married”, which Mr. Patterson didn’t particularly like. Quite enjoyable! And I got an A+ in the course, too. Muahaha.

This afternoon, I picked up two more Discworld books for my various forms of transportation tomorrow. Yuck. Also, I updated my Elfwood gallery and started a Fanart gallery. ::mwashes:: Of course, it will be a while before the updates take place, but keep an eye out.

I think that’s it. Neer. ::blinks:: Yo.